Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I watched from the hood of my car as Shane kissed his girlfriend before I sighed and climbed into my car, driving off campus to head out. What was with that accent? I never heard his accent before until just now. I've heard his girlfriend mention it as I've passed her but I never really thought much of it.

Once home, I locked myself in my room and spent the rest of the night talking with my friends and catching up on homework.

Time Elaspe

I changed into my favortie jeans,shoes and a shirt before grabbing my keys that Friday, leaving for the party. I picked up some of my friends along the way " You excited for the party, Logan? Maybe you can actually meet someone," my friend Roger asked once he slid into the back.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yea maybe, but I doubt it," I said as I parked my car. We all then climbed out and wondered inside. I spent the first few hours of the party watching everyone enjoy themselves before I sighed and started drinking myself, wanting to enjoy the time as well. After a few drinks, I wasfeeling the effects of the beer and shots I had done and was doing. I heard a familer voice and turned around, a beer in my hand as I watched Shane talk with a few friends of his as well as Roger. I leaned against the wall and watched Shane closely, admiring him from a safe distience. No one knew how I felt about Shane, only myself. I knew there was never a chance of us being together since I was gay and he was straight.

"Logan? you ok man?" my friend Smith asked, looking at me. I turned and faced him

"Yeah, perfectly fine," I said, sounding surprisingly sober. Smith nodded and stumbled off, laughing as he talked with another guy. Smith was openingly gay and didnt have a care in the world. I was always jealous of him, but never said it. I turned around and almost screamed, my eyes widening a bit as Shane stood in front of me.

"I thought you werent going to be drinking?" he asked, his words a bit slurred. I shrugged and downed my drink.

"I decided otherwise; figured I might as well have some fun while I'm here," I replied. Shane went quiet, staring at me. "Shane? If you have something to say, then say it," I spoke, my words finally becoming slurred as everything I drank took full effect.

I watched him carefully, his blue eyes intently on my own brown eyes. Things were getting a bit blurry, but I made sure to keep myself as stable as possible. He leaned in towards me, his breath warm against my ear. I felt chills run down my spine; the good chills. "Follow me," he whispered, the accent I heard earlier sending even more chills through me. "I need to get away from the crowd and have a chat with someone other than my bandmates and girlfriend."

Normally, that last part would have made me say no, but seeing how I was drunk and really didn't care at the moment, I nodded. He grabbed my hand as we wove through the large crowd. No one paying no mind to us as we climbed the stairs.