Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I slid out of the bed,letting Shane sleep in as I creeped down stairs and into the kitchen,grabbing something light to eat before laying on the couch and turning the TV on,keeping the volume down low.

During the silent morning,I found a magazine and started flipping through it before I stopped,my eyes landing on a ring they were showing. My eyes widened and I jumped up,no longer caring to let Shane sleep as I ran into the room and jumped on the bed 'Shane! Shane wake up!" i exclaimed.

Shane grumbled and sat up,scratching his chest "What is it?" he asked,his eyes tiredly looking at me. I beamed as I laid the magazine in his lap and pointed to the ring.

"That's what I want" I said,causing him to raise in eyebrow as he stared down at it before looking at me with a questioning look 'yes..that's what I want. I love that ring Shane" I said. Shane sighed and gazed down at it.

"Its not what I had in mind..but since its the one your set on then alright" he smiled warmly up at me. I cheered happily and fell into him,hugging him tightly as he started laughing and held me close.

I kissed him deeply before jumping down and returning to the kitchen to make Shane something to eat. I heard Shane walk down the stairs then his arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and leaned against him before turning around and handing him a plate.

"Enjoy babe" I smiled before I made my way back upstairs to get dressed while Shane continued eating. I gave him enough food to hopefully keep him full until lunch time. I headed down stairs.

Shane chuckled when I pulled him towards the door 'Lets go shopping!" I said and slid into the car happily.


I grumbled as I curled up more in the blankets as Smith tried waking me up "Babe,come on mom's got breakfast ready" He chuckled,rubbing my back. I peeked up at him before mumbling and getting up,kissing him before getting dressed.

I followed Smith downstairs and into the kitchen where his parents were already sitting "Good morning Roger" His mother smiled warmly at me. I hugged her good morning and shook his father's hand good morning as well before sitting.

I yawned lightly as I ate,the food and coffee slowly waking me up as I gazed around before leaning my head on Smith's shoulder,still tired "I think Logan got me sick" I murmured softly,causing Smith's hand to rise to my face.

"You do feel a little hot babe" He said worriedly 'Mom,I'm going to take him home,he needs sleep" he said,standing me up. His mother and father nodded,wishing me to get well as Smith helpped me into the car.

I felt the car start moving as sleep took me under again,my head falling against the window as the vibration of the car rocked me to sleep. I barely heard Smith open the door to the car and pick me up or the front door opening and closing as he carried me inside and into the room. "I'm sorry" I whispered as I curled up.

"No,its alright. I knew it was only a matter of time before one of us got sick as well" he sighed and gave me some meds before letting me fall back to sleep.

Time Elapse

I heard talking in the room then Smith wake me and sit me up. I opened my eyes and found Shane's parents in the room with us and the bowl of soup that helped Logan get better. I thanked him softly before Smith started feeding me.

I watched Shane's parents leave the room and their steps lead down stairs where Shane and Logan were,speaking to his parents about him marrying logan. I gazed up at Smith as he fed me,soon emptying the bowl before I curled up into him.

"Thank you" I whispered,sleep taking over me again. I barely heard Smith speak.

"No..thank you for loving me" He whispered just as the world went black and I slept