Status: Hit a bit of a wall with this, but I'll be updating soon


"My name is ArdenRanger295..."

ArdenRanger295's video log - transcribed.

"Video log, October 22nd. My name is ArdenRanger295. I'm an occupant of the Compound, just outside the city of Arden. It's like Hell here in the Compound, but it's worse out there in the city, where everyone has to fit 'the mold'. That's why we're all in here, because we don't fit the mold. The government of Arden figured out the problem with communist politics is everyone's not all the same. But they also figured out a solution to that problem. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who doesn't fit Arden's mold, its archetype, its rules and guidelines, gets sent here. And yeah, we have a bit more freedom to be ourselves here, but there's a price. The Game. FReAKZONE they call it. It's been active for 45 years. Most of us here don't remember a time before it. Those who do tell stories of a dark and violent time, when death ran rampant in the streets, but I'd almost welcome death instead of the game. Re-spawning is a complete bitch, thank God that my current player's half-way decent so I don't have to worry about it as often, but it still sucks ass."

"There is an Underground in the city, so we can use them to maintain contact with people outside the Compound. There's a giant loophole in the system that we use to shuttle messages and stuff in and out. The city allows members of the community to, what's a non-vulgar way I can say this...come sleep, with the Freaks. As part of our gallows humor atmosphere down here, we jokingly refer to it as 'getting Freaky'. But, using that to our, I don't want to say advantage, but that's the only word I can think of, so that we can smuggle whatever in and out, and no one's the wiser. Ariana's been a member of the Underground since before I came here. We all know when we see her around that someone's got mail. The only bad part is sometimes the guards will listen outside the door, or even watch through the cracks. Perverts."

"Am I attracted to Ari? Sure, I guess so. But while she may have sex with the rest of us for smuggling purposes, she's DarkHelmAD's girl, and he'd destroy anyone who'd dare to try anything. Darkhelm's been here a little longer then me. They caught him when he was 15. Not that he followed all the rules like a good little puppet up until then, they just couldn't catch him. *laughs* He is one tough son of a bitch. Doesn't take shit from anyone, and he's a bad-ass fighter out in the Arena. I'm pretty much one of the only people he tolerates, but once you scratch the surly, bitter surface he's a great guy. Brilliant artist. One of those 'suffering into expression' types. Truly amazing work. He does tattoos sometimes too. Killer sense of humor, which goes a long way here, but still a jaded, stubborn bastard. Right, I've gotta go. To whoever might see this someday, good-night."