Lost Cause


I came down the stairs like a bat out of hell, on the hunt for my misfits flats which I quickly found and slipped on.

"Holy shit, Vixxen! You look sexy!" I heard my friend, Val, yell behind me.

"Seriously, I just got a boner," Matt added.

"Sweetheart, if that we true, someone would've been injured," I teased back to him.

"Ooo, thank you," he grinned.

I shook my head with a laugh before hugging both of them, "So, ready to celebrate?"

"Wow, you sound reluctant," Matt noted.

"Bad day..."

"Bad... epiphony?" Val offered.

"What the heck do you mean?" I asked, seriously.

"Doll, I know you better than you know yourself... So if you've, hypothetically, realized something, it's probably something Matt and I realized---"

"Uh, three years ago?" Matt finished. "Oh, er..."hypothetically"," he added as my eyes widened.

""Hypothetically", it's so not the time to talk about this," I sighed.

"Hypothetically, you don't have very much time to talk about it," someone else added.

I turned to see Brian's girlfriend, the band's makeup artist and Val and my partner in crime, Emma "Pixie" Nyte.

"Hey Pix," I said hugging her.

"Tell him," she whispered.

"How does everyone know?" I grumbled.

"Actually, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, Gena and Zack don't know," Matt offered.

"Derrrrr," I said in an over exaggerated way as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I totally know," Johnny said walking in. "Dude, I mean, c'mon."

"Yeah, you both are secretly retarded for each other," Brian added cracking open a beer. "Well... okay, so aparently he's retarded for Gena now, but still..."

"Okay," Matt said, "so aparently, Johnny and Brian do know..."

"Zacky, Gena and Jimmy definitely don't, though," Pixie corrected.

"And Zacky's brother Matty," Matt added.

"Nope, he knows too," Johnny confirmed.

"This is officially ridiculous," I muttered.

"Dude, honestly... I don't really like her," Johnny said sincerely, triggering a wave of agreeing nods that I hadn't expected. "Something about her seems really fake..."

"Like who?" Zacky asked ad he came in with Gena at his side.

"Paris Hilton," Pixie said, thinking quickly.

"Aw, I love Paris!" Gena smiled with a whiney tone.

She would...

She's practically her clone...

How funny would it be if she tripped in those slutty heals she's wearing?


"Who's ready for IHOP? Jimmy said, bouncing in.

"Hey Jimmy," Johnny grinned in a sing-song tone.

Oh god, we all knew what was coming, but my poor brother... He never failed to take the bait..


"Your little sister is hot!" Johnny said before wrapping his arms around me, and jokingly pecking my neck.

"Oh baby," I said in a monotone.

"Guys cut the shit!" Jimmy said in an uncomfortable tone.

"Aw, but Jimmy, you know I have a secret fetish for gnomes," I teased.

"Knock it off..." Jimmy whined again as everyone laughed.

It may have been my imagination, but I swore Zacky looked like he was squirming too...

"Let's go get breakfast," Matt laughed.

As you can see, we were all pretty much our own family, as dysfunctional as we might have been... And, I loved every minute of it... that's what made the situation so hard.