Status: Active! New should I keep/kill?

Real Life Romeo


"Yes, it's all real. They're my memories." I told him. I'm so stupid why did I let him in? He shouldn't have seen those. He'll run away like the last time I told him. I put my head and my hands and became a statue. I couldn't lose him. Not this time. I felt the bed move as he moved closer to me.

"Hey." He whispered and shook me a little. I didn't budge. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Liar." I visualized his face, every time he was angry or upset he'd get this little crease between his eyebrows and cross his arms over his chest. His emerald green eyes would turn into a foul glare and he would be able to sense any of my lies. I couldn't change his mind either, he was untouchable whenever I tried to play a mind trick on him... Which wasn't often.

"Why won't you tell me anything." He said. "If those hallucinations were true I want to learn more about you." His voice quieted. "You seemed to love me very much and I you."

I did love him so very much. Why else would I spend my entire life looking for him. You never know when or where someone will reincarnate, or what gender the will be. But he's always been a male, and I think I've managed to find him every time. But there so much time between the times I found him, I get so lonely. And when I do find him I can't even stay that long. So far I haven't found anyway for me to become human again or him to become like me.

If I were human I would never remember my past lives or the greatness I achieved...but every time I reincarnate I would be able to find him, because he's my true love. We are legitimate soul mates. I can feel it when he's born, and can feel it when he dies. And most of all I can tell when he's near. It help me find him.

"Shane?" He whispered. I shook my head. I couldn't talk to him, he'd run away.

"Just tell me. I promise this era of time is more accepting of whatever you are." He tried to pull my hand away from my face with no avail. "Right now all the girls wish werewolves and vampires were real so they could date one and live forever with them. The vampire could be abusive but they don't care." I laughed a harsh laugh. That was true. I lifted my head up a little to look at him. His face was full of worry, I felt terrible for making him feel that way.


Fay's POV

~Two Weeks Later~

"I can't tell you." He said. I was severely irritated. He never answered any of my questions. The entirety of these two weeks I have been badgering him about what he is. But he never tells me anything. However we have gotten a lot closer, I don't like it, but it's the truth. I find him so hard to resist. It's as if a magnet pulls me towards him.

He unlocked the door to his house and we stepped in. Everyday after school I came her and tried to force information out of him. But he stays strong and never tells me anything except 'I can't' or 'nothing' or 'I don't know what you're talking about.' It is really getting on my nerves. And today was a particularly bad day.Nothing had gone right and his little 'I can't tell you' comment set me off. Although I did have to courtesy to let him shut the door first.

"What is up with you?" I shouted at Shane. "You're avoiding me and dodging all my questions!"

"Because I can't answer you." He said through his teeth.

"I doubt that." I said, stubbornly crossing my arms across my chest.

"No don't give me that look." He said pleadingly.

"I don't know what look you're talking about." I stuck my nose up in the air.

"You know I hate fighting with you." He tried to catch my eyes, because he knew if he did I would forget why I was so mad and leap into his arms. Well not this time.

"Well then just tell me the answers!" I shouted him. "If you wouldn't lie to me so much we wouldn't have to fight!"

"Fay..." He lowered his voice, trying to plead with me one last time. I stood stubbornly in front of him; showing no emotion.

"Fine! Fine." He finally broke down. I saw tears running down his face, but I restrained the urge to close the gap in space between us and comfort him.

"I'm immortal alright?" He shouted at me. "I've lived this life for thousands of years, under a condition that every so often I create masterpieces that take the world by storm. And I've been chasing you the entirety of those thousands of years. Okay?" He put his face in his hands as another sob caused his body to violently shake.

"Me?" I gasped. "No, no, no. You have to be wrong. I'm turning 17 in a couple months not 1,017!"

"No, I'm not wrong. You saw my memories, you know." He walked towards me I tried to back up but my back hit the wall. "You reincarnate after you die. Know one knows when or where or what gender. Except me."

"How do you know?" I said breathlessly.

"I can feel when you've been born again, and when you die, and if you're near me." His eyes took on a new for of intensity I had never seen in him.

"If know one else knows how can you?" I questioned.

"Please don't run away." He said, sounding defeated. He heaved a sigh and looked me in the eyes. "I'm your soul mate and you are mine. If I weren't immortal I would reincarnate with you and we'd find each other and live happily every after, then die, and start the cycle all over again."

"Prove it." I said defiantly. He nodded and put his hands on either side of me against the wall. He didn't touch me put if felt like there was electricity in the gap of space between us. Urging me to close said gap and touch him. I gasped and looked up into his eyes.

In his eyes I saw a struggle. It looked as if he wanted to touch me but wasn't sure if he should. So I made the decision for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I pressed a gently kiss on his lips. I didn't want to tell him but it was my first.

His arms snaked around my waist immediately and he kissed back. I felt like every cell of my body may explode for pleasure. It felt so amazing to have his lips on mine I couldn't even explain it. When he pulled away he had a large smile on his face. He rested his forehead on mine and I tried to catch my breath.

"Thank you for not running." He whispered. I just nodded slightly. He backed up a little and pulled me to the couch.

"How can you tell it's me?" I wondered as I set my head on his chest.

"You're eyes are the main thing." He said and looked me in the eyes. "Always emerald green." He caressed my cheek.

"Is that why, when I looked into your eyes it feel like there's a dam built around a whole bunch of memories right here?" I pointed to the back of my head. He bolted upward.

"You feel like you actually have the memories?" He gasped. I nodded hesitantly.

"That's great! Maybe if we could figure out how to break it then you could become immortal like me, and we could live together forever." He squeezed me tight. Suddenly there was a pounding on the door.

"Shane? Is that your name now?" A gruff voice said on the other side of the door. I heard Shane's breath hitch. He lifted me up and put me in the closet.

"Stay here until I come and get you." He whispered. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I heard him open the door and greet the man. I sat perfectly still and tried to breath as quiet as possible.

"Shane we know he's here." I heard the man speak.

"And who would that be?" I could hear the defiance in Shane's voice, I could almost picture him crossing his arms across his chest.

"Never mind." The man said in a fashion that said: we'll come back to this.

"Why are you here?" Shane growled.

"There was an accident at the river of forgetfulness."


"Yes, your soul mate or whatever you want to call him has not fully forgotten his past lives." He sounded as if he knew Shane had already figure this out. "He can't access them yet but we're afraid of what will happen if he does."

"What do you think will happen?" Shane asked. "When I remembered my past lives I got offered immortality.

"That's because you had a gift. A gift the world needed. You were amazing at creating things that everyone wanted a part of. For example people still listen to Mozart's classical music, and still read Shakespeare's sonnets and plays."

"And he doesn't?"

"We don't know, he hasn't lived long enough yet to ever figure out his gift!" I had to choke back a gasp. I hadn't lived long enough yet?

"What do you mean by that?"Shane growled again.

"You know what I mean. You've felt him die. He dies before his 18th birthday every ever reincarnation. We suspect someone doesn't want him to find out what his talent is."

"No, when he was Henry Bessemer..." Shane trailed off.

"Henry Bessemer found you too late. You should know he can only find his talent when you're around. That's the reason you only create amazing things when you're with him. You are each others muses. Now, tell the boy to be careful. Or bring him out here so I can meet him myself."

"You swear you won't do anything to him."

"How could I?" He man said. "No one can get into his mind. It's locked up so tight, you know this too." It wasn't a question.

"Well I just figured it was only me who couldn't." He admitted sheepishly.

"You're one of the strongest immortal we have.You're the only one who has found his true mate every time he has reincarnated."

"No, that one time in England... I thought I felt his presence but I couldn't find him."

"Not true. You know that girl you saved from being hit by the car." I didn't hear Shane say anything so I assumed he nodded. "She was him, it was the only time he was ever a female."

"But she didn't have..." Shane sounded confused.

"That's true here eyes were a darker green, but that's because someone was trying to hide him from you. They don't want you to get anymore powerful and they don't want him to live to age 18."

"Are you sure he never has. I swear he did at least once." Shane sounded even more confused.

"One time over in Persia he was killed the hour before his birthday.Remember? You were expecting him for dinner when he was trampled by a frightened camel."

"Oh god." I heard Shane's voice crack. "Don't bring it up. He was so close to me... It felt like I was the one that was dying. I heard the man walk over to Shane and pat him on the back. I wanted to open the door and go to him but he had told me to stay put.

"Why don't you go and get the boy. I have one last message for him..." Before I knew it the door was opening and Shane grabbed my hand and helped my up. I looked at him and wiped the tears away from his red and puffy eyes. For once I caught a glimpse of the man who was talking to Shane. He had the same scruffy black hair and the same lean figure. The only thing that seemed different was that his eyes were brown, not blue.

"Fay, this is my twin brother..." Shane introduced us.

"Hi, I'm John, this life." He smiled warmly at me and shook my hand. I must have looked confused because John started explaining his life to me.

[A.N. this is a spoiler alert for my story I am the Fallen, so should go and read that first. )

"I was 15 and dying when Shane was granted immortality. He stay with me for an entire year. Then when he was about to leave angels summoned me. They told me I would be allowed become like them and watch over Shane. Then they said I could be born to whoever I wanted and when I hit age 15 I would get all my memories back. So I choose to be born to an angel named Angela. Once my wings came in she explained everything to me and said I couldn't return to the house until my little brother, Kaine's wings came in. I haven't heard from them in a while but I did see them on he news... Anyway I'm here to tell you you're in danger. Someone close to you wants you dead. It's obviously not me, and not Shane.So we are then only ones you can trust."

"What about Kiara, she so sweet, and she's never been mean to anyone!" I interrupted.

"Not even her. Now just be careful, we all want to know what your power is so you need to survive for one more year."

"Why am I so special?" I called after him. He was walking through the door.

"You're the only person who has ever existed how has the resistance to immortal's mind tricks. We can't even read you mind!"

"Oh, thank you."

"Goodbye and good luck! And remember it could be anyone." And with that he left. I clutched on to Shane as his words echoed through my head.

"Someone close to you wants you dead."
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I hope it's good!

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