Status: Completed

Breaking Hearts and Breaking Bones Has Never Been So Romantic

It's Gabe, If You Don't Mind

Staring deep into those pair of big brown eyes, I couldn't help but wish I could take the owner of those eyes home with me. However, I knew this wish would never become a reality. Why not? Simple ... because they already belonged to someone else, the same someone that should be coming at any moment now.

"Oh, Angela, can you come help me with this please?" Lana, my coworker, called from the storage room.

"Yes, coming." I replied. "I'll be right back." I whispered softly before I stood up, straightened my shirt out, and then made my way to where Lana was unpacking a box of supplies we had just received through the UPS.

While unpacking, and putting things in their appropriate places, Lana and I exchanged some small talk about our plans for the weekend.

"My boyfriend and I are heading over to Jersey to spend the weekend with his parents." Lana explained.

"Meeting the parents for the first time?" I asked.

She nodded her head rather violently. "Yes, and I'm nervous as hell." She admitted.

"I'm sure that you'll get along just fine, babe." I smiled.

"Yeah, I hope." She sighed. "So what are you planning for the weekend, Angela?"

"Well, I have to go pick up my brother from the airport tonight," I said, "and then we're going to be spending the weekend moving into our new apartment."

"Living with your brother, eh? How do you think that's going to work out?"

"I think that it'll work out just fine." I replied. "He can be a big knuckle head from time to time, but, I know what to do to straighten him out." I said, flashing Lana a little wink.

"Goodness, if I were to move into an apartment with my brother, I can guarantee you that there'll be something flying through the window before the day was done."

"Well, it's not just my brother." I said. "His friend is going to be living with us too."

"Rooming with two guys?"

"I'd rather room with guys than girls; girls can get too bitchy, and cause too much drama around the place." I frowned. "I don't need any more drama in my life right now."

With that, Lana and I fell silent once more, and I let my thoughts wander back to the being I had left a few moments prior. Today was the day I had been dreading, the day I would have to say goodbye. Although I knew from the very beginning that there was no way in hell I could ever have him as my own, I still couldn't help but get attached.

As the minutes ticked away, I found myself being pulled closer and closer to the inevitable goodbye that would probably cast a cloud of depression over my entire weekend.

Before long we had everything put away. I excused myself from the room as Lana disposed of the empty box, and slowly made my way toward the back where I had been before Lana called me. As I stepped into the room, those same brown eyes turned back in my direction, and watched me as I crossed the room.

"Hey Gunner, I'm back." I said gently.

In response, Gunner let out a quiet bark and stood up, his tail wagging furiously as I approached him. Gunner is a two year old German Sheppard who had just spent the last two weeks here at the animal hospital, recovering from a ten day treatment of heartworms. As a veterinary assistant, it's my job to take care of the animals, making sure that they're properly fed and watered, and making sure that they're happy while they're staying here.

Seeing as how I love animals, it's expected that I get attached to every single animal that we treat. If I were able to have my way every single time, I would probably have a million cats and dogs living with me in my apartment.

Suddenly a voice came on over the intercom system.

"Angela, Ms. Johnson is here now to pick up Gunner."

Sighing softly to myself, I turned and looked down at Gunner, who in turn cocked his head to the side as if examining my sad expression.

"Well, buddy, it's time to go." I said sadly.

Again Gunner barked in response as I grabbed his leash and then opened his kennel, letting him out. I secured the leash to his collar and then led him across the room, out the door, and into the hallway. About one minute later, after zigzagging through the labyrinth of hallways that wound throughout the building, Gunner and I entered the front waiting room where Gunner's owner was waiting for us.

Upon seeing his owner, Gunner barked happily and tugged on the leash.

"Hey boy." Ms. Johnson smiled as she stood up and came over to meet us. "I've missed you."

I watched them for a few seconds, a smile forced upon my lips, before I leaned over, offering the leash over to Ms. Johnson.

"He was on his best behavior while he was here." I said softly. "The biggest sweetheart we've had in a while, actually."

"Oh, thank you so much." She smiled, taking the leash from me. "I was so worried because he's never been gone from home before."

"He did just fine, babe." I replied before I squatted down beside the two. "Well Gunner, I guess this is goodbye boy." I said, scratching him just behind his ear.

With that, I stood up and backed away, causing Gunner to whine a little.

"I think he's going to miss you." Ms. Johnson said simply as she looked up at me.

"I'm gonna miss him too." I said sadly as I leaned over, petting Gunner one last time. "You two have a good day." I said quietly as I turned around and headed back into the hallway, leaving Ms. Johnson to take care of the payments with the secretary.

I bit my lip, suppressing the sudden urge to cry and then continued my way to the employee locker room. I sat down on the bench just in front of my locker, and took a deep breath, letting it out in a loud sigh before I glanced down at my watch.

At that exact same moment, my cell phone began to vibrant in my front pocket, causing me to jump slightly. I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, flipping it open and pressed the 'accept' button.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Angie."

I instantly recognized the voice to belong to my brother, Alex.

"Hey brother, shouldn't you guys be on a plane right about now?"

"Gabe and I were able to catch an earlier flight, so we could get an earlier start on moving." He explained.

"Oh, alright." I said. "So do you two need me to pick you up still?"

"No, no, Gabe and I are catching a cab back to town." He said. "I know that you're probably busy with work right now."

"No, not really." I sighed. "It's pretty slow actually, with nothing to do." I mumbled.

"Angie, what's wrong?" Alex asked softly. "You sound sad about something."

"It's nothing big," I said quietly, "it's just that one of my favorite dogs went home today."

Alex laughed softly on the other end of the line. "Angie, every dog that comes in there is your favorite dog."

"So." I mumbled.

"Angie, you need to get a boyfriend, so you won't get so dang attached to those animals at the clinic."

"Boys are jerks, though." I said simply.

"Not all of them." Alex insisted.

"Yeah, whatever." I sighed. "What time do you think you two will get into town?"

"Um, probably within a half an hour or so. Why?"

"I think I'm going to take off of work early, and meet you guys at the apartment." I said.

"Oh, well, alright then." Alex replied. "Did you eat lunch, or do you want us to stop by and pick something up?"

"Perhaps you can pick up something for us to snack on while we unpack our stuff." I suggested.

"Alright, I think we can manage that. So, we'll see you in a bit then?"

"Yup, in a little while."

"Okay, Angie. See you later."

"Bye, Alex."

With that, I hung up my cell and shoved it back into my pocket before opening my locker and gathering all my things. I took my scrub top off, and tossed it back into my locker before I grabbed my hoodie and pulled it on over my t-shirt. Double checking on last time to make sure I had all my things, I hitched my purse up higher onto my shoulder, shut my locker, and took off to clock out.

My name is Angela May Suarez, and I am a simple twenty-four year old single girl who works as a veterinary assistant in an animal hospital in Manhattan. I have an older brother, Alexandro Fransisco Suarez, who plays bass in a band that had just finished up touring the states.

I'm a simple girl, the kind of girl that you can find next door, and can count on to borrow a cup of sugar. I don't have the best of luck with boys. As you may have been able to tell, I'd rather get attached to animals, rather than get involved with a boy. There was a time where I may have thought differently, but thanks to my latest ex boyfriend, I'd rather not get involved with any guys any time soon.

Of course, my brother tries to get me to go out and meet new guys, but he's not able to understand that after so many times of being hurt, I just simply can't.

Within a few minutes, after clocking out, I was in my car, and pulling out on the busy Manhattan street, off to meet the boys at our new apartment.


"Hello? Is anybody here?" I called out as I stepped through the already opened door.

I glanced around the living room and saw that there were boxes scattered here and there. Readjusting the boxes I kept underneath my arm, I slowly made my way through the living room, stepping carefully around the boxes.

"Alex?" I called out.

When there was still no answer, I continued on through the hallway, checking in each and every one of the rooms. Not finding them anywhere, I rolled my eyes and headed into the room at the very end of the hallway, which was my room, and sat the boxes down next to the window.


I jumped slightly and turned around, only to lock my eyes with that of my new roommate, Gabriel, whom I had only met once before.

"Oh, Gabriel, you scared me." I blushed. "I didn't know that anyone else was in here."

"Alex and I were across the hallway talking with our neighbors. The door was open and I saw you walk by." He said. "And Gabe would be just fine, if you don't mind." He added with a soft smile.

"Angie." I replied, returning a small, genuine smile. "How was the tour?"

Gabe nodded his head as he leaned up against the frame of my doorway. "It was good." He replied. "Tonight you'll probably hear all the crazy stories." He winked.

"Goodness, I can't wait." I joked.

"There are some pretty good ones." He grinned.

With that, we fell silent, either one of us staring silently at the other, before the sound of the front door closing snapped us to our senses.

"Angie? Gabe?"

Gabe tore his brown eyes from my and glanced into the hallway. "We're in here." He called out.

A few seconds later my brother appeared beside Gabe, packing a big box with one arm, while the other was wrapped around a stuffed animal.

"Since we can't have a real one in here, I thought you might want this one." He said, tossing the stuffed animal toward me.

I caught the stuffed animal in my arms and saw that it was a black Labrador.

"Thanks." I replied.

Alex flashed me a smile before he crossed the room and gave me a hug. "I thought maybe that it would cheer you up, since you had to say goodbye to one of your buddies today." He said. "Is it working?"

I laughed softly and nodded my head. "Yes, it is." I grinned.

"Well, good." He replied as he pulled away from me. "Since that's taken care of, how about let's get unpacked, and everything put away. Hopefully, if we're lucky, we'll have our beds set up so we won't have to sleep on the floor. Seriously, we haven't slept in a proper bed since ... I don't know when."

I rolled my eyes slightly at his words and watched him disappear back into the hallway, leaving Gabe and I alone once again. Turning my eyes back to him, I tilted my head to the side a bit, studying his soft facial features. Seeing my eyes upon him, he gave me another little smile and then shoved his hands deep into the front pockets of his pants.

"Alex says that you love animals to death, but can't have any because of his allergies." Gabe said.

"Yeah, it's always been like that, every since we were little." I replied. "I can't even come home in my work clothes because even the animal dander and stuff that clings to them makes his allergies act up."

"Well, maybe we can find you a pet that won't mess with your brother." Gabe grinned.

"Good luck with that, I swear he's allergic to everything."

"I can find you something." He said, giving me a sly smile.

"If you insist." I laughed softly.

Gabe laughed quietly to himself as well before he straightened himself up. "Well, I'd better get back to unpacking my things. But, if you need any help with anything, come get me and I'll help you out."

"Alright, Gabe, thanks."

Gabe gave me one last smile and nodded his head before he turned around, and disappeared into the hallway just as my brother had done a few moments prior. Sighing softly to myself, I tore my eyes from the spot he had once been standing and glanced down at the stuffed dog Alex had gotten for me.

When my brother had first asked me if I would mind letting Gabe room with us, I wasn't so sure. I had only met him once, and he hadn't really made that great of an impression seeing as how he had been stoned at the time. But now that he was sober, he seemed like a good guy.

I suppose he wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I don't know that much about Gabe of Cobra Starship, but my Miss Dee wanted a Gabe story, so she gets a Gabe story, aight?