The Weasley Wizarding Wheezes

Fred, I don't like drowning, much less in air

We walked to the very edge of 'The Burrow' where we had a dam. Fred and I loved it there. No-one ever went down there besides us. It was our secret place. As soon as we knew that absolutely no-one could see us, I jumped on Fred and pushed him to the ground, our lips carefully sewn together in an unbreakable bond. I wished that I could do that with him every single moment of every single day. My heart shattered into a million pieces every time I saw him and couldn't touch him the way I wanted. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, re-exploring every tooth and gum. Fred and I was soon covered in sweat and dirt and gasping for air.

"George, I love you." Fred said looking up at me. I smiled and leaned down, kissing his lips gently. He licked my lips, begging for entrance. I suddenly apparated out of Fred's warm embrace into the deep coldness of the dam. I was at the bottom of the deepest part of our dam. I realized I was drowning and all rational thought deserted me. I started to thrash and go crazy, believing I was going to die. I felt strong arms around my middle as I started drifting from consciousness. Black

Water flowed from my lungs through my mouth. Fred's sopping body was still wrapped around mine, heaving sobs breaking the thick silence in my head.

"Fred?" I croaked. He looked up, his eyes red and his face pale.

"George!" He roared before throwing himself on me and hugging me so tightly I thought I would die of suffocation.

"Fred, I don't like drowning, much less in air!" My voice was husky and croaky. Cough

"Why did that happen?" Fred sobbed into my shoulder.

"I have no idea. I wish I knew." I said pulling his face up to peck him on the lips, wiping the tears from his eyes and his wet hair off his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters in one night.

Feel Loved.