Status: new

Is It Love At First Sight

John's suprise visit

John's POV

It has been one week since I met Ashley after the game against Pittsburgh in which we won and I got a hat trick. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, how much she made me laugh and how much we had in common. I would love to see Ashley again. Maybe I will get her number so I can call her. So I decided to go to the University Of Maryland's student Cafe which is a place where a lot of students hang out when they're not classes.

When I got to the cafe I looked around to see if Ashley was here. It wasn't until I was about to sit down when I saw her. She looked just as beautiful as she did when I met her last week. "John! what are you doing here?" she said when she ran up to me. I replied "I wanted to see you again and I don't have your phone number. Plus you said that you were attending the University of Maryland so I figured I would stop by and say hello." she says "well I'm glad you did because I've been wanting to see you again too." "So do you want to grab some lunch?" I askedd and she replied "sure I'd like that."

Ashley and I had a lot to talk about even though we mainly talked about hockey. "So what are you studying at the University of Maryland?" I asked and she replied "sports Communication because I want to be a sports analyst." "That's cool! what made you want to study that?" I asked and she replied "well the fact that I love sports especially and I thought that It would cool to do something in the sports world." "that's awesome. Do you enjoy what you're studying?" i asked and she replied "thanks, and yeah I love it."

Our lunch ended a few minutes because she had to get back to class. "well I have to get back to class. Thank you for stopping by. It was really nice to see you again. Oh! here's my number in case you want to call me sometime." she said and I replied "Ok. no problem. It was good seeing you too. Thanks and here's my number." "Ok. Thanks! Bye John." she said and I replied "Yeah. see yah Ashley."

I was on my way back to from the Cafe when I got a text from Mike which I didn't read until I got back to my house in downtown D.C. The text read "John, where are you? I tried to call your house but you wouldn't answer. Anyways text me back when you get this." I texted Mike back saying "What do you want Mike?" and he replied " Do you want to hang out tonight?" I texted him saying "No not really. Sorry man." and he replied "That's ok at least you were honest."
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Just in case you were wondering John was texting his team mate Mike Green.