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My Arranged Marriage to Alex Gaskarth

Chapter Twenty- three

Eden found herself still on that swing in the park…by herself 4 hours later. It was a miracle that no one found her yet but look she wasn’t complaining, however night was falling she was on foot and there was bound to be many less than savoury characters roaming the streets looking for their next prey.

“Merde” Eden whispered in French, now that she realised how foolish she acted she inwardly cursed herself, how could she do this…how could she take to heart what Alex has said like that? So what he called her a tramp but calling her one doesn’t make her one right? Therefore it is absurd to mope around, if he thought of her that way then Ces’t la vie (its life)

Eden stood up and checked her phone; somehow it didn’t shock her all that much that she had about 116 phone calls and 60 text messages accompanied by some voicemails. Eden looked at her phone battery that had now gone red, it would die in seconds. Eden placed her phone away and tried to get her bearings, if she was right it would take her about 2 and a half hours to walk home…on foot to her…no, to Alex’s house.

Eden felt a wave of nostalgia hit her; she just wanted to go home, but not her home with Alex though she felt a tug on her heart thinking of him but no she wanted her papa, she wanted her mama and Eden knew she had put off visiting her mother for far too long. Now to walk there…on foot would take about an hour and a half, Eden checked her wallet and gave an aggravated huff; if she had more money she could’ve taken a cab at least…

“Okay you can do this Eden, you’re invisible no one will trouble you…hopefully” Eden whispered and started her trek towards her mother’s house. She was okay for a while but the more downtown she went the more she felt her stomach start unsettling and she bit her lip.
*Crunch, crunch, crunch*
Eden’s ears perked up as she heard the rocks crunching under heavy footsteps, manly maybe drunken laughter exploded in the air and Eden sucked in her breath…They were close…

“Well look-y here lads, who’s this…?” Eden heard a manly voice say and her breath stopped, her heart pounded in her ear and she could feel the tall presence behind her. She peeked around her shoulder and saw 5 guys, she gulped. Eden picked up her pace and walked while praying incessantly under her breath; then she felt a hand on her shoulder and gasped out loud as her eyes connected to beautiful green one.

Alex’s P.O.V

“Where is she…?” Alex almost screamed in frustration, he ran a hand through his tousled hair that stuck up in all different way because he ran his hand through it way too much. Jack was sitting across his sofa watching him wearily, Alex plopped down and his head fell into his hands. God…where is my wife?

“Alex look mate, I’m sure she’s okay” Jack said slowly but Alex head snapped out of his hands and glared at Jack.
“No she’s not! It’s dark out there, she could be anywhere, what if someone took her or hurt her if someone touched her I’ll kill th-” Alex’s angry rant stopped unexpectedly at Jack’s booming laughter, Alex looked appalled that Jack laughed at the possibility of Eden being hurt.

“Look I’m sorry Alex it’s just” Jack laughed again,
“YOU’RE SO WHIPPED!!” more laughing and Alex stopped and felt like he was going dizzy with Jack sudden outburst, there was no way he was whipped…right…?
“I am not Jack, I’d be worried if you went off like that and didn’t contact anyone we’re best buds but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with you!” Alex retorted and Jack smirked.
“Agreed you’d be worried because we’re pals but you’re falling for Eden mate…Falling hard because she’s your wife” Jack grinned,
“I just don’t want her to be hurt jack” Alex groaned.

“Dude if someone told me 7 years ago that today Alex William Gaskarth would have fallen for Eden Tamara Larose A.K.A pumpkin head I’d call them insane! But now that I think of it…” Jack trailed off thoughtfully and Alex raised a questioning brow.
“I think you always had a soft spot for her Lex” Jack nodded towards him and Alex snorted thinking of all the pranks he pulled on her in his glorious high school days.

“No seriously I mean why did you always tease her and annoy her? and I know I caught you looking at nerdy pumpkin head quite a few times back in the days” Jack smirked at Alex while heat rushed within Alex’s cheeks.
“When we were really young like 6 years old I…I found her pretty the first time I met her and then I… well you know wanted her attention and pranks started as we got older it was just second nature, then I met Lisa…” Alex shrugged and Jack cooed making Alex rolled his eyes.
“She was the one that got away” Jack squeaked like a girl and Alex looked at him carefully.
“Well I guess but I’ve got her now…”
“Do you?”
“I’m going to do everything and try to keep her mine” Alex whispered looking down, both Alex and Jack jumped startled as Alex’s phone rang Alex looked at the caller I.D in dismay it wasn’t her…

“Hey John…”
“Hey ugh… Alex I think I just found your wife…”
♠ ♠ ♠
ELLO LOVES! Muahahaha Comments??
sorry for the delay folks but life tends to come in the way hehe
omgsh im just saying this Australia is going beserk for one direction -.-
i swear if i hear one more squeal about their hair, looks or their yummy -ness i may die!!!
quiet literally!! not that i dont like them i respect them and i like their music and all but gosh!!

Oh by the way i updated Mina's and Zack's love story-
You play my heart like your guitar



oh story coming up, subscribe if you wish i promise you it'll LITERALLY keep you on the edge of your seat and it's this:
I never meant to fall for you

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<3 Marie!