

Eleven years. Eleven years have passed since they took her away. They had come, and we had hidden, but they found her. I knew she should have hidden with me; we at least would have been together. Now that I am older I’ll be able to find my twin sister and bring her home.

It was dark. It seemed it was always dark after the Mystics had come and overthrown our government. They took over the entire kingdom, including this little village. The Mystics are beautiful just like their name, but their hearts are cold and their souls are hollow. They’re graceful murderers with a thirst for blood.

I walked briskly trying not to attract attention. You couldn’t even trust your closest friends anymore because of the poverty the Mystics had brought upon us. If you weren’t careful you’d either be killed by your own for your possessions or taken by the Mystics. Those who are taken never return.

I pulled my black hood closer to my face as I passed by a group of men surrounding a dead body, most likely someone they had just killed. In this place, you have no choice but to keep walking if you don’t want to end up like them. I had to survive. I couldn’t go around playing hero for strangers. My sister needs me. I know she’s alive. I have to survive so I can rescue her.

I needed money, but the Mystics were the only ones who had that. The Mystics lived at the main castle surrounded by beautiful plants and water, lots of water. They kept their money on the first floor in the room at the very center. Meaning there were no shortcuts between any of the entrances and the precious currency. The only way anybody could know this is if they had the right connections, which I had.

I passed by many broken windows, heaps of burning bodies, and dark alleys where only the impossible could come out of. I reached a small clearing and opened the secret door that led underground. I closed it tight and lit a candle before descending down the stairs. The candle lit up the small room. In it was a small bed with a thin blanket, a rug, and a cabinet containing very little food.

I set the candle down on top of the cabinet and pulled my black cloak off, throwing it onto my bed. I let my chocolate brown hair fall to my shoulders and pulled out a piece of broken mirror to gaze into my electric blue eyes. My pale skin proved that even the sun was afraid of the Mystics. I put the mirror on top of the cabinet by the candle.

I jumped as I heard knocking on the wooden door that led to my room. I stayed very still. Whoever it was knocked again. I put a hand over my mouth and nose to silence my breathing. The door rattled and I quickly ducked under the bed. I heard it being forced open. I watched in horror as I recognized the expensive clothes as the Mystics’. Two of them walked throughout the small space searching.

“Nobody is here. Shall we return?” The melodic voice of a Mystic Royal flowed smoothly and echoed.

“I thought I felt a presence, but I guess it was nothing.” A voice much more smooth and sweet than how the spring was when flowers were blooming all around and you could smell the fragrance in the air. It was filled with such warmth and love that even if the sun came out again, it wouldn’t be able to match this Mystic’s voice.

Wait! He’s a Mystic and you’re infatuated with his voice! Pull yourself together! These are your enemies stop describing them in such a poetic way! I let out a sigh of relief when I heard them leave.

“You have to be more careful. You were almost caught this time.” I often spoke to myself the same way I would speak to my sister if she were here. I hurriedly replaced the lock on my door and blew out the candle.