Going to California

March 23, 2012

“Another, please,” he pushed the empty glass towards the bartender, his eyes never leaving it, out of fear of making eye contact with the bartender and catching, what he assumed, would be a disapproving gaze.

There was no disapproving look on the bartender’s face. In his mind, there was no reason for him to look at his patron in that manner, this was barely the third drink Sebastian had asked for and if his memory served him right, he didn’t have to worry until Sebastian hit the eight drink mark. Then, he’d give him a disapproving look. He’d probably even ask him twice, if he truly wanted the drink. But until then, he’d pour the drinks and watch as the poor bloke drank himself into a drunken stupor. He felt bad for him. Felt like telling him that he ought to put down the drink and go talk to someone about how he felt, but he knew for a fact that if he were in Sebastian’s shoes, he’d probably be doing the exact same thing. Emotions weren’t something he was comfortable with. Alcohol was. It made hurting a bit more bearable and even though there were times that it intensified the pain, it was still worth it, because a blackout would give a few hours of nothingness.

“Here ya go, Sebastian.” He placed the glass in front of him, offering a comforting smile as he did.

“Thanks, Danny.” Sebastian looked up, his stormy blue eyes briefly meeting with Danny’s brown ones. He made an attempt at a smile. It was a horrible attempt that ended up making him look constipated. Realizing how odd he looked, Sebastian opted to make a comment. “Not busy for a Friday night, aye?”

“Reckon that’s because it’s not Friday night yet, barely evening.” Danny wiped down the bar surface. “Barely a half past six.”

“Barely?” he couldn’t believe. It was only a half past six and he was already on his third brandy.

Sebastian took possession of the glass and lifted it up to his lips, his eyes instinctively closing when the smell of brandy struck his nostrils. He parted his lips slightly, just enough for them to make contact with the cool edge and once they were secured, he lifted the glass. A long sip was taken. He nearly drank half of it, but stopped himself when he reminded himself that it was still early and that if he were to stumble outside at that hour, people would think he had a problem. He’d have to wait until at least eight to get properly smashed. Then he could hail a cab and strangers would just think that he was a normal young man that had a bit too much to drink while he was out with his mates.

“Could’ve sworn it was later,” he muttered.

“It’s usually later on when you come in.” Danny commented. “Get off work early?”

Sebastian nodded. “Wasn’t a busy day at the office,” he explained. “Just had to get some affidavits taken care of for a case and after that, I was done for the day.”

“No offense, but sounds a tad dull.”

“That’s because it is.” Sebastian took another sip from his glass. “Bloody hate taking care of affidavits. Have to pick up the witnesses, drive them out to the commissioners for oaths and then take them back. Real pain, but it’s got to be done.”

“Not planning on driving home, are ya?”

“Course not. Dropped the damn car off at home and then took a cab here.” Sebastian was insulted that Danny thought him stupid enough to drink and drive. “Might have killed my fair share of brain cells, but I'm not thick enough to drink and drive.”

“No need to get worked up. Was just asking, is all.”

“Sorry, sorry . . . I'm just tired is all.”

“S’alright, mate.”

“It’s not, not really. Shouldn’t be snappy at you, you’re a good man, Danny. Stand up bloke, you are.”

“Awe come on, Sebastian. A bit early for a heart to heart, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I'm not nearly drunk enough to be singing you praises.”

Danny let out a booming laugh, the sort that echoed throughout the entire bar, and as he laughed, Sebastian couldn’t help but feel jealous of him. Danny was young, handsome and he always looked so happy. He had a wife, a daughter. Everything that Sebastian wanted, Danny had. And even though Danny sometimes complained about all the responsibility, Sebastian knew that there was nothing the ginger haired man loved more than his family.

“How’s the family?” asked Sebastian.

“Doing well, thanks for asking.” He poured a glass of water and set it in front of Sebastian. “Maddy caught the flu, a couple days back, but she’s doing all better now. Running around and terrorizing her mum. Other day I got home and she was chasing after Becca, was growling like a dinosaur, she was!”

“Must be nice to go home to them . . .”

“It is. Sometimes those two birds drive me mad, but I’d do anything for them. And just wait, Sebastian, one of these days; you’re gonna be the one getting yelled at for picking up the wrong diapers.”

“Don’t know about that.”

“Just give it time, mate. Life will sort itself out.”

“Find that hard to believe. Especially after . . . well, you know.”

“Reckon things like that happen to make us appreciate what we have more.”

“Maybe,” his phone began to vibrate. “Alright, if I take this?” he asked Danny.

Danny nodded.

Sebastian cleared his throat, trying his best to sound completely sober. “Sebastian, speaking,” he said.

“Drinking already, aren’t you?” came the voice of his friend and fellow lawyer, Graham.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well for starters, you said, Sebastian, speaking. And I'm right outside the bar, so I’ve got a good view of that drink.”

“Wanker,” he hung up and waited for his friend to walk over.

Sure enough, Graham entered the bar and made his way over to the front.

“Quite the mouth, you’ve got.” Graham took a seat beside him. “Hello Danny. Can I get a double Grey Goose and Tonic?”

“Of course,” Danny began preparing the drink.

“So, are we celebrating tonight?” asked Graham.

“Celebrating what?” muttered Sebastian.

“What do ya mean what? I'm talking about your assignment, you lucky bastard. Get to spend six months in the Los Angeles branch. And it’s not just six months in California. Its six months in California during the spring and summer! I’d kill for that. Alright, maybe not kill for that, but I’d shag that beast, Millicent, if it got me that gig.” Graham paused before asking. “Did you shag her?”


“What? Just asking, no need to get ya knickers in a twist. But really, did you? Because that’s one hell of an assignment, I mean, California!”

“What’s so grand about California? Nothing special about it, just a place where one of our branches is at, that’s it.”

“Nothing special about California?!” bellowed Graham. “Are you out of your bloody mind? Haven’t you seen it in the films? Looks like bloody paradise it is. The palm trees, the beaches, the women! Lucky bastard, you’re gonna be chasing tail like there’s no tomorrow.”

“I haven’t the faintest intention of chasing anyone while I'm in California. I'm there to work.”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun,” argued Graham. “Ah. Thank you, Danny.”

“Welcome Graham.”

“Danny, can I get your opinion on something?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure,” responded Danny.

“If you weren’t married and didn’t have Maddy, would you be excited to go to California for the summer?”

“What kind of a question is that? Of course, I would. Think everyone would fancy a trip out there. Seems real lovely,” answered Danny.

“See Sebastian!” bellowed Graham, as he patted Sebastian’s back. “Even Danny agrees with me and he’s the sensible one. You’re gonna go to California and you’re gonna have a brilliant time. That’s all there is to it.”

“Graham,” groaned Sebastian.

“Look mate, I get that you’ve been through a lot. Last few months have been hard on you, but that’s why this is so perfect. You’re not gonna be in London anymore. You’re gonna be in California. Where the sun’s always shining and the girls are just incredibly fit. Who knows, you might even get yourself one of those free spirits, you know, the ones with the flowers in their hair and all that jazz.”

Sebastian remained silent.

“Danny, get my friend here another drink and get yourself one to, because whether he likes it or not, we’re toasting his going to California. And with any luck, he’ll come back with a smile on his face. And if we’re really lucky, he might even have that wife he’s so keen on having. I personally don’t understand why blokes want to get married and give up the beauty of life as a bachelor, but to each, their own. And if there’s a bird worthy of a bloke as accomplished as you, then I hope you find her, mate.”
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