Status: On hiatus. Rewritting.

My Constant Companion


“Brother?” I asked in a small voice. “He's your brother?” I felt confused. I looked up at Shannon then back at Jared. Brothers?

“Unfortunately.” Shannon whispered back, his lips close to my ear, his arms still around me, not daring to let go even as he shifted my more behind him than at his side.

It wasn't until I thought about things later that I realized I could hear both very clearly, as if the music had died away completely.

“He's always been so moody.” Jared said nonchalantly.

I now noticed he was flanked by two very tall, muscular men, with dark skin and bald heads. They wore suits and looked like twins and stood on either side of him, like bodyguards.

“Always so unhappy to see family. Isn't that right, Shannon?”

“Still can't go anywhere alone, I see.” Shannon nodded to the two other men as he took my wrist in his hands. “Henry. Harold.”

The men didn't acknowledge him, just stood there looking all buff and menacing, ready to strike.

“I like their company.” Jared lightly chuckled. Like wind chimes, my mind thought. He turned his attention to me. “Aren't you going to introduce me?” he asked with a smile I didn't return. “What a lovely creature.” he said, licking his lips. Oh no.

Shannon's grip on my skin began to hurt, but I said nothing. I could feel the anger and rage rolling off him in waves. Anger I assessed was better than fear. “Come on, let's go.” he snarled.

“Are you really going to be that way brother?”

Shannon was about to turned and walk away but he stopped midway. “That won't work on me. And you know it.” he said to his brother, “And it won't work on her either. So stop.”

What was he talking about?

“What won't work?” I whispered, hating the fear that came into my voice.

Jared's lips curved into a predators smile as he said, “Oh, but it already has.”

Shannon swiftly pushed me aside and his fist came up so fast I barely saw it, and it would have hit Jared's face if one of those twins, Henry or Harold, hadn't intercepted. One grabbed Jared and pulled him back, the other had knocked Shannon to the ground and in the process I fell too.

“Get off of me.” Shan exclaimed. “Get the fuck off.” He pushed the twin back and pulled me up to my feet. “You alright?” he asked me, his eyes ablaze and scared dark.

I nodded and Jared laughed. “Always so hot headed. You let you're silly emotions get the better of you brother.”

“And you've never fought fair.” Shan said, licking his bottom lip, it was bleeding. He pulled me closer to him
again. A crowd had gathered around now. I saw Ivy and Jack but only vaguely thought of them. “Leave her be. Or it'll be the last thing you do.”

“I didn't come here to fight.” Jared insisted. “I just wanted to talk to my older brother in a civilized manner.” he moved closer, around one of the twins. “Nikka, isn't afraid of me, now are you?”

Oh yes I was, but I kept my mouth shut. I knew he knew my name, he had said it in that dream. Shannon didn't seem to know that though.

“Get the fuck out of her head.” he snarled. “And stay away from her... from me.” Shannon took my hand and pulled me along through the crowd.

“Bye Nikka.” I heard Jared shout. “Til we meet again.”

I squeezed Shan's hand when he looked like he was going to turn back around again. I just wanted to be far away from that man.

We made it outside, in the chilly spring air. I breathed in a fresh breath of air but Shannon was fuming. We walked a block before we stopped. He scanned the streets carefully, then turned us into a dark alley. Then his heated eyes were set on mine. He got close about two feet in front of me, and even though he wasn't much taller than I, he seemed to tower over me now.

“Had you ever met him?” he huffed out. Oh, he was pissed.

“No. I don't know... maybe.” I stammered.

“Tell. Me. The. Truth.” he exclaimed loudly, making a sentence out of every word.

I shut my eyes and steadied my breathing. “He was in a dream I had when you were gone.” I explained. “He said that he met me long ago, although I don't remember that. And that he was trying to warn me, protect me.”

“From what?”

“From you.”

His eyes were hard, cold, angry. It scared me. For the first time I was truly scared of him. He looked away from me, walked to his right and punched the brick wall.


He shook his hand then he began laughing like a madman. I backed up a few steps. I have never seen him like this.

“Don't believe anything that man says.” he said between laughs. “Don't let him sway you. Don't let that pretty face fool you.”

After a long frightening pause in which his laughter died away, I asked, “He's really your brother?”

“Yes.” He seemed to be coming back down to earth.

“And you hate him?”

“More than you know.”


He wouldn't answer, just gave me a long look, turned around and began walking away.

“Shannon?” I followed him despite the fear bubbling inside of me. “Shannon.” I called again. He stopped walking and turned to me.

“Come on.”

He grabbed my hand firmly once again and took me back by the club. We walked across the street to a parking lot, went over to a motorcycle and he got on, handing me a helmet.

“Is this yours?” I asked, still a little shaken.

“Get on.” Not quite an answer. I took the helmet in shaky hands and frowned. Should I go with him while he was like this? “I'm not going to hurt you, doll.” he said, answering my thoughts. “Get on.”

Securing the helmet on my head, I got onto the back of the bike.

“Hold on tight.”

I threw my arms around his waist as he stared the engine. I could feel all the muscles in his back as I leaned against it and my thighs clinched together tightly against his. As we drove from the lot I saw Jared, and the twins across the street, he looked in our direction, smirking slyly. Ivy and crew were behind him, separate, but in my mind together. That scared me even more.

Shannon peeled away, leaving them all behind. For a while I thought Jared would followed, but soon that paranoia died away.

The ride was both frightening and exhilarating. I held on tight to Shannon, the leather of his jacket warming me from the chill of the wind that whipped past our bodies. And his intoxicating scent, honey, rain, grass, was mixing with the gasoline, making my head swim. I didn't know where we were heading but I was getting tired and there were things I need to say to him, that you just can't on the back of a bike.

Finally after a half hour or so of riding we stopped. I didn't know where we were, but Shannon parked and we got off. We were in a wooded area, away from everyone and everything else. There was a small house near the path we had just parked. Shannon took off his jacket and threw it over my shoulders.

“I should have given this to you before we took off.”

“It's okay.” I whispered as I pulled my arms through the sleeves.

“No...” he murmured. “it isn't.”

Shannon opened the front door of the house and turned on a light. It was a one level ranch style house, a bit small, but cozy. “Do you live here?”

“Sometimes.” he said, leading me into the living room. I sat on the black sofa as he went into the kitchen and brought back two glasses, filled them with vodka, and handed me one. “It'll take off the edge.” he said to me as he took a seat in an armchair to my left.

I sipped it slowly, letting it burn down my throat. “So are you going to explain anything to me?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

He stood up and came to sit next to me. He brushed my hair from my face then threw his feet onto the coffee table. “First let me ask you something.” I waited. “What happened in that dream?”

“The one with Jared?” He nodded, not looking at me. So I told him about it. I could see the anger burning in his eyes. “How did he know about me?”

“Honestly, I don't know.”

“Why did he say he wanted to protect me?”

“Because he's trying to fuck with your head.” he said hotly.

“I had a dream about you, too.” I whispered after a pause.

“I know.” he said somberly.

“So it wasn't a real dream? It was you controlling it?”

“Not controlling but I was there, in your head, yes.”

“So what happened at the end?” I stifled the unpleasant shiver I had.

“I lost control.” He scowled, thinking. Then anger boiled over as he snarled one name, “Jared.” Shannon
stood and began pacing, his rage evident.

“That was him? He was there too?” I asked in a low whisper. I just knew it somehow.

“Yes, he was in your head too. Shit.” he cussed. “I should have felt that. I should have known.”

“What had you seen?” I remembered his reaction to something behind me, something he wanted to save me from.

“Hell.” he snarled.

“What?” I was lost.

“Things from my past.” he chuckled darkly, and wouldn't elaborate any further than that. “I didn't mean for any of that to happen. This is Jared's doing.”

“So Jared's in my head?”

“Yes. Was. Shit, Nikka, I never meant for any of this to happen.” He plopped down on the sofa next to me. “I'll
make this right.”

“It's fine.” I insisted.

“No. It's not.” Shannon was dead serious. I felt an ice cold chill sliver down my spine at those few words. I was scared. “He's tricky. He's conniving. And I know what he's capable of. I don't want you to get caught in the cross fire.” his eyes softened a bit.

“What's the deal with you two?” I asked cautiously. “Why do you hate each other?”

“It's complicated.”

All this time he hadn't met my eye. I leaned forward, my drink forgotten, and turned his face to me, his stubble ticking my fingertips. His eyes were darker, and I was a bit taken aback. “I'm not angry with you doll. Remember that.” he whispered.

“I know.” I sighed and shut my eyes. I brushed my finger across his lower lip, touching the cut there. The blood had dried up. He gently kissed my fingertip. “Where were you, when you were gone all week?” I asked softly.

“I had some business to attend to.” he muttered, clearly not wanting to talk about whatever it was.

My eyes flew open.

“Dammit, Shannon.” I exclaimed, dropping my hands. “Can't you stop being so vague and give me a real answer?”

He touched my face then, his eyes softening. “This is the best I can do, doll. I've never revealed myself to a human like this. There is a lot you aren't supposed to know. And until I figure out what Jared wants, that information won't be going into your head.”

Oh. “Where he can easily access it.” I murmured, finally grasping it.

“Exactly. There are things I can't tell you because they are too dangerous. My only goal is to keep you safe.”

“From your brother?”

“From all of them.”

“And why would they want to bother me?” He said nothing. “Because of you?”

“Something like that.” he muttered.

I sighed and we both sat silently for a minute or two, one of Shannon's strong hands on my cheek, the other on my thigh, caressing both reassuringly.

“Can't he just leave you alone?” I whispered.

“That's not his style. He's a judgmental, hypocritical, motherfucker.” he turned and stared at the wall in front of him. “He hates that I got too close to your kind.”



My angel grew quiet, lost in thought, his eyes clouded, so I said, “You told me once you had betrayed someone. Was it Jared?” I asked as it popped in my head, walking into dangerous territory once again.

He shook his head but wasn't angry anymore. “No.” And I knew it was all the answer I would get, but that was okay. “No more Jared tonight.”

I nodded. “What time is it?” I asked with a deep yawn. This night had been long. It had to be late.

“I don't know. But you're tired. Let's go to bed.” He gulped down his drink and stood. He took my hand in his and led me down the hall.

The master bedroom was at the end of the hall. It was surprisingly big. His huge king sized bed was in the middle of the room, covered with dark blue and white linen. Shannon walked past me and began to undress, tossing his shirt to the floor. “Would you like to stay with me, or in the guest room?”

I didn't answer, just walked forward until I was right in front of him. I rested my head on his warm bare chest and sighed contently. This is where I needed to be.

I guess that was answer enough, because he put a hand, the same hand he used to hit the brick wall, on the back of my head and sighed himself. I looked up, gave him a smile, and pulled away and I took off my clothes until I was wearing only my bra and panties. Shannon pretended not to notice my bare limbs as he handed me a t-shirt to wear. He was wearing only gray sweatpants now his scared up chest and muscular arms looking deliciously good as he tossed the covers back. I took the shirt, but decided not to wear it. I instead got under the covers and waited for him to join me.

I watched his glorious body as he shut the door, walked across the room, and with a sly, wicked grin on his lovely rugged face, he slipped into bed beside me. His scared hand caressed my thigh, moved up til it was by my panties. My breath hiked up in anticipation. His lips were near mine, there was no lingering scent of vodka on his breath, only a lovely sweet scent, must be an angel thing, because I was sure it was on mine.

I lifted my head until our lips touched. Electricity coursed through my body, and I took his face in my hands. One of his hands moved to my back, holding me to him, the other was between my legs.

“Tell me to stop and I will.” he said as he broke out kiss, leaving my lips feeling lonely. “Do you want me to stop?” His eyes bore deeply into mine, leaving me breathless. I wasn't afraid anymore, he was like himself now. My angel. My Shannon.

I shook my head and moaned out a low, “No.”

I place my hand on top of his, egging him on. I bit my lower lips as he he growled like an animal and rub my clit.
