Status: Not sure how far this'll go.

One More Way to Cut out Your Eyes


“Russia....” Gilbert acknowledged, avoiding eye contact with him. That was the last thing he wanted to do is fall for Ivan. He was practically the bane of his existence! He couldn't fall for the one who nearly gored out his fucking eye when he had Gilbert in his house. It just wasn't right.
“Hello, Gilbert.” he smiled. When that Russian smiled, you KNEW it couldn't be a good thing...Gilbert kept his eyes on Ivan's mouth. He knew if he looked up at those violet eyes... He froze when Russia touched his chin, lifting it to meet his gaze. No, no, no... The Albino was lost in the purple depths as soon as his own red met them. Damnit, this wasn't supposed to happen.. He had... Stockholm Syndrome or something... Not that the German knew what that was. He was awesome, but he wasn't a nerd like his brother.
“W-what do you want, Ivan?” Prussia asked, narrowing his crimson eyes into a glare. By no means should the Russian ever find out...There was that damn smile again.
“Do I make you nervous, Gilbert?” Ivan asked, his looming height seemed more apparent now that he was so close. In fact, yes, Russia did make Gilbert nervous. But he had too much pride to ever tell him. Or anyone for that matter.
“No.” he forced himself not to stutter. Ivan smirked, like he knew the albino was lying. He pressed closer, bearing down on the smaller of the two. Gilbert stepped back, fighting himself the entire way. He was far too dangerous to be attracted to, you idiot...
“I think I do. I'm right, aren't I?” Ivan took the other's pale arm, making him freeze as jolts of heat shocked from Ivan's touch. N-no.. this couldn't be happening... he was too awesome for this to be happening! He shoved away from the taller man, hissing.
“Leave me alone, Ivan...” he said before bolting. Ivan was just standing there in the albino's dust, smiling slightly like he always did. He knew he'd win over Gilbert. It was only a matter of time.

Gilbert was relieved to be home. Even more relieved when he realized the Russian wouldn't pursue him today. He sighed heavily, letting his body fall limp onto the couch. He was just happy he was free from Ivan for now...
“Gilbert? Are you home?” His brother called out from the kitchen. Gil smiled. His baby brother. The one he grew all by himself. And now Ludwig was a big, strong nation. Just a little bit strict for Gilbert's tastes.
“Ja.” he called out, not bothering to move from his unruly position, half off the couch. Ludwig wouldn't approve, but what did he care? He was too awesome to be bossed around by his little brother like he was his mutter.
“Welcome back.” the younger said dryly, eying the elder disapprovingly. Gilbert just smiled.
“Ivan's harassing me, West.” the albino groaned, closing his eyes. Ludwig surveyed his big brother. Skin like porcelain, hair a beautiful white, eyes like fire... He was Ludwig's ideal. He always wanted to find someone as perfect as his big brother, but he hasn't found anyone close. ...not that he'd let the thought make Gilbert's already big head bigger. Despite his perfect appearance, he was hyper and too damn careless, not to mention loud and obnoxious and cocky like he was the best country there ever was... But of course, the blonde would never try to bring his brother down.
“Das not good.” Ludwig said, sitting down in an awkward position next to the elder so he wouldn't sit ON him. No, that wouldn't be appropriate. Gilbert opened an eye lazily and looked down at his little brother.
“He's becoming a problem. I think he wants me back...” the albino shuddered at the thought. Half in excitement, half in... well, not fear... of course not....
“Don't worry, Gilbert. He can't do anything unless he tries attacking our lands. If he does, we can always get America and everyone else to help get him out.” Ludwig said sympathetically, patting his brother's knee. The older German smirked a bit and moved his leg so it was in his brother's lap. Ludwig flushed, shoving it off. “What the fick, Gilbert?”
Gil pouted. “I wanted a foot rub.” Ludwig sighed. His brother...
“Fine.” Gilbert happily reset his leg on Ludwig's lap, watching him use his long fingers to slowly rub out his tension.
“I would appreciate a full body massage, but I guess you don't have to...” Gilbert said, closing his eyes. The blonde sighed and just continued rubbing his brother's feet.
“I don't have time for that.” He flinched as the silverette moaned.
“Ohh that feels good, Luddy. You are good at that...” he said, groaning again happily. He knew it made his brother uncomfortable. It was just so damn fun.
“Don't... moan like that, Gilbert.. it sounds too sexual and it's not... appropriate.” He seemed to like that word. Gilbert, on the other hand, hated it.
“What if I want to sound sexual?” he asked, smirking at the pink staining his brother's face.
“I'm done.” the blonde walked away, ignoring his older brother calling him back. Gilbert just didn't know where to stop. Prussia sighed, laying his head sideways on the soft cushion of the couch. Ludwig just didn't know how to take his teasing.

Gilbert's POV
I haven't seen Russia in a while. Not that I'm complaining. Less time I see him, less chances of falling for him. I sighed as I walked down the side of the road, watching cars drive casually by once in a while. I froze when I saw him. Damn him for showing up...
He didn't notice me yet. So, I just continues walking, pretending to not notice him. I heard him singing. Just something in Russian. I always did have a thing for his language. His voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to stop. I watched him for a while. He was just singing quietly under his breath, swaying in the cool air, looking in a store window. He was... beautiful. To say the least. His gorgeous white-gray hair wisped around his face, his pretty purple eyes focused on something in the window... I was a bit repulsed when I looked in. He was staring at a lovely collection of shrunken heads...
“You sometimes confuse me, Gilbert.” He said out of nowhere. I flinched, but didn't run. Like I should have.
“Why?” I asked. I felt... lightheaded. He turned to me and gave me that famous Russia smile. I melted. If he would've asked me to jump off a cliff, I would've gladly done it for him.
“You run away, telling me to leave you alone, and then when you see me on the street, you watch me so close, like you're a starved dog looking at potential food.” I flushed at his words. He just smiled. “Come, Prussia. You want me just as much as I want you.” He wants me... NO Run away, you idiot! My legs wouldn't move. I was caught up in his eyes. He leaned down and touched his lips to mine, paralyzing me.
Oh my god I'm kissing him. He's kissing ME. And I'm letting him, like the big idiot I am. But my brain slowly faded away, my thoughts gone, my focus on these beautiful lips on mine. It wasn't a make-out, just a simple kiss. It was perfect.
And then sense kicked in and I pushed him away, running off. He just stood there smiling. He knew he won. He knew I'd be back... And in the deepest, hidden part of my mind, I knew too, I'd be back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah. First chapter. I'm working on the second one. Comments will make me very happy and I might not make Russia abuse Gilbert so much. Oh yes. Blackmail. Haha I'm so mean. Comments.