I Can't Be Happy Without You Around

The closet

I turned around to see Brian.

“Cutest couple like couple of people, like two people,” Zacky said nervously.

“Uh it’s the new way to say friends,” I mumbled.

“I was making a joke,” Jenn said. But by the look on his face I could tell he didn’t buy it.

“Really because I was just talking to Matt who said I picked you up from this house last night, which I don’t remember doing,” he said angrily towards Zacky

“Maybe you were to drunk to remember,” I mumbled. He glared at me.

“Look lets talk outside,” Zacky suggested standing up. I nodded Zacky followed Brian outside. I walked past Jenn.

“Don’t let my dad come outside keep him busy,” I whispered, she nodded and went off to find him.

I walked outside to where Brain and Zacky were just in time to see Brain punch Zacky. I jumped in between before they started fighting. I had been in plenty of fights, I wasn’t scared.

“It’s not as bad as it seems,” Zacky said wiping away some blood.

“How is it not as bad as it seems, your doing your best friends daughter, who is way younger than you, it’s illegal,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Oh yeah like you have never broken the law,” I said sarcastically.

“Stay out of this,” he mumbled pushing me aside.

“No it concerns me too.”

“You don’t know what you want your getting taken advantage of,” he said.

“Trust me I know what I want,” I said grabbing Zacky’s arm.

“No it’s so weird he’s the same age as your dad,” Brian said disgusted.

“Ok look,” I said stepping towards Brian before Zacky could say anything. “It would be Zacky or someone else, at least this way you like the guy,” I said. Brian sighed.

“It’s just….” he started.

“Ok look man, I know it’s weird and probably wrong, but I really care about her.” Zacky said. I smiled.

“You cant tell my dad,” I ordered.

“He has to know,” Brian mumbled. I sighed.

“I know, but I should be the one to tell him,” Zacky muttered.

“Alright well now is your chance,” Brain said motioning towards the door.

“Now,” Zacky squealed. Brain nodded. I groaned this was turning out to be a bad day.
“Look I’ll do it alright, but not now,” he said. “I mean we haven’t even gone on a date yet ok, give us a little time,” he said.

“Yeah look I know you think it’s wrong, but it feels right for us, please don’t tell dad, don’t ruin it before it’s even started,” I said trying to play the sympathy card.

“Alright,” he finally said. “But just don’t act all lovey around me I cant deal with that shit,” he said. I laughed.

“We never act that way anyway.”

** 2 months later**

I looked at the clock realizing I had been talking to Zacky for two hours. We had been dating for about two months and we were getting really close. My dad never knew, but he didn’t have much time to spend with me anyway. He had found a new girlfriend who I still haven’t met.

“When is you dad leaving?” he asked.

“Really soon, I told him I was staying at Jenn’s,” I informed him.

“Ok I’ll be there in about 15 minutes,” he said.

“K see you then bye,”

“Bye,” I hung up the phone lying on my bed. I thought about Zacky of course. I always thought about him, 24/7 morning noon and night. Even at school on the days I would go. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Not that I was complaining though. I was lucky to Have him.

He’s cute, funny, awesome, bad yet sweet. I sighed realizing it finally happened to me. I heard about it, saw it, but never experienced it until now. I is true. I’m in love.

But does he love me?

I walked down the stairs seeing my dad.

“So am I ever going to meet this mysteries women?” I asked sitting on the stairs.

“Soon I promise,” he said.

“Good the sooner I met her the sooner I can decide I don’t like her,” I mumbled. I never liked any of his girlfriends.
“It’s not like you go out with great guys either,” he muttered.

“Oh really.”

“Yeah I would never be friends with any of the guys you date,” he mumbled.

“funny you should say that,” I whispered, but he heard.

“Yr going to be late and Jenn’s picking me up in a little.” I informed him.

“Your right I’ll see you later,” he mumbled hugging me. I watched him leave rolling my eyes.

“Not even an I love you,” I muttered to myself. “One person in that band better love me.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. I nodded. “Cause we don’t have to.”

“Oh just do it it’s not like I’ve never done it before,” I mumbled without thinking.

“What?” he asked almost angrily.

“I said I’ve never done this before,” I replied. He rolled his eyes.

“Have I ever told you how cute you are?” he asked. I nodded. Yeah, but you have never told me you love me. Tell me that.

“Set up the camera,” I ordered. We walked into the living room. I smiled watching him press record. I went to change into something sexy. I was walking back down the stairs when I saw my dad, and a blonde women outside. I ran down the stairs which was difficult in red high heels, grabbed Zacky’s hand and pulled him into a closet.

We hid in the closet as the door opened revealing my dad and a girl.

“That’s the girl he’s been dating,” I whispered.

“I guess,” Zacky mumbled from behind me. I sighed.

“She looks like a bitch I don’t like her.”

“Uh I think we forgot something,” Zacky whispered nervously.


“The video camera,“ Zacky said motioning towards the video camera set up in front of us.

“I like the video camera,” the blonde said.

“Oh great she’s a slut too,” I whispered.

“Look I think we have bigger problems right now,” he whispered.

“I know my dad’s dating some whore, it’s ok I bet I can get rid of her,” I mumbled.

“Don’t you want him to be happy?” he asked.

“Yeah, I just wish I was a part of what makes him happy,” I whispered. I watched my dad take her coat off, but he slung it over the coach instead of walking over towards us.

“You are a part of what makes him happy,” Zacky said.

“No I’m a part of what makes him miserable.”

“Well you’re a huge part of what makes me happy,” Zacky said sweetly. I smiled turning around to kiss him.

“I….” he started, but stopped when dad starting talking. I sighed. I turned around to see him looking at the camera.

“Yeah it’s a good idea,” he mumbled confused. She walked up to him kissing him passionately.

“I cant watch this,” I mumbled disgusted putting my hands over my eyes.

“I don’t really think we have a choice,” he whispered. I sighed. "I just realized the camera is recording all this."

"Great we can post it on youtube, the fans will go crazy," i mumbled angrily.

"Yeah probably," Zacky said.

“Do something," I mumbled.

“What am I supposed to do go say hey Matt I’m hiding in the closet with your teenage daughter, who wearing barely any clothes,” he said looking at me. “Which I’m not complaining about though.”

“No but come on we have to do something,” I mumbled.

“Yeah cover our ears.” I looked behind him seeing a huge spider. I screamed. It was a reflex, I’m deathly afraid of them.

“Is someone in there?” she asked. I rolled my eyes. No it’s a screaming closet.

“Apparently she’s dumb too.”

“What are we going to do?” Zacky asked trying to hide under the two coats we had in here.

“I need to prepare to be permanently grounded, and you need to prepare to die.” I mumbled. I watched as the door knob to the closet turned. Zacky pushed me behind him just as the door opened.

“Zack what the fuck are you doing in my closet?”
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