Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I couldn't cry anymore, the tears having left my body the moment Hunter started beating me. I laid tied to the floor on a ragged mattress, my clothes torn from my body and laying around on the floor. I fought to stay awake, but I was too weak, my eyes closing as everything went dark.

I heard footsteps a while later and opened my eyes, gazing around to find Hunter pacing the room. I held back a sob, realizing that this wasn't a deam. Hunter seemed to have heard me because he stopped and walked over to me, grabbing me by the hair and yanking me up. I cried our as he forced me to stand, my left leg broken and twisted.

I watched a smirk run across his face as he spoke. "Four years ... four years I spent in jail over you," he growled. I stared at him weakly, about to speak, when he threw me against the walk, causing me to scream as my beaten and battered body hit the corner of the wall. "Four fucking years!" he screamed before he charged at me, removing his clothes. "I'll show you want jail is like, Logan," he said as he smirked.

I fought back the tears that seemed to appear as he began to rape me, my screams of pain echoing through the building. Soon, my entire world went black.

Time Elapse

I opened my eyes, only to find my body moving. "Oh, thank god!" I heard a familiar voice speak. I turned my head, my eyes meeting with Shane's.

"S-Shane?" I chocked, my throat dry and wierd tasting.

"Don't speak, just stay awake for me, baby," Shane said, his accent making it hard as I melted into him.

"I-I'm sorry," I whimpered, my entire body hurting more than when I had my accident. I barely heard Roger and Smith talking as everything started fading in and out again. "H-he ... oh, god, Shane, I'm sorry!" I cried. Shane shushed me, shaking his head.

"I know ... it's alright," he said, holding me in his arms. I heard a car door open, feeling Shane slide inside with the help of Rocher and Smith.

"His arm and leg's broken again, Shane. Fucking bastard," Roger cursed. I heard his fist connect with the steering wheel before the car sped off away from the building. I looked up at Shane, my eyes closing.

"I-I love you," I whispered before darkness took me over again.