That One Thing


Logan Mitchell lay on the couch in the apartment he shared with his band mates, and best friends, at the Palm Woods, staring at the ceiling. Logan had been doing that a lot lately, just laying down and staring at whatever surface his eyes caught first. It was Logan’s way of clearing his head. Lately the only thing that was on Logan’s mind was a girl; his mind was running in all directions, and even trying to get school work done was hard for him.

Normally Logan was the one with his head on his shoulders, he was usually the last one to let a girl affect his state of mind; he was acting like James right now. Truth be told this had never happened to him before, he’d never been so enthralled by a girl before. There was just something about her that caused his heart to skip a beat and that made him forget what he was thinking.

Her name was Lacey and she lived in apartment 2M, she was the star of the television show Vampire Academy. She had moved to the Palm Woods a couple months after Big Time Rush had settled down, she had moved from North Dakota. That was the first thing that gave Logan the guts to get up and talk to Lacey in the beginning; he asked her if she liked hockey.

But her love for Hockey wasn’t what attracted Logan to Lacey in the first place, and as much as you ask him, he’ll never be able to give you a direct answer. He didn’t even know himself, he could name a lot of things about Lacey that he loved, but there was always something he couldn’t put his finger on. There was some intangible quality about her that Logan couldn’t ignore. Whatever quality it was, was so apparent in his mind, it kept him up at night, it kept him hooked, and it kept him coming back for more. That one quality had held Logan’s gaze on more than one occasion, and although he’d never admit it, he’d watch her, over and over again, to try and decipher that one quality that he couldn’t point out.

Her smile.

Logan loved her smile. It was one of those smiles that made you smile. He’d told her on more than one occasion that she had a smile that could brighten the world, and although that line was cheesy, it made her blush every time he said it. He wasn’t lying either, she had such a big, genuine smile, that showcased her perfect set of pearly white teeth. But by far Logan’s favorite part of her smile was the way her lips curved; they curved in such a subtle way, but that was enough for him.

“Logan…?” her voice rang through the empty apartment.

Kendall, James and Carlos had decided to go out on the town with Katie and Mrs. Knight, leaving Logan alone in the apartment. He silently thanked the guys for leaving, so he could spend some time alone with Lacey.

“Are you asleep…?” Her voice grew softer as her feet approached the orange couch.

He thought for a moment about scaring her, but he knew she probably wouldn’t be too thrilled with him afterwards. He decided against it, and instead titled his head back a bit to let her know he was awake.

“Doing some deep thinking, Logie?” Lacey placed her black bag down on the floor and nestled herself, between the back of the couch and Logan, placing her head on his chest.

“You could call it that.” He smiled, kissing the top of her head, and placing his arm around her.

In that moment he realized that her smell was another thing that attracted him to her. It wasn’t so much that he just liked smelling her, it was that whatever scent that was on her, stuck in his nose. Her aroma sent his head spinning, on more than one occasion, and sometimes it was hard for him to remember there were other people around. Most of the time she smelt like a mix of vanilla and cinnamon, it sent his sense haywire, and gave him the urge to eat cookies.

Lacey moved herself so she was now straddling Logan, her hands on his chest. “Well what were you thinking about?” She asked, smiling, her eyes locking with his.

Her eyes.

There was something about her eyes that Logan loved. Whenever he’d look into her eyes it felt like he was staring into the ocean. He loved the unique color of her eyes, they weren’t a normal shade of blue, they were a bright blue, almost turquoise. There was something about the color that had Logan get lost in her eyes, so many times.

“Well I was thinking about you.” Logan laughed slightly, placing his hands on her hips.

“Awh, babe, you’re so adorable.” Her lips formed a small smirk. “I’ve been thinking about you too.”

Logan laughed, remembering yet another reason he fell for her; her ever so subtle ways of trying to be sexy. It was really no secret that Lacey didn’t need to try to be anything, but she always fell short when she was trying to think of little things to say to get him off. She had the look, the body, the smile, she was a great kisser, but she never quiet mastered the art of those sexy remarks. Logan quite admired that she tried so hard, but it often made him laugh at her attempts.

Although Logan told her countless times she didn’t need to try and talk dirty to him, or make those remarks, but she never listened, saying something about how it was her duty. But Logan admired that she tried to do it, he admired that she was always ready to try new things to make him happy. That was another thing, her ability to try new things. She was always ready to try a new role, to try a new stunt, to learn a new language; Lacey never shied away from new things.

“Oh you have, have you?” Logan replied, trying to hide his laughter from her earlier attempt to woo him.

“Don’t laugh at me!” She whined her hands played with the buttons of his shirt.

“I’m not! I could never laugh at you.” Logan was having a hard time trying to control his laughter.

“You liar!” Lacey smacked his arm lightly getting up from the couch and walking toward the door.

Logan jumped from the couch and ran over to her, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face him. His hand moved down and rested on her hips, his lips landing on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, playing the hair on the back of his head.

“I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to laugh at you.” Logan whispered, placing his forehead on hers.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

“Now come on, we’ll be more comfortable in here.”

Logan grabbed her hand, and led her into the room that he shared with Kendall. He laid on the blue comforter and pulled her on the bed next to him. His arms wrapped around her, as her head rested on his chest.

It hit him, again. The way her body seemed to mold to his whenever they were together was another thing that made Logan fall for her. The way their bodies molded together whenever they laid down, was like a puzzle, where the pieces fit together perfectly. It was as if they were made for each, they were made to fit into each other perfectly.

Even though being with her reminded Logan of all the reasons he fell in love with her, it still hadn’t brought to his attention that one thing that really attracted him to her in the first place.

A part of him really wanted to know what that quality was, but another part of him was afraid to. He didn’t want to find out that one quality and then get bored of it, or her. But he wanted to know for the life of him what it was that drove him so crazy. It wasn’t as thought it was killing him that he didn’t know what the one thing was about her that drove him so insane, it was just he wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to know everything that drew him to her, so that maybe one day he’d be able to tell her all the things that he adored, all the things that drove him crazy.

But the searching for it was starting to drive him more insane.

Some things are better left undiscovered.
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i hope you all enjoyed(: