By the Lake

By the lake

It had been a week since I had last spoken to Andy. Neither of us had made an attempt to speak to each other since our fight. I missed talking to him; I however would not be the first to approach him.

I walked along the path near the lake we used to go to. It was really quite breath taking; especially around this time at noon when the sun hit the water so beautifully.

I sat down on the grass and just stared at the lake. I had so many memories here with Andy; thinking about him brought an ache to my chest. I really did miss him. I would want more than anything for him to be here right now.

I sighed. I don’t really even know why we were in such a huge fight. Our fights usually never lasted for more than a few hours. We always found a way to make up but this time, I feared that we might never speak to eat other ever again.

I fiddled with our friendship bracelets. Thinking like that brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t even imagine a life where I had never met Andy. I can’t stand having to not talk to him. I would want more than anything to just run and hug him forever, but I can’t. Not this time.

“Why are you even wasting your time with him Chelsea? Can’t you see the only reason he’s with you?” Andy shouted. I couldn’t believe he just said that.

“So what a guy can’t want to be with me unless it’s to have sex?!” I shouted back. It was true that Jack had a bad reputation but people do change.

“No! That’s not what I’m saying, but you should know how Jack is. You’ve heard it from Stacy, from Kara, and should I go on the list is much longer.”

“Stop! I know what I’m doing-“ Before I could continue he cut me off.

“Chelsea, you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing! I mean look at you you’re with Jack, do you remember all the stuff you used to say about him? Or should I remind you? Hm? What about all the stuff about him being a pig? What about all the other things?”

“People change! Maybe he’s not that big of an asshole as people make him out to be!” Andy was starting to really piss me off now, why was he getting all defensive it’s not as if he had only dated nice girls. Some of the people he had dated were such sluts.

“Are you trying to be like every other girl out there? Huh? What happened to you Chelsea?” He shook his head.

“Screw you!” I shouted as I stomped away.

Even when I try I can’t remember why we had even started arguing. All I know is I want it to be over. I don’t want to argue with him anymore because in our week apart I realized that I love him. I love him as more than just a friend, and even if it hurts to see him with anyone else I don’t want to lose him from my life. I laid down on the grass and tried not to think about.

Someone kept calling my name and lightly shaking me. I opened my eyes and I saw green. I sprung up. I hadn’t notice that I had dozed off.

“Whoa! Chelsea are you alright?” The voice was none other than Andy. I was so happy to finally hear his voice it took everything I had in me to not hug him. But I failed, as I sprang across into his arms and began to sob.

“Oh Chelsea, I missed you so much.” He said into my hair as he hugged me tighter.

“I missed you too.” I replied, as I let out another sob.

“Chels, I’m sorry for what I said before about-” Before he could continue I cut him off.

“No, you were right. I was being an idiot, thinking I would be the one he would change for.” His expression softened as he brought his hand up to my cheek.

“No, No.” He murmured “You’re no idiot. You can date who you want, but you know I worry.”

“Best friends forever?” I asked as I held out my hand, knowing that I wanted to be more than that.

“Forever.” He let out a smile as he grabbed my hand interlacing our fingers.

“And you know you’re also free to.” He gave me a confused look. “…Date whoever you want, but you know, I worry too.”

He held my hand and smiled. “Well don’t worry, cause I think you’ll approve of the next girl I want to date.” With that he leaned over and kissed me. It was short and sweet and ended way too soon.

I realized I had just been staring at him for a while by the worried expression on his face. So I did the only thing I could think of doing, jumping on him and planting a huge kiss on his lips.

“Yea, I think I’ll approve.” I smiled as I curled up against him.
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