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Is It Love At First Sight

The Assignment

Ashley's POV

Today my professor gave our class a really cool assignment. Our assignment is to go to a hockey game of the NHL team that he assigns us, take notes on what happens durring the game, and meet one player from the team, and the player that we meet is our choice. I don't know if my professor noticed that the team he assigned me was my favorite team which is the Washington Capitals.
At The Game

It's 7:00 p.m. now here in the US Capital of Washington DC and I just arrived at the Verizon Center, which is the home of the Washington Capitals. Tonight my Washington Capitals are taking on our arch rivals Sidney Crosby and the Pittsburgh Penguins. I quickly found my seat which was in the first row of seats behind the Capitals bench and #74 John Carlson.

After the Game

The game is now over and the capitals got a 5-4 win. John Carlson got a hat trick, Jay Beagle and Karl Alzner got the other goals. I'm now heading to the Caps locker room to meet John Carlson. I chose to meet John Carlson because I've been a fan of him since his Hershey days.

In the Caps Locker Room

John was sitting in his stall and the locker room was nearly empty. My face started getting red and I could tell that it was because I was only a few feet away from John Carlson. I walked up to John as he was leaving the locker room and said "You're John Carlson right?" He replies "Yeah. Why do you ask?" "I'm assigned to meet someone from the team that my Professor assigns me." John says "Oh! I'm John. What's your name?" I reply "I'm Ashley." and John says "Nice to meet you Ashley." I replied by saying "You too John."

John and I talked for a couple of hours and even laughed a few times. What we came to realize is that we have so much in common. The major thing that we have in common is that we both grew up watching Hockey. I grew up watching the Capitals since I'm from the DC area and he grew up watching the Devils since he's from the State of New Jersey.

The Next Day

In Class today our professor had us write an essay on what happend durring the game that we went to, what we thought of the game, and who we chose to meet from the team that we were assigned. My essay was really long considering the fact that I had a lot of notes and I learned a lot about John last night. I learned so much that I wouldn't mind seeing John again.
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Ashley meeting John is how I wanted the story to start mainly because I want to see how the story will develop after they meet. What I said about John Carlson in the summary is actually true. He actually did help the US win a world Junior Championship and the Hershey Bears win a Calder Cup in 2010. I know about the Calder Cup because the Hershey Bears are apart of the lives of the people in Central Pennsylvania which is where I'm from.