Waiting to Exhale

Unexpected Changes

Adrian's POV

I looked up as the girl entered the store. She looked to be about my age, medium height and fully...err...developed. She was wearing a long sleeved red top and blue low slung jeans that showed off her legs. But that wasn't what interested me. She was what people called drop dead gorgeous. I didn't originally believe someone could be pretty enough to stop traffic, now i was proven wrong by the angel standing in the door way. Angel? WTF? Where the hell did THAT come from? Get a grip on yourself, Adrian! I shook my head as if to clear it from the thoughts of the girl. You're GAY for god's sake! You have a boyfriend! Why did i feel an attraction to this girl? It was stronger than any attractions that i had for girls when i was bi. Incidentally, it was that that convinced me i was fully gay. I tried to engross myself in my book but my thoughts kept wandering back to the girl, as did my eyes. Shaking my head as i caught myself glancing at her for a third time, i renewed my effort to get into the book and was soon lost in the magical world of Harry Potter. Yes, i read Harry Potter. Do you have a problem with that? Didn't think so.

A small cough interrupted my reading and i looked up, startled. The icy blue eyes stared back at me. The girl was standing in front of me, holding an armful of stuff.

"Could you..." she began. I flushed. Way to go, Adrian. Standing and staring at her like an idiot. I quickly scanned the items in and put them in a bag.

"That will be $204.50," Jeez, who would want to spend that much money in this tiny old place. Who knows. My eyebrows lifted as she silently handed me a credit card. Wow. Spoiled much? I ran it through the machine and her fingers started drumming the counter impatiently. I glanced briefly at the name on the screen. "Valerie Conoway." Unusual name. Reminded me of the 1800's. The idea of the girl -- Valerie -- in an old fashioned low-cut, bodice dress made my eyes widen and i blushed once again while she signed the receipt and handed me back the pen. her fingers grazed mine and a jolt of electricity ran up my arm. I drew back hastily and gave her back the receipt, being careful not to touch her this time. She smiled slightly, the corners of her red lips lifting up, and left the store.

As soon as the door swung closed, i unleashed the feelings i had kept bottled up while she was in the store. The anger rushed through my body and with a yell, i hurled my Harry Potter book at the wall. Breathing heavily, i looked around for something else to vent my anger on. Something on the floor caught my eye. A cell phone. Strange. My anger evaporated as i walked over and picked it up. Looked expensive. Probably Valerie's considering the credit card and all. I opened it and was greeted by a strange picture of her reflection in three mirrors. So she's vain, i thought to myself. Great. But a closer look revealed tear tracks on her face and her eyes were filled with such a sadness that it hurt to look at her. I closed the phone with a snap but the image refused to go away. A sudden movement caused me to yelp and drop the phone. It buzzed again. I looked at the caller ID with interest. It was the name of a store a few blocks from here, Che Bella & Nido, a florist. I didn't pick up. I yelped again as it buzzed another time a few seconds later. The caller ID showed that a text message arrived. It was from the florist and i read it while pondering what to do about the cell phone. "Where are you? You have to work today, did you forget?" Interesting. So she worked in a flower shop. I’ll drop it off at the florist as soon as I get out of school tomorrow afternoon. Ugh, school. I had just moved here from Los Angeles and I was not looking forward to a day filled with jeers and taunts from the preps on my appearance. Ivy High School was going to be just the same as my old school.
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Hello my darlings!
SO SO SO sorry this one took SOOO long to write but I was being lazy and didn’t have any time to write =) I promise the next update will be tomorrow. And thank yous for the lovely comments and subscriptions!! They make my day and encourage me to write. Oh and asking who Adrian is and what importance he has to the story? All to come in the next chapter my lovelees!
All my love