‹ Prequel: Stowaways
Status: Slow updates :)

The Beach


'What time did they say the plane's landing? Can we go now?' Sarah asked excitedly barely able to keep still

The three girls are sat in the hotel room that she and Alex will be sharing later that night

Sighing Lucie looked at her watch 'In about 3 hours, no we can't go now, it's too early'

Sarah pouts causing Louise to giggle, 'why don't we go down to the shops for a bit, that'll kill time, then we can go pick them up'

'Good idea, I can't stay in this room anymore, Sarah's too excited' Lucie said grabbing her bag

'Hey, its not my fault, you were like this an hour ago, its my turn now! And you'll be like it when we're at the airport I bet!' Sarah grins sticking her tongue out as she skips over to her bag

Shaking her head smiling Lucie silently agrees, she will be exactly the same when they get to the airport

'OH MY GOD! It says its landed, they'll be coming through those doors soon!' Louise squeals jumping up and down slightly

Grinning Sarah and Lucie fix their eyes to the doors almost screaming when people start filing through

'What if he changed his mind and doesn't like me any more?!' Sarah asks suddenly frowning

'Don't be so silly, he still loves you' Louise says rolling her eyes, as she turns back to the doors

'She's right, they wouldn't have kept up with everything they've been doing with us if they didn't like us anymore' Lucie agrees squeezing Sarahs hand, her eyes never leaving the door

'You're both right, just nervous I guess' Sarah nods convincing herself she's being stupid

'What's taking them so-- JACKY!' Lucie squeals as she spots him, his eyes light up when he hears her scream, he drops his bags and runs towards her scooping her up in his arms when she reaches him. He places a soft but needy kiss on her ready and waiting lips, grinning into the kiss she pulls away and smiles up at Jack 'I missed you'

Jack smiles and nods 'so fucking much' he kisses her again before slowly letting her stand up for herself, turning just in time to see Alex emerge through the doors

Alex sees Sarah straight away and smiles bigger than he already was, his pace quickens and he reaches her in seconds, letting go of the handle of his suitcase, he cups Sarah's face and pulls her forward kissing her slowly, Sarah kisses him back in an instance, bringing her arms to wind around his neck.

Pulling away breathlessly Alex laughs 'now now, we're in public remember?'

Sarah blushes and bites her lip as she gazes into his eyes 'sorry' she mumbles before leaning forward to kiss him again

'Uh guys, I'm all for these happy reunions but where's Matt and the rest of the guys?' Louise asks growing impatient

Alex pulls away from Sarah and looks at Jack before saying 'Matts just sorting out some luggage issues and the other guys aren't coming until Saturday, they wanted to spend some more time at home before the festival week'

'Oh, well Matt better hurry up! Not that its not cute watching you guys be all lovey dovey but I need my movie scene reunion'

Jack laughs at how impatient Louise is as he wraps his arms around Lucie's waist

'Come on let's move out the way, he'll be out in a minute' Alex suggests wheeling his suitcase over to the chairs holding Sarah's hand

Jack, Lucie, Alex and Sarah all sit down, Louise deciding to stand facing them taping her foot, she crosses her arms clearly growing impatient. Alex chuckles at her as he sees Matt walk through the doors.

When Matt sees that Louise has her back to him, he grins and signals Alex to keep quiet

'Seriously what's taking him so long?! He shouldn't be keeping me --' Louise stops mid sentence and squeaks as someone hands cover her eyes

Matt grins and puts his lips to her eye and whispers 'I'm sorry I kept you waiting'

Louise grins and spins around flinging her arms around him, pulling him as close as possible 'I missed you'

'I missed you too, now do I get a kiss?' Matt asks struggling to breathe

'Oops' Louise giggles as she pulls apart, she smiles up at Matt before reaching up on her tip toes to place a kiss to his lips, Matt moans slightly causing Louise to grin and break the kiss

'Right since we're all here can we go to the hotel now?' Jack asks stifling a yawn 'I'm pooped'

'Aww Jacky of course we can, we can snuggle and go to sleep' Lucie grins pulling him up from his seat

'So what's the plan for the rest of the week girls? You still haven't told us?' Alex asks putting down his fork and leaning back in his chair.

All three couples are sat in the hotel restaurant after the boys had woken up from their nap

'Well that would be telling' Lucie grinned

'You're not gonna tell us?' Jack asked raising his eyebrows and narrowing his eyes at Lucie

'Nope' she said with a pop

'That's not fair, I want to know' Alex pouted, fluttering his eye lashes at Sarah

'That's not gonna work, Lex' Sarah replied, laughing as he pouted even more

'I bet i can get it out of Louise' Matt grinned as he leaned in and whispered into her ear

Louise blushed but shook her head 'Nuh-uh I'm still not telling you' she giggled

'Maybe not now, but later' Flyzik said confidentally

'God you guys suck! I want to know' Jack whined sinking down in his chair

'Tough Jacky, I'm not telling you! You'll know in about 8 hours times, that's not long'

'But that's 6am' Matt groaned

'Suck it up baby, it'll be fun I promise' Louise said placing a small kiss on his cheek

They all fell into a comfortable silence as they finished their food

'If you want me to get up early and function properly then I'm gonna go to bed' Alex said sighing and looking at Sarah, Sarah smiled and took a sip of her water

'Yeah me too, seriously girls it best be worth it' Matt added

'Are you coming?' Alex questioned looking at Sarah with a glint in his eye

Sarah smirked 'Of course'

'Come on then' Alex said excitedly pulling on her hand, he ran with her to the elevator and quickly pushed the button turning to see if Jack, Matt, Lucie and Louise were following, which they were. Cursing Alex pressed the button again ‘Come on’ he groaned

‘What’s the rush?’ Sarah laughed turning around to see the cnfused look on the others faces.

‘Finally’ Alex breathed pulling Sarah through the doors and quickly pressing the button to close them.

Jack noticed and started to run towards the elevator ‘Don be a dick Alex hold the doors’

‘No’ Alex laughed poking out his tongue just as the doors shut.

‘That was mean Lex, whats the ru—‘

Sarah was cut off by Alex suddenly crushing his lips to hers, pushing her backwards to meet the wall, recovering from shock Sarah quickly kissed him back, bring her hands to entwine with his hair, pulling slightly causing Alex to let out a throaty moan

Pulling back he grinned at Sarah and chuckled slightly at her flushed cheeks, bring his hand to lightly trace over the tinted skin he smiled even more and placed another small kiss to her lips then her nose ‘Sorry I just wanted you to myself’

‘Not a problem’ She grinned clutching at his shirt pulling him in for another kiss.

The doors then opened revealing a very pissed off and out of breath Jack ‘Seriously you couldn’t wait until you got her to your room?’

Blushing Sarah let go of Alex’s top and moved back slightly.

‘Nope sorry man, you needed the exercise anyway’ Alex winked

‘Fuck you’ Jack grunted

‘Love you too bro, see you in the morning’

Sarah handed Alex the room key and hugged Jack ‘Night’ she smiled as Lucie, Louise and Matt stepped out of the elevator

‘Night guys’

‘Night’ they chorused smiling at her

‘Don’t stay up too late’ Lucie winked

‘Yeah you best not either’ Sarah grinned, flicking her eyes to Jack who was waiting impatiently in the doorway of his room ‘Better not keep him waiting’

Lucie laughed and entered her room

‘Night Lou, be good’ Sarah chuckled as she heard Alex shout for her

‘Best not keep him waiting’ Matt smiled pulling Louise down the hall ‘Come on Lou I want to snuggle’