Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


By nightfall, I was still sitting in the field near the school. I was absent-mindedly picking at the grass, my eyes on the sky again. As I stared at the stars, I pondered over what Logan had said. I knew he was right, one hundred percent. I just couldn't bring myself to have enough courage to tell my parents.

They always loved how I was a great role model for Chase. Doing well in class, going with my dreams, being who I was meant to be. Thing is, who I am and who I'm meant to be wouldn't go well with them, not after what I've come to realize.

I laid back in the grass, placing my hands under my head. Before I knew it, I was singing a song that used to get me out of my miserable state. The words echoed around me, sending chills throughout my body.

"Don't know much about your life
Don't know much about your world but
Don't wanna be alone tonight
On this planet they call Earth

You don't know about my past and
I don't have a future figured out
And maybe this is going too fast
And maybe it's not meant to last

But what do you say to taking chances?
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold or hell to pay
What do you say? What do you say?

I stopped, sitting up so quickly I felt various joints pop. There was only one way to find out how my parents would really come to terms with who I am. I had to take the jump and find out.

Standing up, I grabbed my bag and ran to the parking lot. Seeing how there was virtually no one there, finding my car was as easy as ever. Unlocking the door, I hopped in and started the engine.

I then flew out of the parking lot and into the darkness towards home, not looking back. There was no way I was going to back out of this now. I always had a feeling there was something about me that I knew wouldn't go by my parents easily. Now, it was time to act or quit.

Time Elapse

I pulled into the two-car garage, shutting off the car and getting out quickly. I ran inside and up the stairs to my room. I found the biggest duffle bag I could find. I packed up a good portion of my clothes, all the lyric books I had, and my collection of guitar picks.

I zipped the bag up and grabbed my guitar case, placing it gently on my bed. I opened it and saw the acoustic guitar that changed my life forever. I gently ran my fingers on the strings and closed my eyes as I listened to the notes. Quickly closing it back, I flung the bag on my shoulder and picked up the guitar.

I jogged downstairs, knowing full well that my family was in the kitchen. I walked in and three pairs of eyes landed on me. "Shane, what's with the bag and guitar?" my mom asked, looking at me curiously.

"I am about to admit something I should have years ago," I said, my face showing nothing my seriousness. They all watched me cautiously. I met my parents' eyes for a few moments. "I'm not the perfect son you thought I was. It took me years to realize it, but now I know who I am."

"Shane, son, what are you saying?" Dad asked, placing his fork down, looking at me with a sharp gaze.

"I'm gay. And right now, I plan to head to friend's place for a while. I am planning on finishing school, then head out to either New York or California to pursue a career in music," I said, the seriousness of my tone remaining strong.

My parents were silent for a moment, then both of them laughed. "Nice joke, son. Now, sit down and eat. Food's getting cold," Dad said, picking up his fork again and going back to eating.

"Believe what you want, guys, but I'm not joking," I said, turning my back on them. "It's just that you're too close-minded to let the fact that your perfect little boy is gay sink in. I'll miss you guys, especially you, Chase. You've been my inspiration over the years for my music." Chase saluted me and smiled, which I returned.

I walked back into the garage, popped open the trunk, and threw my bag in there. I gently placed the guitar in the trunk as well, sighing before closing it and getting in the car. Tonight was the night my real life would begin.and no one was going to hold me back. No one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: Taking Chances
Artist: Celine Dion