Waiting to Exhale


Adrian’s POV

Valerie’s eyes widened with shock at the recognition and she flushed delicately and looked down. I, however, could feel my face getting extremely hot and I cursed myself for being so easily embarrassed. Think happy thoughts… Fortunately, the principal said a few words to the teacher after introducing me and left. The teacher was old. And I mean OLD. Why wasn’t she retired yet? She must have been 60 at least. She looked at me scornfully over her glasses. Great. She probably thinking I’m another trouble maker because of my clothes and make up. Figures. You can never really get away from those people, ya know?

“Would you care to introduce yourself?” Her voice was just as cold as her gaze. I was never a very confident person unless Matthew was beside me so when the class turned all of their attention to me, including Valerie, I felt myself blush once again.

“I’m Adrian, Adrian Lawrence. I just moved here from Seattle. My cousin owns Epiphany Clothing.” Already, I could see people giving me dirty looks and sticking their nose up in the air when they heard that my cousin owned that store. I noticed that Valerie was looking at her desk again as if it was suddenly fascinating.

“Alright, Mr. Lawrence, you can go and take a seat.” Everyone with an open desk beside them immediately moved to put their binder on it. Except for Valerie. She didn’t even look up.

“Well, it seems as if the only available space is beside Ms. Conoway.” I slowly made my way to the back of the class where she was sitting. Everyone’s eyes followed me as I walked. I didn’t notice the foot in front of me until I was already sprawled on the floor. Laughter erupted.

“Fag!” a whisper reached my ears. Ignoring it, I got up smoothly and went to my desk. As I sat down, Valerie looked up, and for the second time looked directly into my eyes.

“I’m Valerie,” she said quietly. “Ignore those jerks. They think everyone is a fag. Except for their girlfriends,” I smiled.

“I’m Adrian. Did you by any chance come into my cousin’s store yesterday?” I said. She looked puzzled.

“Actually, I did. You remember that?” I laughed.

“Not very many people go into it. You were my only customer that day.”

“Oh.” …awkward moment…Good thing Mrs. Whatever Her Name Is began to speak.

“Class, for the next few weeks you will be working with a partner to create a presentation on a section of the unit that we have been studying. It can be anything related to Italy, its culture, its art, whatever. One partner and one partner ONLY,” she said sharply to the three girls who were already whispering and giggling. I did a double take. Could their skirts BE any shorter? Speaking of clothes…I looked at Valerie out of the corner of my eye. She was wearing typical stuff from my store…stuff that I would wear. The black and pink contrasted sharply with her icy eyes and her pale skin, making her look slightly fragile. She caught me gazing and turned and smiled quickly before turning her attention back to the teacher, who was babbling on about something.

“…you have until the end of the period to find a partner and a topic. Now, go!” She collapsed at her desk with a sigh. Seems like all that talking wore her out. I turned to Valerie. She was focused on doodling something on her desk.

“Hey, do you want to be my partner?” I asked hesitantly. “I don’t think anyone else wants to go with the ‘emo fag’.” I smiled wryly and waited for her answer. Oh please let her say yes! I silently begged. Her answering smile dazzled me.

“Sure!” She said enthusiastically. My face must have held a puzzled expression. I mean, she was gorgeous, to be frank, and by the amount of jocks in this class (not to be stereotypical or anything, but I mean, come on) it would seem like they would be lining up to be her partner. She faltered slightly.

“I just don’t have many friends…” I nodded, understanding. At my old school, before I had met Matthew, I turned depressed. It’s a part of my past I don’t like to talk about. Even though I did many things during that time, I don’t regret any of them. And the thing that made me start in the first place…anyway, Matthew saved me. After that, none of my friends talked to me. I knew what she was going through.

“So what topic are we going to do?” I asked, to lighten the mood. Her eyes immediately came to life and the force of the beauty overwhelmed me. Her face had everything that someone of royal birth had strived to accomplish. High cheek bones, a delicate nose and pale skin, coupled with cold blue eyes, a small, perfect mouth and straight white teeth. She practically radiated nobility. When she smiled, however, her face came to life and she seemed almost down here with the rest of us. Still. She was just too perfect. Wait a second. What am I thinking?! Think about something else…anything else… I snapped out of it when she waved a hand in front of my face.

“Hello? Did you hear what I said?” she asked, worried.

“N-no, sorry. I must have spaced out,” Smooth, Adrian, smooth. She giggled. God, how could she be so adorable?

“Vampires!” She squealed. “I want to do VAMPIRES!”
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hiii again!!
so sorry but i couldnt update
yeah i fractured my wrist and i have a cast on so i can hardly type so this took a while
thanks to all the great subscribers and commenters!
speaking of which, i know there are more subscribers that commenters but pleeeaaaseee, would it kill you to comment one teensy bit?
oh and that clothing store? yeah it exists. just not in san diego but you never know! i didnt do that much research =]
thank yas!
enjoy! not my best, but my friends have been bugging me to do adrian again =]
all my love