Trust Me

Chapter 1 Hazards

The first time I saw him I think I actually cried he was so beautiful. If you had told me then that I would be in this type of situation with him I would have laughed in your face. But I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Blair Downey, resident: geek, population: me. No big surprises there my parents are eccentric I guess. They like to travel the world and leave their only child behind in a tiny apartment by herself in a shitty neighbourhood. Not weird at all mom and dad. So I’m forced to work part time at the local grocery store and go to high school, miraculously keeping my grades in the 70-80% range. Being an invisible super-geek takes hard work and dedication, I like to keep a low profile after the birthday incident of 2003.

It was my tenth birthday and I was so excited but, my mom told me I had to invite both girls and boys or I wouldn’t get a party so I unfortunately invited Tony the cockiest 10 year old to ever walk the face of the earth. He thought he was the shit. Also unfortunately everyone believed it, except me. At first everything was great all my friends were having a good time and we were swimming in my pool, Tony kept giving me this super creepy smile like he knew something I didn’t, I ignored it. Huge mistake. Tony crept up behind me in front of everyone at my party and pulled my bikini bottoms down. It felt like they were laughing in slow motion it was horrible and so humiliating. The next day in school Tony had convinced everyone that I had a contagious disease and if they went anywhere near me that they would catch it. To this day I still can’t fathom how those dumbasses believed him. After that I made sure to keep to myself, my trust in people flew right out the window.

Now my 18 year old self is still wary of trusting people but I’m kind of working on it. Really small baby steps like ant babies. So it was the day before the beginning of my senior year and I wanted to get an extra job to save up for college since my useless parents wouldn’t help me out in that department. I walked down the street to my apartment building keeping my head down and ears wide open since it’s such a shady neighbourhood after my shift at the grocery store. When I got in my building I noticed someone posted something on the ratty corkboard, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to know what it said.


It was like fate wanted me to read it, I looked around to make sure no one was watching then snatched the whole page down instead of taking just the number and ran to my apartment 204. Once inside I locked the door and settled in, I took out my phone and dialled the number. It rang three times before a masculine voice answered with a groggy “Hello?”

“Um hi, I’m sorry if I woke you up there. I just noticed you posted a sign for a babysitter in the lobby, have you found anybody yet because if not I do have previous experience babysitting and would like the job.” Total bluff my previous ‘experience’ consisted of watching my cousin Tim play with plastic army soldiers and then burning them with my lighter that he stole when I wasn’t looking, that doesn’t exactly spell out trust me with your child. Hopefully he will just skip over that part if he’s desperate enough.

“OH, right that yeah we need someone for the brat. Uh come by 707 around 5:30 and we’ll talk uh...” He said trailing off still sounding half asleep.

“Blair, my name is Blair.” I said.

“Fantastic... see you then.” He said completely monotone. I sat my phone down on the coffee table after hanging up and looked at the clock 4:46. Oh shit I have to look presentable and I still smell like food from work. I ran to the bathroom removing my clothes as I went falling over once in the process, I turned the water on and had one of the fastest showers of my life. Once I was out and dried off I just ran into my room naked pulled on some clean underwear and stared at my closet. Its times like these I wish I was more into fashion; my wardrobe is so bland it could curdle milk. Picking in my opinion the nicest thing in my closet, I quickly got dressed and headed out to the elevator.

I reached 707 and knocked, quite unexpectedly the door flies open to reveal a topless guy, presumably the guy from the phone drying his hair with a towel. I could feel my mouth hanging open but, my brain seemed to short circuit at the sight of him and I just stood there gaping at him. I seemed to snap back out of it when I saw a hand waving in front of my face. I looked up to see him smirking at me, “If you’re done drooling can we go inside now?”

I felt my face slowly heating up and managed to stutter out a yes. I followed pretty boy slowly feeling my gaze drift to his ass despite my embarrassment a moment ago. Once we reached the living room he motioned for me to sit down, so I took the seat farthest from him, I heard him snicker slightly as I did so.

“Alright let’s just cut to the chase Blair. I just started working evenings and I don’t have time to look after my little brother so I’m going to need you to pick him up at 3:30 after school and watch him until 10. You can start tomorrow, if you’re good with that then we’ll be all set.” He said all business.

“Sounds good does your brother go to Pinefields Primary School?”

“That’s the one. Crap bucket and all.” He said leaning back in his chair and stretching. I couldn’t help myself watching his muscles flex as he did so, but this time made sure I looked away before he caught me staring.

“Well now that the business is taken care of, you want a beer?” He asked going into the kitchen.

“You do realize I’m underage right? Plus I’m not much of a drinker.” I finished quickly, total lie of course but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Too bad, because I had a beer with your name on it.” He said winking. I am so confused. Is this guy flirting with me, nobody flirts with me it almost defies nature to do so. Fuck I don’t know how to flirt I have zero experience…do I even want to flirt back. God I think too much, I’ll just wing it.

“Well if you put it that way I can’t really say no can I; and speaking of names you still haven’t told me yours?”

“The name’s Paul. I haven’t seen you around here are you new?” He asked coming back with two beers, instead of sitting where he was before he took the seat right next to me.

“No I’ve been here a while actually.”

“Huh. Well I don’t usually make it a point to know my neighbours anyways friendships take way too much work and upkeep, I prefer the more casual relationship.” Paul said running his finger up my leg. Oh hell where is this going? Right before I was about to respond the doorbell rang, saved by the bell.

“I’ll be back.” Paul said getting the door. As he opened it a whiney blonde stood there and started ranting immediately.

“Paul baby, why didn’t you call me? We had fun last weekend and I know you have my number because I programmed it into your phone myself.” She proceeded to stomp her foot like a small child and stormed into the apartment. Once she saw me sitting on the couch she went from whiney to furious in 2 seconds flat.

“PAUL! How could you! After the night we shared? Now you bring another girl to your apartment. I thought what we had was something?” She said stomping her foot again, and I came to the conclusion this was a regular occurrence. I was just waiting for her to drop to the floor and start kicking and screaming.

“Listen…” Paul started.

“WHITNEY! My name is Whitney!” She exclaimed stomping her foot again. I couldn’t help it I started laughing; holding it in was no longer a viable option. Whitney turned and gave me a death glare.

“What do you think is so funny, you little…boyfriend stealer!” I stood up and walked over to Paul, “Have fun with the foot stomper, I’ll get…OH! You still haven’t told me what your brother looks like and his name.” Almost forgot some vital information there, close call Blair.

“The brats name is Kenny and he looks just like me; devastatingly handsome.” Paul said with a huge smirk near the end.

“Well thanks Paul I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said and as I was walking to the door Paul slapped my ass grabbed my arm and kissed my cheek, leaving me completely stunned standing in the doorway. “Don’t miss me too much Blair.” Paul said winking and closing the door, a still whining Whitney yammering in the background. How dare he the nerve of that guy I was so furious even I stomped my foot.

How he plans on getting rid of the foot stomper I have no idea, she acts like a 5 year old pretending to be a grown up. Sighing I decided standing right outside of Pauls’ apartment was most likely not the best idea I’ve ever had. I carried on back to my apartment made a quick dinner and got ready for bed, having school early in the morning. “It’s going to be a wonderful day.” I said aloud to no one in particular, voice dripping with sarcasm.
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This is the first story I've ever written any tips would be helpful, and constructive criticism. Thank you :)