Status: Don't be a silent reader, bebe's :DD

Green Eyes

Anse Source D'Argent

It was the first night of June in the most striking area of any dwelling, the ocean. The view was picturesque, almost perfect and I was sitting contentedly on the white sand that stretched to the far ends of Anse Source D'Argent, the most beautiful beach and island in the world. I’m not lucky enough to be blessed with living near such a coastline, but vacations of 5 weeks are usually spent here with my family.

The view was stunning, the sand was warm and the water was crisp, the only thing absent was a fragrant bottle of bubbly and a beautiful lady to set my hearts desire. The sun was setting, so the sky was painted a striking orange, yellow and red sorbet colour, I remember my mother calling to me and being able to ignore her demanding invitations,

“Noah,” she would call, “tea’s ready. It’s your favourite, bolognaise.”
Then came ten stretched out minutes of silence.
“Noah?” she would inquire.
Then more silence.
“Noah Bryan Smythe, do not ignore me. Come here right away!”
Then silence, and a deep, long drawn out sigh from his minute mother.
“Why does he always do that?” she would grunt to herself as she stormed inside.

“Peace and quiet. How tranquil.” I thought aloud.

The wind blew through the sand and whistled through my hair, cooling my scalp. I thought I knew that in my life, I would never find such a place or picture such a beauty, but boy was I wrong.

Her name was Hayley, a short, auburn-headed beauty from Cheshire, England. Her heart was of the purest gold, the purest kindness. I cherished everything about her charming personality and her warm heart, but the thing I loved most of all were her eyes, her olive green, warm, sexy, smooth and alluring eyes, the most tempting and appealing thing in existence. Her eyes mixed with her taunting smile got into my very core and pulled me in, I was deeply in love with her perfections and with her flaws.

We met on my fifth holiday to the Anse; she was staying in the neighboring beach hut with her Mother Mikayla, Father Nicholas, Brother Devon and her boyfriend Sam.

I remember her saying something to me a few weeks after we met, wearing an ocean-soaked bikini,

“I've never wanted to kiss a man, as much as I want to kiss you. Forget about Samuel, I love you now, not him. So kiss me, kiss me now.”

And I did. I kissed her and we were transfixed, caught up in a little world of fantasy for just one moment. Then, without notice, the most beautiful thing happened, it rained. Her hair shone as the clear drops of liquid danced upon her beauteous head. The water dripped down her face and caressed her lips where mine had just been, it was the most magical moment of my life, and I knew I would never feel as great as I did with her.

Hayley knew how to make everything thing feel new, it was amazing. Everyday with her felt like the first mixed with the day we kissed. We would’ve been so great if it weren’t for Sam. She told me she had to leave me, to sort things out with him, and it cut me inside, it really did. I enjoyed the thrill of sneaking around and I thought she loved me enough to let Sam go, but I could see in her eyes that something wasn’t right.

“I can’t hurt him, Noah,” she whispered, noticing my pain, “It wouldn’t be fair. Because you have to know, I do love you Noah, I really and truly do, but I also love Sam, and I need to go and tell him about us, because you are the man I want, not him, not anymore, and from the day we met, I’ve wanted no one else. But we can’t just leave Sam to hurt like this, I couldn’t do that to someone I care for.”

I tried to tell her that I understood, but I was too cut up inside to be reasonable, so I ran. I just ran to the end of the beach and sat in a little rock-formed alcove and cried like a baby. I cried noisily, not caring who heard, the pain was too strong to care.

That’s when a hand rested on my shoulder, and she spoke,

“I told him.”
“What?” I sniffled out.
“I told Sam, about us.”
“Great…” I grunted.
“It is great, now we can be together, properly. Can you not understand that?”
“I understand I just didn’t want it too happen.”
“I know that Noah. But now, now we can be together, and we can kiss, like we do all the time, you can tell me those cute little remarks that you do, and we can grow old together, just us.”
“But there’ll always be the memory of him, won’t there?”
“No,” she replied hastily, “there won’t be. Because eventually, I’ll forget-”
“No Hayley, you won’t, you don’t just ‘forget’ the people you love. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen so quickly. It takes time, a lot of time, and I just don’t think I have anymore. I’m sorry Hayl-”

Then she kissed me, it was the most wonderful, forgiving-worthy kiss I’ve ever had. It felt so right, and I knew that I needed to forgive her.

“Hayley, I-”
“No Noah,” she whispered as she placed to fingers on my lips, “don’t speak, please? I know you love me, you know I love you, and I know you want to be with me. So don’t do this just don’t.”

And she kissed me again, and I knew that we might just make it through this. She said Sam was fine, but I knew she was just trying to make herself feel better, and I encouraged it because I knew it would make her sad if I didn’t.