Status: Slash, boy sex, so don't EVEN give me one of those 'WTF?!' comments!

Twisted Trials

You Know I Need You

Jensen looked up, confused yet witha sudden flash of determination.
He jumped up then lunged at lauren, pushing him back.

Lauen was now about a foot and a half off the ground, Jensen holding him up by his neck.
"It's *WHAM!* JENSEN!!! *kneals down to Lauren, wispering in his ear* And if you, or ANYONE following your intent or direction, EVER comes at me or Jeremiya again...*flash of fire in hisfree hand* I'll roast you alive." Jensen said.

He dropped Lauren, watching him and the other two scram out, and fell to his knees.

Jeremiya ran to the bush hub, only to freeze in his tracks. Jensen...he...he was...he was covered in FIRE! It pulsed in waves around him, like an offbeat of the heart, in shades and hues like none Jeremiya had never witnessed.

Jensen was huddled up by a small gathering of purple & yellow striped tiger lillies, his flame now matching their color and pattern, in body wracking sobbs.
He had let his rage overcome him...had used the fire...and his scars were now reminding him of it....

The pulsed and surged...spreading along his body...stretching and growing...