Status: Completed

Breaking Hearts and Breaking Bones Has Never Been So Romantic

A Piece Of Mind

"Okay, okay, how about this," I said, dusting my hands off as I stepped away from my bed, where my luggage was sitting, "I sit on it and you," at this point I motioned to Gabe, "zip it up for me. Sound good?"

"Angie," Gabe sighed, "why do you insist on bringing so many clothes?"

"Because," I huffed, "like you said, it's most likely that we'll hardly get a chance to stop and do our laundry while we're on tour; I don't know about you, but I surely am not gonna run around in my dirty clothes while we're away."

"You're such a baby." Gabe said simply.

"Be glad that you didn't have to grow up with her." Alex spoke up from beside the window, where he was running through his checklist of things he had to bring. His eyes swiveled back and forth behind his glasses as he read through everything, and every so often he'd take his pen out from behind his ear and scratch something out. Gabe smirked slightly at my brothers' words before turning his brown eyes back to me.

"Come on then." He mumbled, placing his hands on my hips.

Without much effort, he picked me up and sets me down on top of my luggage. Leaning over, he kissed me quickly on the cheek before he fought with the zipper on my luggage. A couple of minutes and a mouthful of curse words later, Gabe had my luggage secured shut.

"There you are, ma'ma." He said, offering his hand out to me, helping me down.

"Thank you." I said softly, squeezing his hand tightly. He gave me a small smile in response before he brought my hand up and placed a kiss on the back of it. Without another word, he released my hand and made his exit from my room.

"Today is one of those days." I said quietly.

"He's just anxious about going on tour." Alex explained. "Nervous because the band is getting a lot more attention this go around, and nervous because you'll be with us every stop along the way."

"Why would he be nervous about me going though?" I wondered aloud.

With my question, Alex looked up from his list, giving me a smug smile. He reached up, adjusting his glasses a little before he replied, "Because he's nervous about making himself look good in front of you. He doesn't want to have dragged you along on tour, just to watch him goof up. He wants to impress you."

"I'm already impressed." I insisted.

"Well, Gabe wants to 'amaze' you then," Alex laughed softly. "Are you finished packing everything then?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, I think so anyway." I bit my lip, suddenly wanting to unzip my luggage and double check everything just to make sure. But, seeing as how we had struggled to get it closed in the first place, I knew that it wasn't an option.

Alex must have known my dilemma because he sighed quietly and stood up. "If there's anything you forgot, Angie, we can always just stop by some place and buy it for you." He said as he folded up his list and stuck it into his pocket.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded his head, making a move to grab my luggage for me. "Of course, it's no big deal sis." He tugged my luggage off of the bed and it fell down to the floor with a loud thug. Alex's eyes widened slightly as he looked over at me, and it was clearly evident that he wasn't expecting it to be that heavy. "Well, it certainly seems like you've packed everything in here." He said, preparing himself once more before he picked my luggage up and then packed it into the living room for me.

Glancing around my room to make sure I had everything I wanted to take with me, I picked up my laptop case and slung it over my shoulder before I grabbed one of my pillows. Crossing my room, I paused by the doorway and looked out the window, spotting the setting sun on the horizon. Slightly bummed that I wasn't going to step foot in this room for another two and a half months, I sighed quietly and then reached up, turning the light off, and then shut the door behind me.

On the way to the living room, I paused by Gabe's room and saw him slip his backpack on.

"Hey," I said, catching his attention.

"Hey sweetheart," he said quietly, "you got all your things together?"

I nodded my head as I stepped into the room. "Yup, I'm all ready to go."

Gabe smiled softly and held a hand out to me, motioning for me to join him. As soon as I got into arms length of him, he reached over, slipping an arm gently around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Placing a hand on his chest to keep myself from getting any closer, I looked up into his brown eyes and raised an eyebrow. Remembering my brothers' words, I smirked to myself.

"Nervous Saporta?" I asked.

Gabe wrapped his other arm around my waist, holding me tight against his chest as he looked down at me. "You have no idea." He mumbled.

Slowly, Gabe leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. Almost instantly I felt myself melting into his body, and before I realized what I was doing, I reached up, placing my hands on either side of his face, and I was kissing him like I had never kissed him before.

I wanted him then and there, all to myself. I wanted to have my way with him; I didn't care that we were supposed to leave for the airport any minute now. His bed was available right there beside us, and there was a lock on his bedroom door. Hell, we even had a stereo in here with us, if we were feeling considerate of my brother's ears.

But, as if he had suddenly read my mind, Gabe broke the kiss and pulled away from me, though he kept me tight in his arms.

"Angie, we can't right now." He whispered.

There was something in his voice that suggested that he wanted this just as bad as I did. Not liking what he said, I frowned to myself but nodded my head in agreement all the same. Right on cue, Alex called to us from the living room.

"Angie, Gabe, our ride's here."

Reluctantly, Gabe tore his gaze from mine and looked over the top of my head. "We're on our way." He replied, raising his voice so that it would be carried to the living room.

With that, Gabe lowered his arms from around me, and released me. He grabbed his luggage with one hand while he used the other to grab a hold of mine. Tugging slightly on my hand, he led me to the hallway and into the living room where Alex was waiting for us. Standing beside him was Devon who gave us a friendly smile when he caught sight of us.

Gripping my hand tightly, Gabe turned and looked at me. "This is your last chance to turn back babe. If you actually don't want to spend two and a half months traveling around with four stink, obnoxious, loud, and perverted guys, then feel free to stay here."

"Don't be silly, Gabe," I grinned, giving him a little wink, "I already went through the trouble of getting my vacation approved; of course I'm gonna go."

Gabe laughed softly and squeezed my hand tightly before nodding to Alex, indicating that we were ready to go. With that, Alex gathered his things, while Devon kindly packed my luggage for me. Within a matter of minutes we were on the way to the airport. For the guys it was just another tour; for me it was the start of one of the wildest experiences of my life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Taking a look around, I hesitantly sat down on one of the couches and watched as everybody else bustled around, putting their things away. Not knowing exactly where my things would fit in, I decided just to take refuge on the surprisingly comfortable couch and waited until things settled down.

Suddenly, the cushion shifted beside me, and I looked up only to find myself looking straight into my boyfriend's eyes.

"Well, what do you think, babe?" He asked, draping an arm across my shoulders.

"It's," I paused momentarily, looking once more around the 'living room' portion of their tour bus, "not quite what I had expected."

Gabe raised an eyebrow. "No?"

"Well, I mean, when I hear the word 'bus' I think of an actual bus." I blushed.

Gabe laughed at my words and shook his head. "No, no, they're a lot more roomier and nicer than those big, yellow school buses you had to ride around in when you were in school." He grinned. "It's nice though, yeah?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, it is pretty nice, I like it."

Gabe smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but stopped short when Ryland tossed a magazine into his lap.

"Check out what I picked up at Borders," Ryland said, taking a seat on the couch across from the one we were sitting on, "hot off the press, just came out today."

Looking at the cover, I recognized it to be the magazine that the band had done an interview for a couple of weeks ago. Gabe picked it up and began to flip through it, searching for their interview.

"Have you read it yet?" He asked, not bothering to look at Ryland.

"Nope, not yet," Ryland replied, "I haven't had a chance to yet."

Finally Gabe found the page that had their interview and he began to read it to himself. I found it hard to read the small print from where I was sitting so I gave up and instead turned my attention to Alex and Nate who were sitting at the breakfast table, playing some sort of game that was unknown to me.

The next couple of minutes passed in silence when suddenly I felt Gabe tense beside me. I turned my gaze from Alex and Nate, and looked back to Gabe. Thinking to ask him what was wrong, I stopped myself when I saw the angry expression on his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me." He muttered, his eyes narrowing at the magazine in front of him.

"What is it, Gabe?" Vicky asked, peering up from behind her laptop across the way.

Gabe didn't reply, but rather uttered a whole string of curse words and climbed to his feet.

"Gabe, what is - "

"Fucking ridiculous," Gabe growled, tossing the magazine aside, "that fucking bastard."

"Gabe, what's going on?" My brother asked.

"That fucking jerk off of a journalist decided to announce me and Angie's relationship in his bullshit magazine." Gabe practically yelled. "Seriously, I fucking knew that something like this was going to happen. I saw the look on his face when he saw me walk in with Angie. That fucking asshole!"

I bit my lip, having never seen Gabe get angry like this before. I pulled my feet up onto the couch, hugging my legs to my chest and listened as Gabe raged on about the fact that a countless amount of people knew for a fact that he was taken. Not only that, but they knew my name, and they knew exactly who I was.

"Alex, didn't that jerk give you his business card or something?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah, its - "

"Give it to me." Gabe insisted. "I'm gonna call that fucker up and tell him exactly what I think about his article."

Sighing to himself, Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. A few seconds later, he pulled out a shiny, black business card with silver writing and handed it over to Gabe. Gabe snatched it away from him, and without another word to any of us, disappeared into the hallway. About thirty seconds later, the sound of Gabe's vulgar language came floating into the front area as he verbally harassed what sounded to be the journalist.

Frowning to myself, I turned to my brother, who in turn gave me an apologetic look. "Like we've told you before ... Gabe wants to keep his private life, well, private."

"Do you think I should go back there and try to talk to him?" I asked hesitantly.

Alex shook his head. "No, let him be Angie." He sighed, turning back to whatever it was he and Nate were doing before Gabe had started to flip out about the article. "Besides, it's his way of 'defending' you, his lady." He added with a quirky smile.

"Defending me?" I questioned.

"Well, I guess he must feel that your guys' private, intimate relationship had been exploited, so by bitching out whoever published those things, it makes him feel better about it all. Like I said, he just wants to keep your guys' privacy private."

Keeping our privacy private. I guess I wasn't used to having my private life kept too private. Hell, my last boyfriend I had taped us doing the most private of acts, and then showed it to all his friends as entertainment. He did that without even batting an eyelash, or thinking twice about it.

Gabriel, on the other hand, got pissed merely by a journalist who announced in his article that we were dating. And as of right now, he was giving that person a piece of his mind, warning him to keep the fuck out of his private life.

Honestly, there are only two guys in my life that would stick up for me like that; Alex, and my dad. But, now, I can finally add one of my boyfriends to that list; Gabe. I just hoped, though, that he'd stick around long enough to stay on that list.