Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


I stared at Logan for a long moment. "Nothing happened between us, honestly. She was the first person who ever befriended me when I lived here and we're super close. Kind of like how I'm super close with Reggie back in the States," I said, sitting down across from him. "She's been wanting to be with me for a long time, but I couldn't ever see myself being with her. She's tried forcing me, blackmailing me, and all sorts of shit to get together with her, but I always turned her down. She can be a horrid person at times, but she's one of the few people I would trust with my life."

Logan stared at me, his eyes showing no emotion. "Why would you ever decide to be friends with someone who would do such horrible things like that?" he asked, not breaking eye contact.

"When we became friends, she didn't seem like the person to do that kind of thing, and seeing how when she was doing it, she had lost her brother to pancreatic cancer when she was only 14. And I knew she was just looking for something to make that pain go away, but I knew I couldn't be the one to do it. I just offered her support as a friend or relative would."

"Well, I'm not going back in until she leaves. I don't want to be anywhere near her," Logan replied, breaking eye contact and staring off into the distance. "She makes me feel uneasy."

"Then come on, let's go walking. I'll show you around, and you won't have to worry about anything happening between me and anyone because I'll be with you," I said, standing up and offering my hand.

"But what about your friends in there? You haven't seen them for so long," he said, staring at me in confusion.

"They'll survive without me for a few hours. Right now, this is our time away from everyone, and I want you to be happy," I said, and Logan grabbed my hand and we started walking. "Plus, there is a spot that I had found when I was younger than none of my friends or family know about me visiting to. You have to see it, it's a place where I realized I wanted to be a musician."

"I'd like to see that," Logan whispered, resting his head on my shoulder. I kissed him gently on the forehead as we continued walking.

Time Elapse

We arrived to the castle in which was abandoned, but still sturdy. "Oh my, Shane. This is beautiful," Logan whispered, staring up in amazement. I smiled and pulled him towards the structure.

We ran up staircase after staircase until we reached the room in which I found myself always sitting in to think and wonder. "This is the room I always loved being in. It wasn't too far from the entrance or too far from the top," I said, pulling him over to the far side wall. I pointed out where I had carved the date in which I was last here. The day before we moved to the States.

"You dubbed this as your own, huh?" Logan said, causing me to chuckle. I nodded.

"Yeah, it was like I was holding my self prisoner here a lot. I found out I was truly gay here, but always refused to act on it because of my parents. Look on the wall over there," I said, pointing to the wall in which had words on it.

"Eventually, I will find the boy who will love me. Who will do his best to make me happy. He's not here. He's in America. I know that for a fact," Logan whispered looking at me a short moment later. "Why did you play it off all these years if you knew this?"

I looked at the weathered floor and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Not only because of my parents, but because I was afraid. I knew how people reacted to someone who liked another of the same sex and I didn't want people knowing of me being that way. So I played it off. Then I met you, got close to you, and realized it was useless to play it off any longer. All I knew at that moment was ... I needed to be who I am and not worry any longer what people thought because they couldn't do anything to change my mind. And I was willing to give up friendships and family to be happy with myself."

Logan wrapped his arms around my waist, causing me to wrap my arms around him. We stood there like that for a long while, watching the rays of light shining through the window, dust particles floating softly through the air.