Status: Slash, ***, Prostitution, Sex, Love, Drama, ***, Kidnapping, just a few of the MANY things that you will find in this story. NOT FOR THOSE WITH MORALS! ^,.,~ (Tee Hee...that was a joke...)

Spooky & Wicked

Chapter 4 His Erotic Kiss

It was like a dream come true, to have me and him as one…
Things just…they seemed RIGHT!
Like I’d never be alone…
Like time stopped…and the only two in the world were US.

Could it be too true?
Could this just be a fantasy?
If so…I hope I NEVER wake up.

“Kern…do you remember how we met?” I said, smiling a little.
“Yah…we were at the mall. You were looking at some gages…and I was looking at a new lip ring…” Kern said.
“Yah,” I giggled, “that’s it. And I came around the blocks…and there you were.” I smiled.
“Your face turned peach…then pink…then a med-burnt red. I thought it was precious, and I gave you a hug.” Kern said.
“If it had been anyone else, I probably would’ve decked you…but it WAS you” I laughed.

It was true, though. If it had been ANYONE else…I would’ve decked them. But, it was Kern…my beautiful Kern.
We had spent the rest of the day at the mall together. We toured through Hot Topic, Spencer, Nirvana, J.C. Penney, and a bunch of other stores. It was fun…and then we hit the candy shops.
It was like listening to Candy Land, Innocent High, and I Heart Hello Kitty (all by Blood on the Dance Floor) over and over again, with him.

Everything felt so right with him but, to the other people around who saw us, it was oh-so-WRONG!
And, you know what? That’s EXACTLY how we prefer it!
By the time we had to leave the mall, we had more than we knew what to do with…and that’s not even including what we had already put in the car!
We headed for his house, since the only ones there were his siblings. He has three sisters and one brother…so that’s pretty much it.
It wasn’t as awkward as you may think…