Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I was heading to class when I saw Roger and Smith running towards me in a panic. Fear and panic spread through me like wild fire. Where was Logan? They came to a stop before me, gasping for breath. "Logan ... he's in ... the hospital. Come on!" Smith said, running out to the parking lot, Roger on his heels.

I dashed out after them, both of them by my car. "Your cars faster than both of our's combined," Smith stated, still trying to catch his breath. I unlocked the car doors and the hopped in, me getting in the driver's seat.

Turning the car on and putting it in gear, I drove out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. Security tried to stop us, but right now, one of our greatest friends was in the hospital and I wasn't going to stop for no reason until I got to the hospital.

Time Elapse

We jogged into the waiting room and paused. "Do you know if Logan has any brothers?" I whispered, looking at Smith and Roger. Roger was the one who answered.

"He's got three, but I don't see ... oh, got ya," he said, a weak smile on his face. "But wait, shouldn't Smith or I talk to the nurse behind the desk? Seeing how you're Irish and can't contain your accent anymore."

"I was about to say that. Since Roger looks more like Logan than the either of us, he should do the talking," I said, causing both guys to nod. We walked over to the desk, Smith and I conversing quietly.

"Can I help you, sir?" the nurse asked, smiling up Roger.

"Our brother was brought in here a little while ago, and I was wondering if we could go back and se him," Roger replied, indicating the three of us.

"His name?" she asked, hands near the keyboard of her computer.

"Logan Reese," he said, the nurse's fingers flying across the keyboard. She told us where to go and we ran. Of course, as we were heading to his room, people were yelling about running in a hospital and us being hooligans. Whatever. We finally got to his room, and we all paused.

"Shane, I think you should go in first," Smith said, gripping my shoulder. I nodded shakily, gripping the door nob and turning it. Pushing it open, I saw Logan with tubes all around him. I fell to my knees, in total shock. I was numb, everything seemed to be so surreal.

I didn't notice hands pulling me up, or my legs walking me over to a chair. I stared out at nothing, my eyes not seeing a thing. I heard people calling my name, but I couldn't bring myself to respond, I just couldn't.

I wanted to cry, and that I did. The tears fell from my eyes in rivulets, my eyesight going blurry. "What happened?" I whispered to no one in particular. I stood up and made my way over to the bed in which Logan was on. I looked up with the door opened and saw that the doctor came in.

"Two of you boys are going to have to leave," he said, the obvious way he was standing told me he was gay. I saw Roger and Smith wave a little and then walk out of the room, leaving me with the doctor and a very hurt Logan. "He's in a coma right now, but he is going to wake up. That much I am sure," he said, causing a bit of hope to come to life in me.

"Anything broken?" I asked, my Irish accent thick with tears. The doctor looked at his chart for a moment before saying anything.

"Two broken ribs, his left ankle, and his right arm. He seemed to have more bruises and cuts than anything else. Wait a second, you're not related to him are you?" he asked suspiciously.

"He's the closest thing I have to family, as well as the two who just left. Logan and I were both kicked out of our homes because the fact that we're gay. Me not being here for him when he needs it would devastate him," I said, the anger taking over me.

The doc must have noticed because he threw his hands up. "I was just asking, no need to get angry. I find it rather sweet that you'd be here for him," he said, a warm smile crossing his face.

I relaxed in my chair, my head tilting towards the ceiling, my eyes trying to make shapes. As time passed, I felt sleep taking over me, and before long, I was out.