Status: Currently being written, hope you enjoy

Always There, Never Noticed

Chapter 4

Always there, but never noticed

Disclaimer - I do not own the Thunderbirds

Chapter 4

"Guys, where'd Callie go?" Alan asked frantically from his place in the vents, above the control room.

Fermat and Tin-tin shared a worried glance as they too had noticed the absence of the female Tracy. They had just witnessed her be tortured excruciatingly by a man who called himself The Hood and had cautiously watched as the colour from Alan's face had disappeared with in a second of her scream.

"I'm sure she's fine Alan, she probably ran away. She's smart." Tin-tin reassured him.

Alan opened his mouth to reply again but was interrupted as a hand shot up through the roof of the control room to grab Fermat's foot. The only son of Brains screamed and Tin-tin bit down on the hand so as to get it to release the smaller boy.

They soon ran from there down to Thunderbird 1. They needed to get to the satellite relay station so the blonde Tracy could contact his father.

The 3 of them were cut off by The Hood and his henchmen in Thunderbird 1, The Hood trying to coax the blonde into opening the door, whilst insulting his father. Alan fired a stone at the glass of the silo in anger, smashing it to pieces.

"That was your big idea?" Said Tin-tin exasperatedly. The Hood smirked.

"Now, now Alan, it's not me your angry at."

"It's not you I'm aiming at." Alan replied, before firing a second rock through the gap and straight on to a button that immediately opened a hatch, sending the 3 children tumbling down the underneath of Thunderbird 1.

The Hood growled angrily, yelling to Transom, the only female henchmen of his, to power up the 'bird, sending flames chasing the preteens down the chute and out through holes in the cliff face of the island.

"Next time could you give me some warning?" Spluttered Fermat as he and the others bedraggled forms heaved themselves on to the beach not far away from where they had fallen from the silo chutes moments before.

"Relax, Fermat, it's only a little water." Alan consoled him, helping him to stand.

"I could have dr-drowned." The boy in glasses complained, coughing up water.

Alan looked surprised. "You mean you can't swim?" He asked incredulously.

"I repeat, I could have drowned." Replied Fermat as they clambered on to the sand. Alan immediately began drawing up a strategy, a path to get them to the relay station, to which Tin-tin corrected him.

"Good, except we're here not there, and the transmitter is there not here." She stated, drawing them a new path in the sand. "We have to go through the jungle."

Fermat look shocked. "But that's f-f- off bounds!" He exclaimed. Before caving as the other to wore determined looks.

They ran off into the jungle, cutting through the bushes to reach a possible way to safety.


Gasping and panting for breath Calliope pushed her body through the last few trees and onto the rocks. Only to be met by 3 wet and dirty pre teens.

"Calliope!" Alan cried with relief upon her entrance.

"I saw what he did to you! We were in the vents, you don't understand how much I wanted to hurt him!" He exclaimed, a few tears trickling down his face.

Calliope shushed him, pulling him to her she comforted her younger brother as Fermat and Tin-tin worked on a way to contact Thunderbird 5, Fermat bending what looked to be Alan's retainer, in to the workings.

"Alan." Fermat called the two siblings over and handed the boy a small device.

"Alan!" Jeff's voice rang through in relief at the appearance of his son on the screen.

"Dad, I'm at the satellite relay station, Fermat's gunna hack into the computer mainframe system and give control back to Thunderbird 5."

Alan grinned. "Oh, and there's one more thing." He spoke, before handing the device to Callie.

"Calliope!" There were cries of happiness and utter relief from her brothers as her image appeared on the screen in Thunderbird 5.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you in any other way?" Frantic questions were asked from Virgil, who was the resident doctor.

"I'm fine Virg, I just ache really badly that's all. I don't understand what he did to me at all. I..he.."

Callie choked on her tears as reality set in. Alan took the transmitter off her, pulling her to him as he finished the talk as best he could before they lost the signal.

"Dad! I'm losing you, don't worry I'll take care of everything."

"That's a negative, it's too dangerous! Go to the rendezvous point and wait for Lady Penelope."

Alan cried out in frustration as the signal cut not soon after, throwing the little yellow brick away from him.


Fermat groaned in annoyance. "It is now."

The 4 teens sat in silence until Fermat stood. "They know where we..."

A loud rumble of an engine interrupted him and Mullion, The Hoods head henchman, burst through the trees towards them on, what appeared to be, a red golf cart.

"Where we are!" Fermat yelled his final words and the four of them took off in the other direction. They ran and ran and ran until Tin-tin attacked him with a hive of wasps, with a sigh of relief they continued to run until they found a worn out hover bike and sledge.

"We gotta do something." Alan explained, as Fermat got to work on fixing it for them. Tin-tin complained that they should just go to the rendezvous point and wait for Lady P. Calliope silently agreed with her but knew her brother wouldn't want to just stay still, he would want to try and help.

"I agree with Tin-tin. It's not s-s-safe." Alan reacted badly to Fermat's opinion on the matter and responded harshly.

"You don't think anything is s-s-safe." The two girls present gasped in shock as Alan cruelly took the mick out of Fermat's stutter.

Fermat stepped towards Alan. "Just because I s-s-stutter, doesn't mean that I'm wrong." He stated defiantly. "If we're a team, then we need to work together as a team."

Alan clambered on the bike whilst Fermat and Calliope sat on the sledge, shortly joined by Tin-tin after she had not so politely told Alan he was a jerk.

Alan raced on as Mullion reached them, determined for them to get away, but forgetting that if he went to fast the sledge would most probably become unattached.

Which it did.

With a scream the 3 on the sledge flew backwards, only to land at the feet of Mullion.


Up in Thunderbird 5 Jeff frantically shook his four sons as they began to close their eyes.

"John. John! Keep your eyes open." He commanded forcing an oxygen mask over the injured 20 year olds face.

John stirred slightly, mumbling incoherent words as Jeff moved to give the mask to Virgil. Jeff fought the heaviness of his eyes for as long as he could before he let the darkness take over.