Status: On hiatus. Rewritting.

My Constant Companion


My head was pounding. I felt incredibly tired. A side effect of the mind-trip, Shannon said. So as I sat outside in his SUV, the rain that pounded on the windows sounded like bombs being dropped. I sighed and shut my eyes.

The day had been long, work had dragged on. I had gone in early and stayed late, making up for my being away so much lately. I was acting like a common employee, not a co-owner. Ivy and I hadn't been getting on well, but things were improving. And that is why I was willing to go ahead with this ridiculous dinner tonight.

I was waiting on Shannon to handle some business in the warehouse a block away from here. I know what you're thinking, business in a warehouse, a bit iffy, but I tried not to ask too many questions. Besides, my head was enough of a distraction.

Something told me to open my eyes. Shannon was just up the street, a black umbrella over his head as he walked confidently towards the SUV. He hopped in quickly and tossed the umbrella in the backseat.

“Ready?” he asked, eying my carefully.

I nodded and gave him a quick smile. “How's the demon?” I asked.

After finding out last night that Shannon's friend was a Demon, I had a few questions for him. Like why he was hanging around the shop? The answer I got wasn't one I expected and it didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, either. He was protecting Ivy.

Shannon had sent Tomo there to be on the lookout for his dear brother. Plus after he had his wings ripped out Tomo had saved his life, getting him to safety before any animals or rogue Angels got to him and finished him off. He trusted him. I should be thankful, but I was still freaked out. I didn't know Tomo. Shannon said he was a good guy but after what I've seen of the Angels, I felt it good to be a bit cautious.

Shan snorted. “He says 'hi'. And he's sorry he freaked you out. Won't happen again.” his brow furrowed, “You sure you're up for this?”

“No, but I promised.”

“Mm-hmm.” Shan mumbled before his lips were on mine, and his fingers were on my temples. I almost freaked out, thinking of the mind-trip, but all he did was give them a gentle massage. I shut my eyes again. “By tomorrow morning you should feel better.” he said in a low grumbling voice, “I'm not doing that to you again.”

I put my hands on his and opened my eyes. “But I want you, too.”

He narrowed his eyes. “No.” he said firmly.

“But you promised me. You said you would let me see more.”

“I did, didn't I, doll.” Shannon's hand fell away and he moved back into his seat and said in a flat voice. “We better get going. Don't wanna be late.”

So as we drove on in the pouring rain, I didn't bother to talk or look at anything. After Shan's little massage my head felt slightly better.

We didn't talk, and I must have dozed off because he was shaking me awake what felt like a moment later. “We're here.”

Shannon popped out of the SUV, and was at my door, umbrella overhead. I reluctantly got out. Taking his hand we made our way inside of the restaurant. The place was packed, it was Friday night after all, and the hostess took us to our table.

Ivy and Jared were already there...

...and making out.

Shannon squeezed my hand, “He won't hurt her in public.” he whispered in my ear as we approached, “Relax.”

“How can I?”

“Tonight won't go well if you can't pretend, for Ivy's sake, that things are normal. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. We both did enough of that this week.”

I hated to admit it but he was right. I couldn't let that bastard get to me.

“Jared.” Shannon said softly.

The hostess blushed. And the two lovebirds broke apart. Jared, whom I expected knew we were near the table all along, smiled at Ivy and apologized to us. My best friend looked slightly embarrassed, but more please. We sat down at the table, Shannon to my left, his brother to me right, both of them had dressed up in their best suits and both looked fetching. And right across from me was Ivy, who was wearing a low-cut purple dress I had never seen before, it must be new. And it looked expensive.

I had on the same pink dress I wore on my date with Micheal. I suddenly felt insecure. Shannon insisted I looked fantastic but seeing Ivy in her new dress, and.. were those diamond earrings? Real diamonds? Okay, I might have felt a pang of jealousy that I had never felt towards my friend before. Not that I wanted Shannon to buy my jewelery or anything. But Jared was buying her things. She had only known him for a week.

I smiled at her and at Jared. “Nikka, so lovely to see you.” he said smoothly as if it were true. His blue eyes blazed into mine. After seeing him in the mind-trip I hated him, truly hated him to my core. From beneath the table Shannon touched my knee. A warning.

He knew me well. I was about to punch Jared's pretty little face in.

“Jared.” I said tightly. “Hey, Ivy.”

“Hey.” she said softly. “I'm glad you guys came.”

I only nodded. The brothers did the same to one another by way of greeting. It was awkward to say the least.

“So... nice dress.” I said because there was little else to say.

“Thanks.” Vee said, grinning from ear to ear, “It is, isn't it? Got it today. It's a perfect fit.”

“Mm-hmm.” Ivy had never before sounded shallow, til now.

“She does look amazing.” Jared said proudly.

Just in the nick of time our server came over, preventing me from saying a lot of nasty things at the angel to my right. Despite my headache I ordered red wine. I was going to need it. There was little conversation at our table. We ordered, silence ensued, until Ivy cleared her throat.

“Alright. I know you two don't get along, but come on.” She reached over and touched Jared's cheek. “You promised you'd put aside your differences tonight.” she spoke in a baby voice. Gag.

Jared looked lovingly at her, and smiled. “Alright. For you, love.”

If I didn't know Jared didn't give two shits about Vee, I might have believed his performance. Shannon hid his grin as he sipped his wine.

“So, Shannon,” Ivy said, “what do you do for a living?”

The dark Angel, still smiling, replied. “I'm a computer technician.”

“Computer tech? Really?” Ivy said, her eyebrows raised.

“Yes. Surprised?”

“A little, yeah.”

So was I. I tried not to let it show on my face. Jared's face gave nothing away, of course.

“And Jared, what is it that you do?” I asked, just dying to hear his answer.

“I'm a financial adviser.” he said smoothly.


Those brothers had one thing in common. They were both good liars.

“And how do you two know each other?” Ivy asked.

“We're brothers.” Jared said before Shan, or myself, got a chance to say anything.

“What?” Ivy was shocked. Just then our food came. And Ivy was still in shock once our server was gone. “You're... brothers?”

“Unfortunately.” Shannon mumbled.

“But, but,” she stammered. “You hate each other?”

“So do many other siblings.” Jared added.

Ivy looked at me. “Did you know they were brothers?”

“Yup.” I said and quickly looked down at my food. I knew she was upset.

“You knew and didn't tell me?” she said accusingly.

“What's the big deal?” I asked. My god, my head really hurt.

“I thought they were just knew each other. Former friends or something. Not that they were related.”

“Like I said, what's the big deal? He,” I pointed a thumb at her lover boy, “could have told you himself. Don't get all pissed with me.”

She turned to Jared. “I was going to tell you.” he told her just a hint of apology in his tone.

“So, why do you hate each other, then?”

They spoke in unison. “It's complicated.”

Ivy opened her mouth to argue but Jared shot her down with a look.

And that was the end of that.

Then the brothers did the exact same thing, at the exact same time. Brushing our hair behind our ears. Ivy was too absorbed in Jared's gazed to notice, but it was strange, and anyone watching might think it weird too.

Shannon's finger went across my jaw, electricity sparked where he touched. Giving me a smile he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. A reassuring kiss. Soon, he spoke in my mind, We'll leave soon. I'll take you home and you can rest.

Thank you.I spoke back.

When I looked over Ivy was staring back at me. I don't know how long she had been looking, but something in her expression was sad.

Jared started speaking about something or another. And surprisingly Shan talked to him. I knew they both hated the civility, but did it for our sake. As the meal wound down the sadness in Ivy's face was still present. I wasn't sure what had happened but I just knew it was Jared. Was he talking to her in mind-speak? Had he told her something unsettling? I had my own ideas but I couldn't flat out asked her.

“Ivy, are you okay?” I asked instead.

“Yeah, I'm great.” she said with a hint of annoyance. “Why wouldn't I be.” she smiled sweetly.

She was lying. I've known her for years, and I knew when she was lying to me. Something was wrong.

She stood up, “I'll be right back.” then she walked off in the direction of the restroom.

And that left me alone with the two Angels. I should have followed her but instead I turned to Jared.

“Bravo. You put on a good show.” I said mockingly. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were in love.”

He patted his lips with his napkin, then looked at me. “You're cute.” he teased.

“Dogs are cute too, 'til they bite.” Shannon said laughing.

“Stop fucking with my friends head.” I snarled.

“I like her.” he insisted. “She's fun.”

“Bullshit.” Shannon said. My thoughts exactly.

Jared let out a quick little chuckle, put his fork down and folded his hands. “Do you really think you're the only one capable of finding an earth girl?”

I made a face. “Earth girl?”

“But we know you're faking it, Jared.” Shannon spoke, “What's your aim? Whatever it is, leave the girl out of it.”

“No aim. Just a good time, with a lovely girl.” he licked his lips slowly, “And boy, is she lovely.”

“You don't even like humans.” I accused.

“I'm allowed to make exceptions.”

I felt anger rising in me but Shannon was telling me in my head to calm down. My fingers, which had balled into fist, relaxed and I sat back in my chair. My head pounded painfully in my ears. I knew there was little I could do to keep the two of them apart.

“What do you want Jared?” Shannon said impatiently.

The younger Angel spoke softly. “War is coming, brother.”

“Yeah, so I've heard.”

“Then you know what you must do.”


I was lost. “War?” I asked.

“Back home.” Shannon informed me. “Mess stuff. Jared, here, thinks I should return home, fight for our people, and seek redemption. Should they win the war,” he put a lot of emphasis on the word 'they'. “Perhaps father would welcome me back into the fold. It's like handing them my head on a silver platter. A shitty plan if you ask me.”

“Yeah, it is pretty shitty.” I agreed, turning to Jared.

“What do you know, little one?”

“I know plenty. He's not interested. Like he told you the other night. His home is here.”

“She's just as stubborn as you are, big brother. A perfect match.”

Shannon snarled. I asked, “How does Ivy factor into this?”

“She doesn't,” Shannon said, “He's just trying to fuck with you.”

“I'm not.” Jared said, “Ivy doesn't have anything to do with this.”

“You just took up with my best friend, just 'cause?”

“Mm-hmm.” he sipped his drink.

“You hurt one hair on her head-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you'll hurt me.” he said in a bored tone.

“No, I will.” Shannon growled out. “And rip your wings out, feather by agonizing feather.”

That got the Angel angry, and did I see a flicker of fear? “And you'd perish.”

“So worth it.” Shannon chuckled. “It's funny. How easily you cast me out, only to come crawling back, begging for help. You made the mess you're in, with all your sanctions, and laws, now it's time you fix it. It's no longer my problem.”

“Put aside your anger for once and listen to me.”

“Put aside my anger? You hunted me like some common animal.”

“That was years ago. Get over it.”

“I don't think you're winning any points.” I mumbled.

“Fuck you.” Shannon said, low and hard.

Jared tried to reason and failed. “You don't understand-”

“No, you don't understand. I'm not going back under any circumstance.” he leaned forward, his voice as cold as a glacier. “How do I know it isn't a ruse to lure me there so you can ambush me?”

“If I wanted you dead, Shannon,” Jared leaned in too, “you would be.”

“Boys.” I muttered without much conviction. I was too tired to do manage more. “Please.”

I placed a gentle hand on Shan's chest, urging him to relax. He wouldn't back down. Nor would his brother.

That is until Ivy returned. A look of confusion on her face. “What's going on?”

Both brothers backed off, but neither spoke up. Ivy turned to me. I shrugged. “I have no idea.”


Back at my place I dropped onto the couch like a sack of potatoes and kicked off my heels. Shannon lied down, pulling me on top of him. I rested my head on his chest and shut my eyes.

“Do you believe him?” I asked in a quiet voice.

“I don't know. He's a liar, but I know he wouldn't be trying to recruit me if it wasn't serious.”

“So, what's this war, then?”

“The Angels verses everyone else.”

“Everyone else?”

“Demons, the Fae, any Fallen Angels that are still there.”

If I had any energy to do so I would have opened my eyes. “Excuse me, did you say Fae?”

“Yeah. Did I not mention them?”

“No you did not. Like Fairies?”

“Yes. Fairies, Elves, Pixies, the lot. But not tiny cute little things in fairy tales. They're wood folk, cunning,
cruel, and deadly fighters. But they leave us alone so as long as we give them their peace. And we have. But now, the Angels, on some unholy path of glory, have tried to take their lands, they have gotten themselves into with the Demons as well. Now don't get me wrong, our kinds have never really seen eye to eye to begin with, but now it's hellish.”

“How do you know this?”

“I've got my ear to the ground.”

“Is that what you were talking to the Demon about?”

“Tomo. He has a name.”


He chuckled softly. “Yes. That and other matters.”

“Question. If there is a war unfolding in your world, why is your brother here?”

“That's what I'm trying to find out. Jared's up to something.”

“That's the understatement of the year.”

I yawned for what felt like and eternity. And somehow wound up in my bed, undressed, my body curled around Shannon's and blanket pulled tightly around us. Nightmares plagued my sleep, but Shannon held me to him, safe and secure in his arms were nothing could get me. When I really woke up it was six in the morning, my alarm was blaring and Shannon was still in bed with me, our bodies close.

“I don't wanna wake up.” I grumbled, but I'm not even sure if it came out right.

“Duty calls.” he said softly, “That's what you get for wanting to be a business woman.”

“Shut up.”

I felt stiff... and warm and too comfortable, my bad dreams had been banished, for now. It took all of my will to get out of bed. I might be sleepy but my head was all better. Shannon didn't bother getting up, he fell back asleep, tossing the covers over his head. I got ready. I kissed my loves forehead, he mumbled a few words, and I headed out.

As I walked, I got the feeling I was being following. I don't know how I knew, I just did. It was a bit unsettling. I only had a few blocks to walk, the streets were deserted, I saw no one, but as I looked around I knew someone was there. Near me.

“I know you're there.” I said more confidently than I felt.

Then I saw him. He didn't know I saw him, but there he was. Appearing out of thin air twenty feet to me right.


“Why are you trailing me?”

“Shannon needed me too.” he said, looking directly at me. “Wait. You can see me?”

“Of course, why wouldn't I.”

“Because I was veiled.” he shook his head, disbelievingly.

"Well you're veil must suck."

He came over and began walking next to me, a few feet separating us. Matching my stride as he spoke a soft hello. “I think we started off on the wrong foot. I'm Tomo.” he struck out his hand, I hesitated but shook it all the same. “I never meant to freak you out. I apologize.” he spoke in a soft, polite tone. Not what I was expecting, even thought I had already heard him speak before.

“So, Shannon has you babysitting.”

“He thinks Jared might try to harm you. He's not taking any chances.”

“And you must have all the time n the world.” I didn't mean to make it sound insulting, but there you have it.

“I owe him a few favors.” he told me, not as upset by what I had said as I thought he might be.

“So, you saved his life. I'd say he owes you.”

We crossed the street as he spoke. “We keep owing each other, a never ending cycle.” To my surprise he laughed. “I've known him along time. We're both outcast. We look out for each other.”

I nodded. So that's why Shannon trusted him, so much so that he was here walking me to work and keeping an eye on Ivy.

We made our way to the shop in silence. “Be safe.” he told me.

He started to walk away. “Hey, Tomo.” I called after him. He turned back to face me. “Thanks.”

“No need to thank me.” he walked away.

I went inside, Ivy was there, doing something at the register. She was eying me strangely. I guess she was still upset about last night. When we left the restaurant, no one was talking. We got our bills and paid and were on our way, separately. I didn't call her either, so it was easy to guess her mood. Plus I never did find out what was bothering her.

“Hey.” I said, hoping we could put last night behind us.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asked me slowly, carefully as if I would yell or something.

“Never better. You?”

“Fine. Who were you talking to?” Ivy asked me, her brow furrowed, as she looked behind me through the windows.

I turned around. She hadn't seen Tomo. Great.

“No one.” I rushed out, then made my way to the back, away from her questioning stare.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally updated. Let me know what you guys think.