Status: Completed

Breaking Hearts and Breaking Bones Has Never Been So Romantic

Are They ... 'Special' Brownies, Perhaps?

Feeling my cheeks start to burn as they've never burned before, I slouched down in my seat on the couch, and did my best to ignore the taunting laughs of my brother and my friends. I've been sitting here for the past half an hour, ever since we had gotten back from the park, listening to the joyous teasing, and judging by the way things were going, it didn't look as if there was any end in sight.

Luckily, for Gabe, he had to run to the mall to pick up a few things before they closed, meaning he was able to skip out on the teasing. So here I was, sitting alone, without Gabe there to share the embarrassment with me. Not that I was embarrassed to have kissed the man ... its just that at the moment, it felt as if I were back in grade school, having just been caught receiving my first kiss from my first boyfriend around the back of the cafeteria.

"From where we were standing, it looked like Gabe was able to get some tongue action in there." Ryland snickered.

"No." I said defensively. "It was a simple, no tongue action, closed mouth kiss." I insisted.

"Nope, nope, it looked more like a sloppy, lot of action going on, kiss." My brother piped in.

"You guys were just seeing things." I huffed, causing everyone in the room to erupt into a fit of laughter.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my legs up onto the couch, hugging them to my chest before I turned to the television, trying to focus on the movie, and block out the laughter ringing about the room.

"Aww, babe," Vicky sighed, the hint of a giggle in her voice, "we don't mean to tease you, but you two are just too cute together."

"Yeah," Nate added, "but, I don't know if I would necessarily used the term 'cute', but you guys do look good together." He said, nodding his head.

"Angie, I just have to express the fact that I think you should have just agreed to be his girlfriend then and there." Alex sighed. "I mean, its clearly evident that you like him - "

"Oh?" I asked in surprise. "And what are the types of things I've done to make it 'clearly evident'?" I asked, turning my eyes in my brother's direction.

"Well, for one, you get a big, stupid, giddy smile on your face whenever he walks into the room." Ryland said.

"And, for another, you absolutely glow like nothing else when you're talking to him, or simply near him." Alex added.

"Also," Nate said, raising his hand slightly, "you always get this certain look on your face whenever you look at the goldfish he got for you. It's like, kind of a day dreamy look, mixed with giddiness, topped with a hint of a school girl crush."

"Oh, don't forget the side order of lust and longing." Ryland said, half jokingly, half seriously.

"You guys," I frowned slightly, "I don't really get like that ... do I?" I asked slowly.

"Sweetie, I've only met you today," Vicky said, "but from what little I've seen of you two together, I'm gonna have to confirm that yes, you do get like that whenever you're around Gabe."

"Ah, this is so ridiculous." I whined.

"What is?" Alex asked, giving me a strange look. "That you've actually fallen for Gabe?"

"No, it's just, I don't want a boyfriend right now, you guys." I sighed. "But still, I've somehow managed to fall for someone."

"Angie, you can't be surprised when you fall for someone, even though you're not interesting in being in a relationship." Ryland said quietly. "When you fall for someone, it's gonna happen, no matter what you say, or what you think. Luckily for you, the guy you fell for is actually a decent person this time."

"I know he's a decent person." I muttered. "I'm just scared to trust my heart over to any one else right now. I'm scared to open up, and I'm scared that I'll just get hurt again."

"Angie," Vicky said, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders, "Gabe isn't the kind of guy who goes out and breaks girls' hearts. Believe it or not, he's had his own share of broken hearts, babe."

"He has?" I asked slowly.

Vicky nodded her head as Ryland spoke up. "Why do you think he's still single, Angie?" He asked. "He's been scared too, to get involved in another relationship, but then he met you and he fell head over heals before he even realized what was happening."

Not knowing what to say, I bit my lip and lowered my eyes to my knees. I knew that Gabe was a bit shy in general with girls, but now that I knew that he has gone through some hurtful experiences similar to that of my own, I found myself, in a weird way, to have even more respect for him. I mean, its one thing to tell the person you like how you feel about them, but, it's a completely different thing to tell that same person your feelings, even after having been dragged through Hell and back by a previous relationship.

Trust me, it must have taken Gabe a lot of courage and guts to confess to me the types of things he has.

Perhaps because Gabe has already put so much trust in me, it's time for me to start putting a little more trust in him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Upon entering the apartment, the delicious smell of freshly baked brownies greeted my nose, instantly causing my mouth to water. I tossed my keys onto the counter and headed straight into the kitchen and spotted the pan of brownies cooling off on top of the stove. Glancing around to make sure no one else was in there to catch me, I made a move to steal a little piece, but stopped short when Alex's voice reached my ears.

"Don't even think about it, Gabe." He said.

I jumped slightly and looked around the corner to find him sitting at our little dining table, flipping through the most recent issue of AP Magazine.

"Holy shit, Alex, did you just develop some sort of x-ray vision or something?" I asked. "How did you know I was going straight for the brownies?"

"Dude, you got all quiet so I automatically assumed that you were going to try and steal a piece." He grinned. "And, any other time I wouldn't care if you stole a piece, but those brownies are especially for my sister."

"Oh?" I asked. "Are they 'special' brownies or something?" Needless to say, I wouldn't mind enjoying a batch of special brownies.

Alex made a face and shook his head. "No, my sister doesn't take an interest in special brownies, or anything that has to do with weed."

"Oh." I said offhandedly.

"She came home from work and asked me to make her brownies because she had the biggest craving for them." Alex explained.

"Just ... out of the blue?" I asked quizzically.

Alex cleared his throat slightly before he put down his magazine and looked through his glasses toward me. "She's ... um ... " He hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "I think she's going through her ... 'lady problems'." He said, giving me a strange look as he quoted his words.

" ... Oh." I said, somewhat awkwardly.

I admit that even though I'm a grown man, I still get an awkward feeling when it comes to talking about girls and their menstrual cycles.

"Yeah." Alex said, nodding his head, a weird, uncertain frown still on his face.

At least I wasn't the only guy in the apartment who got weirded out by girls.

"Anyway," he said, clearing his throat a bit before he continued, "I'm going to wait until she's had her fill of brownies before I offered them to anybody else."

"Oh, well, okay then." I sighed, going over to take a seat across from Alex at the table.

Alex eyed me for a second or two, looking as if he had something to tell me, but then shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to his magazine. I watched him as he picked it up, and turned yet another page, staying silent, and keeping any thoughts he might have to himself.

Turning my attention to another issue of AP, I picked it up and began flipping through it. It was an issue from last month, and I had already read through it, but at that moment I wanted something to take my mind off of the sudden silence that had fallen between me and Alex.

"Alex!" Angie suddenly yelled from her room. "Are my brownies done yet?"

Over the top of my magazine, I glanced at Alex, catching him rolling his eyes. He sighed heavily, and then set his magazine down, peering over at me.

"You should go take her some brownies." He suggested. "I have a feeling that once she catches sight of you, she'll be in an extremely good mood." He said, flashing me a smirk.

Almost immediately, I felt my cheeks start to burn, which caused Alex to laugh loudly.

"Come on, Gabe, bring my sister some brownies, cheer her up, sweep her off her feet." He teased. "Maybe today you can finally get a sequel to your guys' kiss you shared at the park the other day."

I bit my lip, suppressing the sudden smile that began to pull at my lips as I recalled that very kiss he was talking about. Truth be told, I definitely would mind one bit reacting that scene that had taken place between Angie and I in the park.

"Has Angie talked to you about me?" I asked shyly.

I frowned slightly, suddenly realizing how much I sounded like a little grade schooler just then. Alex laughed quietly and nodded his head.

"If you must know, yes, she has." He grinned, nodding his head. "She was just talking to me in my room last night, swooning over the flowers you got her yesterday." He said. "It was cute." He added.

"But, did she say anything about, maybe ... if she's been thinking about ... me and her as just more than friends?" I asked quietly.

Alex wrinkled his nose slightly as he thought to himself. "Well, yeah, she has." He said. "I honestly can't tell which way she's gonna go though." He frowned. "It's like, one day she's on the verge of running to you and tackling you into a hardcore make out session, and the next, she's scared to even talk about you."

"Oh." I mumbled, feeling slightly put down.

"But," Alex added, seeing the crestfallen look on my face, "I really think if you show up in her bedroom with a plate full of brownies, she's gonna love you to death." He said, a little smirk clinging to his lips.

I laughed quietly as I set my magazine down, and stood up, stretching slightly. "I hope you're right about that, because I don't think I can handle being on the receiving end of bad outburst of PMS symptoms."

"Well, luckily for you and me, my sister isn't one of those girls who get incredibly bitchy mood swings." Ales said with a half smile. "Don't be afraid of her, Gabe. Just take her some brownies, keep her company."

I didn't say anything, but nodded my head and turned around, heading into the kitchen to cut a few pieces of brownies. Putting the brownies on a plate, I took a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator, and then grabbed the plate, heading off to Angie's room. Coming to a stop just outside of her opened door, I peaked around the corner, spotting Angie sitting in front of her window, looking intently outside at something I couldn't seem to see.

"Angie?" I asked softly.

Angie turned her head, glancing over her shoulder to eye me with her chocolate colored stare.

"Hi Gabe." She said, giving me a soft smile. "What's up?"

I held up the plate of brownies, and the two waters. "Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure." She grinned. "You don't have to ask just to come in my room." She said. "Especially when you have a plate full of brownies." She added with a soft laugh.

"Don't worry," I smiled as I walked into the room, and took a seat beside her by her window, "I didn't steal any pieces."

"Ah, but you tried to." She smirked, watching me set the plate upon her window sill. "I heard my brother yelling at you to stay away from my brownies."

"Yeah," I laughed, "your brother just about scared the life out of me. I didn't realize that he was in the dining room."

"My brother may be lacking in the protective-over-his-little-sister's-feelings role, but when it comes to making sure I get everything else I want, he's right on top of things." Angie smiled.

Angie sighed softly and reached over, picking up a brownie before she turned her gaze back in my direction.

"You know you can have a piece too, Gabe." She grinned before she took a bite of her brownie.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean, Alex was certainly protected over them." I joked.

Angie shook her head and picked up another piece, holding it up to my mouth. "Eat it." She mumbled through a mouthful of her own brownie.

Laughing slightly, I took it from her, and took a bite. I ate the rest of it in silence and then wiped my hand off on my pants before I handed Angie one of the waters. She took it, and quietly thanked me before she opened it and took a sip.

"So, what were you spying on down there?" I asked, nodding out the window and to the ground far below us.

Angie held up a finger as she took another drink of her water and set the bottle beside the brownies. She licked her lips before she pointed down to the corner of the block to a group of people who were standing around a sort of center point.

"There're two dudes down there having some sort of dance off." She explained. "They have some pretty slick moves too."

"Oh?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied. "Perhaps you should go down there and show off a few of your own moves." She added with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Perhaps I will." I laughed.

Angie grinned mischievously as she turned to look up at me. "You're gonna have to show me some of these infamous dance moves I've been hearing about, Gabriel." She said.

"I can show you some right now." I offered. "If you don't mind dancing with me?"

"I would, Gabe, but honestly I can barely stand up right now." She frowned. "Cramps." She added, seeing the look on my face.

"Oh ... right." I mumbled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to weird you out or anything. I don't like it anymore than you do." She sighed. "But, maybe we can make plans to have a dance off of our own when I'm ... able to function properly once more."

"You're on." I grinned. "You and me, in a couple of day, in the living room."

"Gabe, you're a dork." She giggled, nudging my side.

"Maybe I am." I smiled, suddenly getting the courage to wrap my arm around her shoulders.

I glanced over at her, and I saw her bite her lip in an attempt to suppress a smile before she leaned over, resting her head on my shoulder. Sighing softly, I began to run my hand slowly up and down her bare arm, loving how smooth her skin felt against my fingertips. We sat there in silence for Lord knows how long, just, enjoying the company of one another before Angie finally spoke up once again.

"You know, I've been doing some thinking."

"Oh?" I asked curiously. "About what?"

"About me and you." She said simply.

My hand stopped in mid motion as my heart instantly leapt to my throat.

" ... You have?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." She whispered, turning her head to look up at me.

She gave me a half smile and reached up, placing her hand on my cheek, caressing it gently with her thumb. Sighing quietly, I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch, letting her know that I didn't want her to lower her hand any time soon. Beside me, I felt Angie shift slightly and before I knew it, I felt her lips upon my own once again.

At first I froze on the spot, completely caught off guard, but then I relaxed and tightened my arm around her, pulling her closer to me as I deepened the kiss. Last time, it was a simple kiss, and I was perfectly happy with that, but now, I couldn't help but want a little bit more. Gently, I slipped my tongue past her lips and began giving her the kiss that I had been daydreaming of giving her.

Sitting there with Angie, the time seemed to fly by, and all too soon, I felt her pulling away from the kiss. She gave me another small kiss on the lips and pulled away a little to look me in the eyes.

"Gabe, if I go another day pretending that I'll be just fine on my own, I think I'll go crazy." She whispered. "Before I met you, I was perfectly fine being single, but now ... " She trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"So ... what are you saying?" I asked slowly. "Are you saying that ... you're going to give me a chance?"

Angie smiled softly and nodded her head. "Yes." She whispered. "But, just one chance, Gabe. If you hurt me in any way, then we're through." She said sternly.

"I promise you, you won't have to worry about that." I said, giving her a small smile.

"Okay then." She said, laughing softly. "Well, now that that's settled, can we get back to that kiss?" She added, not bothering to wait for an answer, she reached up and pressed her lips to mine once more.

For the first time in a long time, I felt all my troubles and worries lifted off my shoulders as I got lost in this wonderful feeling of bliss and ecstasy. It was a feeling that I didn't want to let go of anytime soon.

I just prayed that I wouldn't do something to throw this all away. For Angie's sake, and my own. I don't think that either of us can handle any more heartbreak.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'll be your doctor, i'll be your cure, i'll be your medicine, oh baby rest assured

Ah, it's raining like a mofo over here, and I'm soaked to the bone, sitting in the library, trying to kill time until my first class of the day :(