Status: Slowly Active

Save Me From This Nightmare

Three years ago twelve humans were captured for scientific purposes. They were taken to an undisclosed location where scientists performed many experiments to create a new race of super humans. Each of the twelve humans had a specific alteration done to them so they could have extraordinary abilities. However, the experiments weren’t told of the shady practices the scientists had been performing. They weren’t told what happened to the failed experiments or that the government was after the testing lab for doing these experiments without their permission.

One day there was an explosion at the testing lab. Seven of the humans managed to escape while five were either missing or died in the explosion. The seven who survived remained as a group. They have no idea where they are and suddenly these weird creatures were everywhere. They are still getting used to all the experiments performed on them and coping with the fact that some of their loved ones are gone.

I do not own anyone in Avenged Sevenfold or the Berry brothers. Any other character is from my imagination.