Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I watched Shane leave for class before I turned down the hall and headed to my own. I couldn't help but think of all the time I spent with Shane this morning. I found my seat and sat down before starting my work. I gazed out the window as class went by slowly.

The barely taken care of school yard looked so welcoming at the moment. I could see me and Shane mingling with other students of the school, me wrapped in his arms by the flag pole, no one caring that we were together.

I then saw the snow-covered yard of the school, people throwing snowballs at one another. I could see Shane laughing as he tackled me to the ground, gazing down at me with such a loving look. I could see him leaning down and pressing a tender kiss to my lips.

The tingles I experience from his kisses were softly brushing across my lips. I ran my thumb across my bottom lip as I continued to gaze out into the welcoming day.

I barely heard the bell ring as I headed to my next class, thankfully I had this one with Shane.

Time Elaspe

I sat down beside Shane, whispering with him for a bit before I started my work. I could tell he was struggling with the math work, so I scooted my desk over and took his pencil, smiling at him as I showed him how to easily work out the problems until the lunch bell rang.

We talked some more during lunch, our friends sitting together. Everyone was seeming to get along well, which was odd yet amazing at the same time. Jocks and musicians hanging out, talking about plays of the court, riffs played on the guitar. I caught Shane's eye, and he smiled that show-stopping smile, his eyes closing a bit. The blue of his eyes were captivating, and I found my breathing picking up a bit. I smiled warmly back at him, winking discretely at him.

Once we got back to class, Shane had gone quiet, causing me to worry but not say anything. I watched him for a while until he got up and left class. I went to follow him but stopped and waited for the teacher to excuse me before I got up and followed him. I looked around until I saw him going to the music room "What are you doing?" I muttered and followed him into the empty classroom.