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My Arranged Marriage to Alex Gaskarth

Chapter Eight

Eden hung up the phone with a hundred watts smile still on her face, she felt giddy; her best friend from France called her with the possibility of him moving down to the U.S or like he said where she lives so he would help her out when she opens her Café. Pierre was an absolute sweetheart and she adored him, Eden looked up and came face to face with 5 curious faces but one of them held extreme annoyance and that was herbeloved husband Eden snorted why did he care?
“Staring isn’t kind” Eden joked and mina cracked a smile.
“Oh the croissants!!” Mina said and rushed to the oven and Eden smiled.
“Their fine Mina, hey is your friend still coming?” Eden asked grabbing the croissants tray out of the oven; the boys were staring at the succulent golden treats,
“Yup she’ll be here soon” Mina smiled,
“Who’s coming?” Alex asked with a raised eyebrow,
“Oh my friend Lottie, I have wanted to introduce her to you guys for so long” Mina smiled and Alex nodded.

Eden looked at the little group in front of her, she smiled when she saw Zack pulling Mina close to him and Zack leaned his forehead against hers looking into her eyes with a soft smile on his lips, Mina on the other hand blushed like a high school girl but her eyes held all the adoration she had for him. Eden couldn’t help but wanting what those two shared because their type of relationship was so rare.

Knock knock knock’

“That would be Lottie” Mina chuckled, and left to open the door, heeled footsteps could be heard as excited female voices chatted animatedly.
“Hello guys, I’m Charlotte well Lottie!” A beautiful bubbly girl said happily, her outfit was stunning.
“Hi Lottie” Eden smiled and Lottie hugged her out of nowhere, Eden was startled and Mina laughed.
“Sorry guys I know I’m a little overdressed but I just came from a 5 star event that I planned” Lottie grinned at the confused looks,
“I’m an Event manager” She giggled.
“Oh!” The 3 out of 4 boys laughed, Eden looked at Jack who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Lottie, he practically had his mouth wide open and he was hardly blinking and he looked slightly love sick to be honest.
“Lottie, This is Alex which is Eden’s husband, that’s Rian whom you know is Cassadee’s fiancé, this is Zack who’s my man” Mina winked Zack’s way,
“And the one with the drool on the side of his mouth is our little boy Jack” Mina said her voice brimming in laughter, Lottie looked at Jack and a smile made her way on her face, she pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Jack while winking at him, Mina shook her head and Eden chuckled.
“Let’s eat!” Eden grinned and looked at the bunch of people who were so amazing minus Alex of course, Eden thought as they headed towards the dining room.

Same Night

Eden and Alex waved at their guests as they left; Eden felt nervousness flitter through her stomach. It’s just Alex and me now…She though with dread. Eden turned around and found that Alex was standing right in front of her; she caught her breath at the close proximity. She took a step backwards and found Alex looking intensely at her, she started walking away but Alex grabbed her arm and twirled her around which surprised Eden.
“Who’s Pierre?” Alex asked his voice was emotionless,
“What?” Eden thought she didn’t hear properly.
“Who is that guy who called you earlier?” Alex worded the words slowly and Eden was taken aback by the expression on his face, as though he was extremely annoyed, jealous or constipated a giggle almost escaped her lips at that last thought.
“None of your concern hubby” She pulled out of his grasp and headed upstairs, Alex was right on her heel.
“Exactly I’m your husband you have to tell me these things” He argued and Eden felt annoyance bubble inside her.
“Don’t pull that card on me Alex” She growled annoyed and he looked at her sternly which was ridiculous!
“Look Eden-”

“OH MY GOSH MY FRENCH BEST FRIEND OKAY!” Eden yelled and puffed out an annoyed sigh.
“Are you sure because if you cheat-” Alex started to say and Eden whirled around in anger.
“You’ve got nerve you know that Gaskarth!” She poked his chest roughly, her face going as red as her hair,
“Unlike you I will be faithful, though you obviously can’t, I have flipping morals you jerk and what’s it to you if I talk to a guy!” She looked at him in his face and something flickered in Alex’s face, secretly Alex though how unbelievably attractive she looked as she was angry.
“It’s simple I’m your husband” He shrugged,
“Also I do have moral and I can stay faithful” He said with a bit more of a bite to it.
“Highly doubtful hubby” She said as she entered their bedroom, yes they have to share a bed considering Alex bought a three bedroom house but he turned one room into a music studio and the other into a mini gym.

“You don’t know me Eden!”
“Look Alex I’m a realist and you cheated on me not even 2 hours after the I do’s so that proves it to me” Eden said waving her hand in the air as though pushing away some annoying fly, she tried to cover the pain that seeped into her voice at the memory of the wedding.
“Can’t you just forget about that, God!” Alex raised his voice and she glared at him.
“I told you on the day Alex I. Will. NEVER. Forget!” She said and looked at him in the eyes making sure he got the message, Alex’s look down and his shoulders dropped. Eden rolled her eyes and got ready for bed, she lay down on the bed and Alex was already lying on the other side. Eden turned off the light not wanting to see him or the defeated look on his face.
“Goodnight Eden…” Alex whispered and she sighed,
“Goodnight Alex” She replied without emotion.
“What?” She asked annoyed,
“I’ll prove to you that I can remain faithful” Alex said and then silence engulfed the room.
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay this is important= did you guys want me to write on a different story how Zack and Mina met? Because i guarantee i have something BIG in store for you but would you like that?? By the way I love their romance!


Lottie's outfit! I recommend you look, it's Hot!

Thank you, Thank you to the most gorgeous people out there:


I love you guys!

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