Status: completed

Always A Day Too Late


Thursday after school me, Rhian, Jimmy, Taylor and Matt all sat there talking about plans for the weekend.

“LynnZ your one year is Saturday right?” Taylor asks me.

“Oh yea.” I said trying to sound excited.

“We should have a party on Saturday night!” Rhian chimes in.

“When do you guys have band practice?” Taylor looks at Matt.

“Today and Sunday so that should work, we should all go to the beach tomorrow after school, so I can see you in that bikini.” Matt grins at her.

“Yea and then we can have a bon fire!” I say, which sounded more exciting than the party Saturday night.

“Sounds like a plan, I’ll get the alcohol for both nights.” Jimmy states.

“Oh thank you Jim-bo!” I laugh

“Hey guys I gotta get ready for work.” I say running upstairs.

Rhian’s POV

When LynnZ went upstairs we all just sat there for a minute. I looked at Jimmy

“Your getting a bikini to wear tomorrow night right?” Jimmy says grinning.

“Of course and you get to help me pick it out.” I kiss him feeling his lips on mine still sent shivers through my body.

“Rhian did I tell you what happened with Johnny and LynnZ on Tuesday?!” Taylor asked me sounding excited.

“No?” Jimmy and Matt start talking about the band not really caring. I laugh at them

“Well we all decided to go shopping for bikini’s, and LynnZ asked Johnny to come with us. And when we came out he couldn’t stop staring at her...oh yea and the guys were trying on girl’s clothes.” She grinned. Me and Jimmy started laughing.

“We were not, we were just looking to see what would look hot on you guys.” Matt stated trying to sound manly. Him and Jimmy started talking again.

“Well anywho” she says still laughing

“Niki told us that her mom was cooking, and we all said we were gonna go except for LynnZ then Johnny piped up and said he would stay with her, it was cute, I wish she would just dump that tard and see what is standing right in front of her!”

“Aww that is so cute. I know, I feel bad for him. A part of me wants to tell him to let her go., but I know she would feel the same way if Joe wasn’t around” I went to say something but we heard LynnZ coming down the stairs.

“Bye guys see you later!” She yelled running out the door.

“Lets watch some TV.” Matt said flipping channels. Jimmy put his arm around me and I snuggled up to him, I seen Taylor doing the same. About an hour after watching god knows what Johnny walked through the door and sat on the chair.

“Where’s LynnZ?” He asked happily

“She’s working short shit, outta luck.” Jimmy laughs at him. He looked disappointed

“Lets go visit her at work, I gotta go to the mall to buy a bikini anyways.” I laugh as Jimmy looks excited. Johnny looks excited too

“Ok sounds good.” We all got up to go

LynnZ’s POV

I’d been at work for like two hours and it was a slow day so I was bored as hell.

“I’m going in the back for about half an hour can you handle it out here?” Tamica asked me. I laugh

“Ugh yea since there’s so many people out here, but yea go back I’ll call you if I need anything.” She walked to the back. I was straightening shelves about 10 minutes later when I heard a crash and then laughing. I slapped my forehead and didn’t even turn around

“Jim-bo why is it that every time you come here you break something?” I laugh and turn around to see Jimmy, Rhian, Taylor, Matt, Johnny, and a broken vase on the floor with little bottles of lotion all around.

“LynnZ what was that?” I hear in my ear

“Nothing Tamica someone accidentally broke a vase I’ll damage it out.” I say back in the headset

“Ask them if they want to try the cherry blossom lotion.” she tells me. I roll my eyes and look at them. I put a fake smile on my face

“Would you like to try our Cherry Blossom lotion today?” Rhian and Taylor pretend to be excited and try some.

“Jimmy you have to try some now because you broke something...and you have to buy something.” I laugh and he tries to run away and I chase him. They look around as I pick up the broken vase. Johnny bends down

“Here let me help you.”

“Thanks.” I smile at him. Rhian walks over

“Hey LynnZ, we’re ready, we still gotta go buy a bikini for tomorrow and the guys got band practice tonight." I rang them up and waved bye as they left. I really wanted to go home, I didn’t want to miss practice tonight. For some strange reason I couldn’t quite figure out I wanted to be around Johnny all the time. I know I shouldn’t because of Joe, but he made me feel good, like Joe never did.


The guys were getting the food, wood, and drinks for the beach tonight and the girls were all at the house to get ready. I looked at all of them to see what they were wearing as we talked about who was staying where tonight. I was wearing the bikini I bought, so was Niki and Taylor, the dress I bought with Johnny and purple wedge sandals. I had my up in a pony tail with my bangs down and my glasses and didn’t bother doing my make up because I knew we would be going swimming later. I looked around seeing no one did theirs. Rhian had her hair up in a ponytail too, the red bikini she bought with Jimmy, a short black spaghetti strap dress and red flip flops. Niki had her hair down, a mini skirt, a tight red Metallica t-shirt and black chucks. Taylor had her hair down, a pair of tight jeans, a black Misfits t-shirt and blue chucks. Then Tam had on a green bikini, her hair down, a green tube top, jean capri's, and green flip flops.

“So who is staying where tonight?” I ask randomly

“LynnZ, are you serious? We’ve just been talking about it for the past 10 minutes.” Tam laughed at me.

“Aha sorry.” I laugh

“I was in my own little special world.”

“Yea your special alright” Taylor smile at me.

“Since you weren’t listening you retard.” Niki says trying to look mad

“I’m going to Brian’s, Rhian to Jimmy’s, Taylor to Matt’s, Tam to Zacky’s, and you, to where ever it is you go.” they all start laughing.

“Alright then lets go.”

“SHOTGUN!” I hear them yell I laugh as I grab my keys to leave.

When we got to the beach we all ran up to hug our guys. Since Joe wasn’t here I tried running to Johnny, when I discovered it was not possible for me to run in my sandals. So I bent over took them off and threw them as far as I could than ran. Everyone was laughing at me because they were already up with the guys.

“Hey!” I pouted

“Don’t laugh, it’s the price I pay to look this good.” I winked at them. I walked up to Johnny

“Hey cutie! How are you?”

“Better now that your here.” he smiled at me.

“Aww your so sweet” I laugh hugging him.

“Lets play volleyball!” I hear Taylor yell

“No! Not unless I’m on yours and Niki’s team, I do not want to get a ball to the face!” I yell. I knew how vicious those two could be playing.

“Don’t worry LynnZ it’s girls versus boys.” Rhian laughed.

“Yay!” “Where’s stupid?” Brian asked laughing. I wasn’t going to defend him anymore.

“Oh he’s coming sometime.” They all just stopped and looked at me like I just walked on water

“What?” I laugh

“Wow sug. that’s the first time you haven’t defended him”

“Well I’m starting to get sick of his shit I guess.” I see Johnny smirk.

After about an hour of playing volleyball, of course we killed the guys, Joe showed up.

“You guys are such cheaters!” Zacky whined

“Aww baby it’s not our fault you suck.” Tam said with a serious face and started laughing running away from him as he starts to chase her.

“Hey babe.” I smile at Joe.

“Hey baby, you look funny.” He said staring at me, my smile fading

“Oh jeeze thanks you look great too. I dunno it could be because I just got done playing an hour long game of volleyball and my face is hot.” I retorted

“Hmm I dunno, hey guys!” he yelled at everyone. A couple of them waved and yelled out a “Hey” I laughed and he just looked at me.

“Lets go swimming!” Jimmy yelled running towards the water, he must already be high I laughed to myself. Everyone started stripping and running into the water. I put my arms around Joe and he leaned down to kiss me, there wasn’t a spark there anymore, it felt more like effort than anything.

“Do you like my new dress.” I asked hoping he would notice

“Yea it’s alright, but I’d rather see what’s underneath.” he grinned. I pulled my dress off so I was standing there in my new bikini

“See now you look hot!” he stared at my boobs.

“Sure.” I rolled my eyes walking away to put my glasses and my dress on the picnic table.

I ran into the water it felt so good after being out in the hot sun. We were all swimming for a while when I had an idea

“Lets play chicken!” I yelled and they all agreed with me. So us girls climbed up on the guys shoulders and Johnny was the referee because he was alone. It took about 15 minutes for anyone to get out. First Rhian took out Niki

“Ah you dumb bitch.” she laughed and her and Brian swam to the side with Johnny. Then Taylor took out Tam, who then pretended to cry and swam away. Then I took out Taylor,

“Oh what now bi otch!” I yelled as she laughed and flipped me off. It was down to me and Rhian. Everyone cheering for Rhian and Jimmy.

“Oh jeeze thanks for the support guys!” I yelled at them laughing. Finally with one last push Rhian slipped off Jimmy’s shoulders into the water.

“Oh yea! I win uh huh oh yea.” I did a dance in the water and Rhian came over and pushed me under

“You got lucky bitch!” She laughed. We all decided to get out of the water and have something to eat. Joe put his arm around me as we were walking back up. I kissed his cheek

“Thanks for the help babe.”

“No problem.” he grinned. After we all pigged out on hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pop, and whatever else we could find we decided to get dressed because it was starting to get cold. I had my mouth full of hamburger when Joe walked over to me


“Yea” I said with a mouth full of food, he rolled his eyes

“Oh that’s real attractive” I swallowed my food

“Thanks” I laugh at him

“I’m ready to go to the other party lets go” he looked at me grabbing my arm. I pulled it back

“I’m not leaving, I’m staying here with MY friends, you can go if you want to I won’t be mad, just remember party at my house tomorrow for our one year” I smile at him, and he just looks pissed off grabbing my arm again.

“Your coming with me, you don’t need to stay here with them, you can hang out with my friends for once!” he yelled Johnny looked pissed off and walked over to him, it looked a little odd since Johnny is so short and Joe is so tall.

“She said she doesn’t want to go so just leave her the fuck alone” this just made Joe more angry and he pulled on my arm harder

“Ow!” I screeched and everyone started walking over.

“Listen just because you want her to be your fucking girlfriend doesn’t mean you can tell me what to say to her. So back up before I beat the shit outta you!” he yelled, I was getting pissed

“You better think twice before doing anything to anyone, cuz by the looks of it, it’s 8 against 1 so you better leave now if you still wanna be invited to your own party tomorrow night!” Taylor screamed at him. He just stopped and looked at me still holding onto my arm.

“Fucking let me go Joe, your being a dick now I’m definitely not going with you.” I rip my arm out of his grip.

“I still want you to come tomorrow night, just go cool off with your friends before mine kick your ass.” I snap at him.

“What the fuck ever LynnZ, you need to decide who’d you want to be with soon, me or these people.” he sneered at me and turned around and walked away. If it came down to that it sure as hell wasn’t going to be him I picked.

I just stand there holding my arm and feeling utterly embarrassed.

“I’m really sorry guys, I didn’t know he was going to act like that” Matt comes over and hugs me

“Don’t be he is a fucking dick, he should’ve never grabbed you like that. Are you ok?” He lifts up my face and looks at me, I try and smile

“Yea I’m ok now go be with your girlfriend before she thinks I’m trying to steal you.” I laugh and push him away. After everyone was coming over and giving me hugs I tried to laugh it off

“I’m not broken guys! I’ll be ok.”

“We know LynnZ, we just don’t want to see you hurt.” Zacky said quietly hugging me.

“I know thank you.” I smile at them, and they all head over to the fire it was starting to get dark. I looked over at Johnny who’d had his back to us the whole time after Joe left kicking sand around, I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around

“LynnZ I’m sorry but that guy is a fucking dick he is lucky every one didn’t kick the shit outta him.” he sounded severely pissed, I saw the anger when I looked in his eyes.

“Johnny don’t be sorry, his is a dick, and there should’ve never been a reason for anyone here to be upset. It was really sweet of you to do that. Thank you.” I choke out hugging him with my back to everyone and wiping the tears out of my eyes. Nobody was going to see my cry, especially Johnny.

“Shh don’t let them hear you say that, I need to maintain my rep.” he tried sounding serious hugging me back. We must of been close enough for them to hear

“What rep! You have no rep besides being a short shit!” Brian yelled and everyone laughed including me. I pull away from Johnny who pretends to look hurt.

“Don’t worry your still a kick ass bassist!” I laugh at him. We walked back to the fire with everyone and I sat between his legs.

After about an hour everyone had been drinking, except for me and Matt because we were driving, and we were telling creepy ghost stories and urban legends. I laughed as Taylor did an impression of a creepy old guy.

“Here.” Johnny gave me his hoodie

“Thanks.” I smiled at him pulling it over my head, it smelled soooo good.

“Heys we’re going.” Zacky slurred slightly making me laugh, he lived close to the beach so they were just gonna walk.

“Be careful you two!” I yelled

“We always use protection!” Tam yelled back laughing, yea she’s drunk.

By 2 everyone except Matt, Johnny, and me were completely wasted. I started feeling sick and just wanted to go home

“Matt do you want to start packing up so we can go?”

“Yea these drunks should get home.” he laughed. When we got everything packed up Brian, Niki, and Taylor were going with Matt, and Rhian, Jimmy, and Johnny were coming with me.

“Matt tell Papa Gates I said hi and I’ll see him tomorrow if he’s still up.” I laugh as we all say our byes and they go to his car. After Brian declared that we had to all start calling him Synyster Gates we all started calling his dad Papa Gates.

“Johnny will you drive?” I ask handing him my keys. He stopped and looked at me

“You never let anyone drive.” I laugh

“I know so don’t tell anyone! I don’t feel good I don’t really wanna drive” I laugh at Rhian and Jimmy who were singing twinkle twinkle little star as we helped them in the car. After we dropped them off at Jimmy’s I looked over at Johnny

“Will you stay with me tonight? I know it’s a lot to ask but Matt’s story about the guy hiding under the bed freaked me out, I know it’s lame.” I laugh. He just looks at me

“Yea. Of course I will.” he grinned. When we got home and to my room I stop and let him go in first, he looked at me funny

“Eh, will you look under the bed?” I look at him

“And don’t tell anyone, I really do have to maintain my rep.” I laugh

“Hey I need to wash out all the salt in my hair I’ll be right back.” When I got out of the shower I put some pj’s on and walked back in the room and Johnny was laying on the floor.

“Johnny!” I laugh

“Don’t worry there is no one under the bed." he smirked at me.

“Shut up! Your not sleeping on the floor” I got into bed and he climbed in next to me and put his arm around me and then quickly moved it off of me.

“No.” I said quietly and grabbed his arm wrapping it around me again.

“Night Johnny.”

“Night.” I know I shouldn’t lead him on because I still had Joe, but after what he did today I didn’t care.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it was long but oh well.
Hope you liked it XD