Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I stared down at him, confusion and hurt strong in my eyes as I knelt down beside him, not touching him. "Why Shane?" I asked, my voice cracking. "Why did you just play me like that? Lie to her and say I'm your boyfriend when you know I'm not? You made that clear that night at Smiths..." I whispered.

Shane stared at me before looking up ."I dont know why I said it, Logan, it felt like the right thing to say at the time." He sighed before reaching for my hand which I pulled away, the tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, at the time but not any other time right? Not when we're in school and people are asking questions," I choked and stood up. "I love you, Shane ... but I refuse to be used to make you ex mad at you. I'm not some shiny new toy," I cried and walked off, leaving him there on the beach as I climbed into my car.

Time Elaspe

I heard the guys get into my car, Smith in the front seat as Shane took the back, not looking at me. I stared ahead as I started the car and headed off back to Smith's house. "Hey ... everything ok between You two?" Smith asked. Shane muttered something and I remained quiet, not wanting to speak.

Once home, I climbed up the stairs and towards my room. "Logan," I heard Shane call my name from behind, his accent making it hard to stay mad. "Please talk to me, I dont want you mad at me," he spoke, his words slurred. I turned and faced him.

"Maybe when your sober, we'll talk, but for right now, I'm still mad at you ... and deeply hurt," I spoke before slamming my door and falling onto the bed. I laid there, breathing in Shane's scent as guilt took over me. I knew I shouldnt be mad at him but I couldnt help it. I refuse to be used as some weapon against his ex.