Status: Slash, boy sex, so don't EVEN give me one of those 'WTF?!' comments!

Twisted Trials

Gotta Have You

The more Jeremiya watched, the more he saw.
He could see the fiber-like detail in the flames.
He could see how the flame was constantly keeping in tune with Jensen.

Then....he began to see somthing change...

Jensen's body, his skin, his figure, seemed more...rigid. His knuckles...were more profound; His facial features more crisp and directed; and his overall figure...

towards the upper middle of Jensen's back, just below the shoulderblades, seemed to be something forming and shifting beneath his shirt.

Jeremiya snapped back to a higher level of conciousness. As he did, there began a tearing at Jensen's shirt. the movement had become incredibly rapid. When Jeremiya reached for it, Jensen's eyes flew open and he held Jeremiya down as he shifted.

*ca-whap!* Wings! WINGS erupted from that commotion!

Sliding a hand along Jensen's cheek, Jeremiya leaned in to give Jensen a kiss.
Pulling away, Jensen folded his wings around to conceal himself from Jeremiya.