Status: Slash, boy sex, so don't EVEN give me one of those 'WTF?!' comments!

Twisted Trials

Baby I Love You

Jeremiya just stood there, walkign back to one of the courtayard garden's walls, Jensen kissing him more and more passionatley by the second.

Then, as Jensen finally had him against the wall, he was tugged away by his hair.
"OWWW!!!! *cring* What the...LET ME GO! *jerked back* AH! LEMME GO! LEMME GO!" he cried, he begged, out of agony, out of the fire in his heart, out of the utter PAIN returning to him.

"JEN!" Jeremiya cried out, trying to run to him, but was slammed back to the wall.

It was Lauren, the guy/ ass from earlier, of whom had Jensen in his grasp. His 'friends', Bryan and Bruce, had Jeremiya pinned hard to the wall, doing all they could to keep him quiet.

Lauren dragged Jensen to one of the bush hubs, enclosed benches, and held fast to his shoulders to keep him down. "You made me look like a fool, Gaysen. I'M going to make you look like you had an even worse night than even YOU could know!"
"How did you-"
"YOUR DAD WARNED MINE, YOU DENSE FUCKING DESCRASED FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lauren roared into Jensen's ears.

'warned'...'warned'....'warned?!' *gasp*

"Now here's mine to YOU!" Lauren siad, just as he gave qa few backhands, punches, gut jabs, and side hits to Jensen.

Jensen's face stung, he felt like he was going to throw up, he could hardly move, and just layed there on the ground.

Jeremiya tried to break free from the boys, screaming and bawling his head off, seeing Jensen's lack of movement and not even being able to see him BREATHE!