I Can't Be Happy Without You Around

The Birthday

“ Please Zacky,” I begged for like the millionth time.

“You know,” he smirked, “This is really turning me on.”

“I’ll do it if you tell me,” I offered, he laughed at me.

“Alright I’ll give you one of your presents,” he said standing of and fixing his tie. I jumped up off the bed excitedly.

“Wait one you mean there is more than one?” I asked in somewhat disbelief. He gave me a ‘duh’ look before walking out of the room. I was tempted to follow, but I stayed.

Tonight was my 18 birthday, and my huge party. Me and Zacky had spent the whole day getting ready. I was so excited. I watched as Zacky walked back in with a big wrapped box in his hands. I sat eagerly and he slowly handed me the box.

I quickly ripped it open.

“You know your officially an adult now, so you should act like it,” he pointed out. I snorted looking at him smiling.

“Come on do you really think that is…Oh my god,’ I stuttered looking at the item inside the box. I pulled out the beautiful green guitar, that I had wanted.

“So you like it?” he asked as if he thought that I wouldn’t.

“Are you kidding babe I love it thank you so much,” I said in disbelief. I gave him a peck on the lips. He stood up.

“Well that’s the first one I have an even better present later,” He said. I smiled at how amazing my boyfriend was.

Sure we fought sometime, mostly involving our age difference, but we always made up, and at that moment I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

“Oh your are so going to get lucky tonight,” I said as he fumbled with his watch. He looked up at me suspiciously, looking back at his watch.

“You know we don’t have to be there for another hour,” he pointed out.

I gave him a dirty smirk knowing this was the start of an amazing night.

I danced around with all my friends as a song blared through the loudspeaker. We were in a huge room in an awesome club, and we had been dancing and drinking for the last few hours. Each of the guys gave me there gifts, and I loved all of them.

I was at the point where the fact that my dad wasn’t there didn’t faze me. Sure a card would have been nice, but whatever, forgive and forget I guess.

“This party is amazing,” my friend Danny gushed. I nodded happily.

“Speaking of amazing,” Jenn said. I looked at her not understanding until Zacky wrapped his arms around me.

“Happy birthday babe,” he said smiling.

“I love you,” I answered.

“Good, so are you ready for your other present/” he asked slyly. I nodded extremely curios as to what the hell he got me. “Come on,” he said grabbing my hand and winking at Jenn as we left. I knew they wre up to something.

He pulled me onto the stage that a band had played on an hour ago. The crowd went silent and I became increasingly confused.

“Alex Sanders I give you,” he said into the microphone he had managed to get. He took a small black box out his pocket. He handed it to me and I opened it slightly nervous. I gasped seeing a huge diamond ring sitting in it.

The crowd was silent at this point. I looked up away from the ring to ask Zacky if he realized what the ring was, but he wasn’t there.

I looked down seeing him on one knee.

“Oh my lord,” I whispered.

“Alex baby, I love you so much, and I know there are probably a million reasons why we shouldn’t be together, but there is one important reason, why we belong together,” he paused and I held my breath slowly. ‘you’re my soul mate, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Your crazy, and funny, and sweet, and occasionally immature, but to me your perfect……………”

A million thought ran threw my head as I looked out on the hundred people watching. What about my dad? I’m only 18, are we ready?

“Will you marry me?” he finished.
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Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!