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Is It Love At First Sight

First day of class after break

Ashley's POV

Today is my first day back in class after a good, long Christmas break that I spent with my amazing Boyfriend John, who I have been dating for almost 3 months now. I love John with all my heart and I can't see my self being with anyone else in the future. My best friend Allison came up to me before class and said "Hey Ahsley how was your christmas break?" and I replied "It was Great. My family loved John."

When Class started our professor came in and asked "Welcome back class. I hope you enjoyed your holiday. What was your favorite gift that you got?" and when he called on me I said "mine would either be my Hershey Bears jersey that my boyfriend got me or my Washington Capitals jersey that my parents got me." Our Professor gave us an assignment where we have to make a video analyzing the games in the NHL from last night and give our thoughts on today's NHL headlines with a partner. Allison and I are going to be partners for the assignment.

After Class

When Allison and I got to my house we walked up to the front door and tried to open it. That is when I noticed that the door was locked even though John was home. The problem was that I didn't have my house key so I dialed John's phone number and said " John why is the door locked?" when he answered his phone and he replied "I was taking a nap." "Well can you unlock the door?" I asked and he replied "Oh sorry. I'll be right down. I thought you had your key with you." "It's ok. at least you're being honest with me." I said and he replied "That's true but I feel bad because I didn't realize that you didn't have your key." "John don't feel bad. it's my fault I'm locked out." I said and he replied "Are you sure?" I answered him by saying "I'm sure." and he said "OK I'll be down."

when Allison and i got in the house we started planning out what we wanted to say in our video. while we were planning John comes over and says "So how was your day Ashley?" and I replied "Good. How was your day babe?" He answered me by saying "mine was pretty good." and I replied "that's good." "what are you doing?'' he asked and I replied "Allison and i are planning out what we want to say in our video that we have to make for class." "Cool! What do you have to do for the video?" he asked and i replied "we have to analyze all the NHL games from last night and give our thoughts on today's NHL head lines."

The Next day - In class

Allison and I finished Our video around 6:00 last night. We had John look over the video to see what he thought. our professor graded all of the videos during class today giving us absolutely nothing to do besides talk. At the end of class we got our grade back. Allison and I actually did better than we thought because our professor gave us the same feedback that john gave us, and John gave us some pretty good feedback.

After class

When I got home frome class today John wasn't home which I tought was kind wierd because he's usually home when I get home from class since I only have to take one class this year. Once i got in the house I walked out to the kitchen and saw a note on the kitchen table that read "Went out to get some things. I'll be home around 4:00 OK? I love you Ashley. From your loving boyfriend, John." A few minutes later John got home and wrapped his arms around me and said "How was your day babe?" I replied "Good. How was yours?" John asnwered my question by saying "My day was great." and I replied "That's Good.'