Waiting to Exhale

Standing Strong in the Face of Evil

Valerie’s POV

I opened my eyes to the sunshine filling my room. I groan loudly and sit up, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I frown slightly as I notice the dull pain that shoots through my chest. It feels like I was holding my breath. I shake the feeling off and swing my legs over the side of the bed and onto the plush carpet. I soon fall into the familiar task of getting ready for school and the pain is far from my mind as I eat breakfast and start my walk to school, looking better than I felt. When I had glanced at my reflection this morning, I had noticed with dismay my pale face and the dark circles under my eyes that I could not manage to cover, no matter how hard I tried. Last night, as I lay listening to the music playing over in my head, I had chosen my path. I would not be sad this time, oh no, not like all those other boyfriends I cried for days over. This was the time to take a different approach; I would be angry.

As I reached the familiar space that was Ivy High School, I noticed something different. On a regular day, when ever I walked through the wide gates, I was instantly surrounded by friends. I was what people called “popular”. So today was a surprise when nobody came to greet me. I kept my cool, though inside I was panicking. Did the story really spread that fast? Did everybody hate me? My thoughts flew from one place to another in a jumbled mess and tears threatened to unleash from my eyes again. The tide was with held, however, as I spotted Mikey and Layla coming towards me. I gave them a shaky smile and a hug each.

“How are you?” Layla asks me, the concern evident in hers and Mikey’s eyes.

“I’m fine. I just needed some sleep, is all. I’m completely okay compared to last night,” I gave them a smile that I hope looked genuine. Mikey sighed and at once I knew they weren’t fooled one bit.

“Let’s get to class before the bell, okay?” Layla said, looking nervously over my shoulder. I raised my eyebrows. Since when does LAYLA, queen of lateness, want to get to class on time? I turn around and standing directly in front of me is the one person I wanted to avoid. I had convinced myself that he would never hold a spell over me again, my time with him had passed. But the second I looked into his warm green eyes, I felt my resolve tumble and fall to my feet.
Jay Marks, most popular boy in school, stood there awkwardly, in that position that I knew so well, the one that shouted, “I’D RATHER BE ANYWHERE BUT HERE.” His untamable blond hair lay lazily over one eye and his Abercrombie shirt snugly fit his muscular chest.
“Hey,” he said quietly.

“Hi,” my heart was beating so fast I swear it was going to jump out of my chest.

“Look, Val. I’m sorry. Truly, I am. I was drunk and beyond reason. Forgive me?” as soon as he spoke those words, my heart melted and I immediately opened my mouth to forgive him. And I would have too, except for that moment, something happened.

“Oh, JAY!” I look around, startled by the voice. I focused my attention on the petite brunette that was making her way toward us. As soon as she was close enough for me to see her, she immediately wrapped her arms around Jay’s waist and smiled coyly up at him. I felt my wall rebuild itself and this time, I made it reinforced with the hatred that I felt for the girl. My eyes narrowed, for once I was glad that my ice blue eyes looked cold, and I opened my mouth once again to speak.

“You know what, Jay? I’ve had enough of this. I know you were never drunk; you made an oath when we were 14 to fricken not drink until you were 18. Do you want me to really believe that was a one night stand with a girl you’ve never seen? How come she’s here now, huh? No, Jay. I’m sorry. I will not take you back, not now, not ever,” I finish forcefully. I watched the look of confusion pass through many stages as I spoke, finally settling on a smirk as I finished what I had to say. I stood there, waiting for him to say something. The smirk only grew bigger until; finally, he threw his head back and laughed for all he was worth. The shock was plain on my face when he finally stopped laughing.

“You think I really wanted you to take me back? Are you kidding me? The only reason I got together with you in the first place was because you were great in bed!” A small gasp escapes my lips and I feel Mikey’s hand on the back of my neck, gently squeezing, telling me to calm down before I make this situation any worse. I heed his warning and close my normally lush lips into a thin, tight line. Spinning on the heel of my flats, I turn and walk away, Layla and Mikey following. I turn away from the identical smirks on Jay’s and the girl’s faces and the stares of everyone who had witnessed the rise and fall of Valerie Conoway.

Later That Day

I dump my backpack on the marble floor and set a fast pace to my room. I was anxious to call Layla and Mikey, something about them this afternoon had seemed a little strange…


I watched Mikey stare at Layla as she fiddled with the books in her locker. Did he always stare at her like that? I couldn't be sure. Layla slammed her locker shut and turned around, Mikey breaking his gaze just in time. Still, I noticed a pink flush come to his cheeks as he realizes he was caught staring. What is with him today?

I took a bite of my apple and watched with interest as Layla showed Mikey a CD she had bought recently. Every few minutes, Layla would giggle at something Mikey said and lean a little closer to him. Whoa, back up! Did she just flutter her eyelashes?? I thought they only did that in movies! I shook my head and made a mental note to call her as soon as I got home from school.

End Memory

I grabbed the phone off of its place and dialed the familiar number. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the kitchen counter and flipped my black hair as I waited for Layla to realize the phone was ringing and pick up.
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helllooo my dears
oooh update!
thank you for the comments! (you know who you are!)
the suggestion was helpful =)
sorry this one is kinda short but give me a break, its like 11:30!
i'll update tomorrow again hopefully
all my lovelee