Invading Hell with a heart full of Sin

Bring it

Mikey's POV

'I've worked too hard for the position I'm in to have it taken away by that snot-nosed little kid.' I think angrily as I snuggle into Gerard at the lunch table. That was uber close back there, Bob ratted me out. But I was just trying to keep the groups status as head dogs intact. That greasy little monkey would ruin everything, doesn't he see that? God, a great reputation is all a person has in this world, and I don't intend to be friends with some low down loser.

I pick at my food sullenly as I think up a new plan. One that can be put into effect immediatly, seeing as plan A didn't work so well. Again, thank you Bob. He wasn't trying to hide his sexuality, so what good would putting up gay rumors do? And he was immaculatly groomed, no matter what I said about him. His clothing tastes? Nah, him and Gee dress almost alike. Maybe he's anorexic? Idk, no proof, plus seventy five percent of the school is too so that would just decrease my little horde of followers.

Sighing, I slump until my forehead is resting against the table. None of my past rumors were working on this kid. It's like he came from heaven or something. Heaven? Of course! Heaven is almost the same as Hell right? Well, except that God lives in Heaven and thats where all the good people go when they die. But totally missing the point. I could say he's satanic! Ohmigod! We haven't had a rumor about one since Cindy Cambell moved out of town. It's perfect. Now I just needed to plant some evidence, somewhere were Bob won't catch me playing around with anything.

I spring up, almost shooting out of my seat beside Gerard. Ray and Bob look at me funny while Gee just sits there kinda confused looking. Awe, he's so adorable when he looks like some kind of lost puppy.

"Guys! I have to do something important! Gotta get a move on!" I practically shout, the joy of ruining another persons life bringing me out of my dreary doom and gloom state. God, death does not look good on me.

I rush off, plans already leaping through my head. This was going to be a showdown to the death!

Can't wait to see what you bring to the table bitch!
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And this is where i leave you for my bed. But truthfully, everything is right on schedule. Now we'll have our little drama bit soon, but maybe you could leave some comments suggesting Frank's comeback, because we all know that Frankie is going to whoop some ass after this!

<3 Douche Skittlez*