Status: Completed

Breaking Hearts and Breaking Bones Has Never Been So Romantic

A Little Taste Of My World

Holding tightly to Gabe's hand, I did my best to ignore the death glares coming from the girls who crowded the walkway. Gabe was leading me toward the entrance of the building, or, at least trying to. The walkway was crowded with fans of Gabe and the band, and although there wasn't a big ground of people, they still caused us some slight difficulty in getting to our destination.

I wasn't accustomed to receiving such unwelcome stares from strangers; usually people I didn't even know would great me with welcome smiles, and a friendly hello. But here, in the heartland of Gabe and Alex's world of business, I was showed no such mercy.

Finally, up ahead of us, a security guard held open the door for us, but not before a girl who looked to be no older than sixteen shot some viciously rude words my way. I opened my mouth to reply with some mean words of my own that would put her in her place, but before I had a chance to utter a single world, Gabe stopped short.

His actions were so sudden that I had run into him before I realized he had even stopped. Steadying me easily with one hand before I fell, he whipped around and narrowed his eyes at the girl who had spoken to me.

The girl, catching sight of the look on Gabe's face, lost a bit of color from her cheeks, and cowered slightly away.

"How dare you say something like that to my girlfriend." Gabe growled. "Don't be so damn ignorant. I don't care if I'm hurting your feelings, sweetheart, but you seriously need to grow up and learn some respect."

At his words, the remaining color in the girls face drained away, and she stuttered some apologies.

Not bothering to stick around to listen to any of her jibberish, Gabe turned around and pulled me into the building. As soon as we stepped underneath the fluorescent lighting, I felt a rush of relief, happy to finally get away from the mob of teenies.

Ahead of me, I heard Gabe took a deep breath and let it out in a frustrated sigh before he turned around, giving me an uneasy look. "Angie, I'm so sorry." He whispered. "You don't deserve to be spoken to like that, babe; if I had known it was going to be like this, I wouldn't have asked you to come along with us."

"Its fine, Gabe," I reassured him. "They're your fans - "

"If they were really fans of ours, they would be happy that I have a girlfriend that I'm crazy about." Gabe sighed. "I'm sorry Angie," he frowned, "but they're not all like that. Most of them are real nice; but every once in a while you get that bunch that ... " He trailed off, motioning back toward the door that we had just come through.

"Really Gabe, I'm okay with it." I said. "It's just ... different, but I can adjust."

Gabe sighed quietly and leaned over, cupping my face in his slender hands just before he kissed my lips gently. Up until the moment his lips touched my own, I wasn't aware as to how tense I had been. Almost immediately, I felt myself melting into his touch, and I silently begged that it wouldn't have to end any time soon.

But, they had an interview they had to get to, and because of the little incident that had taken place outside, they were already running a few minutes late.

Gabe broke the kiss and pulled away from me, flashing me a shy smile before he turned back around, gripped my hand tightly in his, pulling me along behind the rest of the group. We passed by many doors, most of which were propped open, revealing people hard at work at whatever it is people at record labels did. Some glanced up at us as we passed, while most others ignored us completely, so entirely immersed in their work that they barely had time to notice anybody who passed.

After a few minutes, after it felt like we had gone through a labyrinth of hallways, we were lead into a small room that had a couple of couches set up in it, with another door that led into a separate room. Already set up and waiting on one of the couches was a man who looked to be in his mid thirties. In one hand he held a notebook, while the other was busy messing with a small voice recorder.

He looked up as we entered and give the band a friendly greeting. Then, almost as if he had been waiting for me, his eyes swept past Gabe and bore into mine. For the second time within fifteen minutes, I had gained attention that I didn't want.

"Hello there." He said happily. "And who might you be?"

Ahead of me, Gabe let out a small, impatient sigh. "This is Alex's little sister." He said simply before he ushered me past the man, and through the other door, leading me into a slightly larger room.

There was a table set up in the middle that was piled high with pastries and bottles of water. There was also a couch set up in this room as well, and already had one occupant who looked up as soon as Gabe and I entered the room.

"Hey Bob," Gabe greeted him.

'Bob' replied with a soft smile and a slight wave as Gabe led me over to him.

"Bob, this is my girlfriend, Angie." Gabe said, nudging me forward slightly. "Angie, this is our manager Bob McLynn."

"Nice to meet you, Angie." Bob smiled, extending his hand toward me. "You wouldn't happen to be the same Angie as Alex's little sister Angie, would you?"

I laughed quietly and nodded my head as I shook his hand. "Yeah, one and the same."

"I've heard a lot about you from Alex," Bob grinned, "but don't worry, it wasn't anything bad."

"I'd hope not; we all know how my brother tends to exaggerate and make up stories."

Bob laughed and nodded his head in agreement. Releasing my hand, he gestured to the couch, indicating for me to have a seat. Behind me, I heard the door close and I glanced over my shoulder, noticing that Gabe had left us alone. Not wanting to keep Bob waiting, I turned my attention back to him and sat down, crossing my legs as I made myself comfortable.

"Water?" He asked, offering me a bottle.

"Thanks." I said, taking it from him.

He smiled and nodded his head before he sat down on the opposite end of the couch. "I don't think Gabe was expecting that interviewer in there to beat them here."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Gabe was probably hoping that he would be able to get you through here, before that guy caught sight of you." Bob explained. "Because Gabe knows that once some interviewer catches wind of you, they're going to make it a public announcement that Gabriel Saporta is indeed romantically involved with Alex Suarez's sister."

When I didn't reply, Bob sighed softly, giving me an apologetic look. "It's a matter of trying to keep his private life separate from his professional life. Being involved with someone in the music business is hard, and it seems like there's always unwanted attention being put on you. Gabe's just trying to keep you away from that trouble, Angie."

Biting my lip, I lowered my eyes down to my bottle of water.

Gabe and I had been together for a total of three weeks now, and during that time, Gabe had already explained to me that being with him would be, in fact, hard. He and Alex would be gone for months at a time, they would be busy doing interviews, and they would be preoccupied with everything that came along with being in a band. I knew from day one that life with Gabriel Saporta wasn't going to be any old walk through the park, but the reality of everything didn't seem to hit me at full force until today, when I was finally experiencing their world first hand.

"But, Gabe didn't want to bring you here today just to have me bum you out about your guys' relationship." Bob sighed. "What he actually wanted me to do was to tell you that they have a two and a half month long tour coming up. You're invited to tag along, of course, if that's what you want."

"They're going to be leaving for tour?" I asked. "Gabe couldn't just tell me that himself?"

"I'm sure that he could have," Bob winked, "but, just in case you wanted to go with them, he wanted me to explain to you how that would work."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the label is concerned that anybody who travels with the band during tour is a liability." Bob explained. With that, he got into a detailed description of what would happen if I were to get hurt while touring with them, what the label would have to go through, so on and so forth.

Finally, at the end of a five minute long speech, during which Bob explained exactly what would happen, and what it would mean, if a guest were to get hurt while on tour, my head was swimming with the technical terms he had used, although I wasn't quite sure as to the definition that went along with them. The only thing I could grasp from the entire 'lecture' was to not get hurt while on tour, otherwise I'd be on my own.

Wait a minute ... I would be on my own?

Since when did I have to worry about being carefully on tour? I didn't travel with them; I simply stayed at home, going to working, taking care of the apartment. That's all I had done last time my brother had left for tour; that's what I was expecting to do this time, right?

Crazy girl, you weren't with Gabe then, were you? A voice asked in the back of my mind. Now that you're his girlfriend, you're free to travel with them as much as you pleased.

But, another voice interjected, you have no idea what goes on during touring; you can just be getting in the way for all you know. Besides, what if they don't want you to tag along during tour?

I shook my head, trying to shake away the thoughts, and sighed quietly, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong, Angie?" Bob asked, nudging my arm slightly. "Are you bummed that they'll be gone for so long? As I said, you're free to go along with them if you'd like."

"I've never gone on a tour before," I said quietly. "I don't know what happens on one; I'm afraid that I'll just be in the way if I decided to tag along."

Bob laughed and shook his head. "You won't be in the way, Angie." He assured me. "You should go with them, even if it's just for a week or so. I'm sure that Gabe would really like that."


"Of course he would." Bob said, giving me a look that suggested I might have been partially insane to even ask such a question. "He wants you to go with them, which is why he asked me to explain to you how this touring business works. He wants you there with him."

"But, what about all this, not wanting his personal life to get mixed up with his professional life?" I questioned.

"Touring with him across the country in a secluded bus is different than having a reporter reveal to the country your guys' intimate relationship." Bob reasoned with me. "But honestly, Angie, I think you should go with them, even if it's just for a few days. Gabe is crazy about you; I don't think it would be fair for him at all if you just flat out refused to accompany them."

"I don't know, Bob." I said hesitantly. "I mean, I still have to work, and someone has to stay home to take care of the ... fish." I said lamely.

Bob eyed me for a few seconds, not saying anything, but rather studying me as if he were trying to uncover the reason as to why I wasn't lapping up this offer like most people expected me to. I highly doubted he would find the reason, though, because I didn't even know the reason why I wasn't jumping on the offer to see the country.

Finally, realizing that he wasn't going to pry any sort of answer from me telepathically, he nodded his head as he patted my arm gently. "Well, just think about it, Angie. And remember, it would mean the world to Gabe to have you there with him."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When my brother began to snore softly from his place on the love seat, Gabe and I decided that it was time to leave him be, and retreat into a different room. Our sanctuary for the night? My bedroom.

After leading me by the hand down the hallway and into my room, Gabe shut the door behind us, and then followed me to my bed where he sat down, while I rummaged around in my dresser. As I changed into a pair of pj shorts and a cami top, Gabe watched me shyly, his brown eyes studying me with interest yet he did so without making me feel uncomfortable.

After three weeks of dating and still not be given the privilege of having sex, some guys would go crazy. Luckily, Gabe wasn't one of those guys. Sure, the man certainly liked having a 'hands on experience' every once in a while, and take in the sights from time to time, he hasn't asked for anything more, which I am grateful for.

When I finished changing, I took a seat beside Gabe, and gently took his hand in mine. He watched me out of the corner of his eye as he squeezed my hand, and then sighed quietly to himself, his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand.

"So, did Bob talk to you about the upcoming tour?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded my head in response. "Yup, he did."

"Oh, okay." Gabe said quietly. The gentle caressing of my hand ceased momentarily as Gabe shifted slightly to look at me straight on. "So ... have you given any thought to coming with us?" He asked hesitantly.

"I ... did ... yeah, earlier." I said offhandedly. "But, I still haven't decided anything."

"I wish you'd come with us." He mumbled softly. "I hate the thought of leaving you here by yourself."

"Gabe, I've been living by myself for a while before I moved in with you and Alex." I said, giving him a smile. "I can take care of myself."

Gabe, however, frowned and shook his head at my words. "It's my job to take care of you now." He said. "I promised you that I'd take care of you, and I promised your brother that I would take care of you."

"Gabriel, I'll be perfectly fine here." I insisted. "Unless you think I'm incapable of taking care of myself for two and a half months."

"I just want you with me, Angie. I'm too used to having you around me now; it's going to be hard for me to say goodbye." He whispered. "You don't have to stay with us the entire tour, if you're worried about missing too much work." He added, seeing the hesitant look on my face.

"Well ... "

"Please, Angela?" Gabe asked, giving my hand another squeeze. "I'm usually not the kind of guy who begs for something, unless it means a lot to him. And, it'll mean a lot to me just to have you there with me. Please come with me?"

Such sincerity in his voice. So much honesty in his words. His eyes told that he was being 100% truthful with me. How on earth could I deny him of his request?

"Alright, Gabe." I said softly. "I'll go with you on tour ... as long as my work will allow me to."

At my response, Gabe's brown eyes lit up with such excitement I hadn't quite seen in them before. "Awesome." He whispered before he leaned over, pressing his lips to mine quickly. As he pulled away, he laughed quietly to himself, and then stood up. "I'm going to call Bob real fast, and tell him that you're going." He said. "I'll only be a couple of minutes."

As he walked out of my room, I let my eyes follow him, and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like on tour. Just this morning, I had gotten a small taste of what Gabe's world was like, and in all honesty, I didn't think it suit me all that well. It was all I could do to pray that things would go somewhat smoother on tour.
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Bleh..I know :(