Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


The next day I awoke to cheering and splashing outside. Grumbling, I got out of the bed and slipped into my boxers. Looking out the window, I saw Seamus, Will, and Greg all splashing in the lake about a quarter of a mile away from the house. Chuckling, I changed into my swim trunks and walked over to Logan.

"Logan! Wake up!" I said, shaking him. He mumbled and rolled over, causing me to laugh. "Come on. We're going to the lake. The guys are there and if we don't get there soon, they'll bring the lake to us. Literally."

"Fine. But that bitch isn't there, is she?" he asked, looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

"Nope, just the guys ... Will, Seamus, and Greg. No one else, I promise," I said, offering him a hand. Logan took it and stood up, heading for his bags. He stopped mid step and turned to face me.

"I didn't bring trunks," he said, looking at me cautiously. I pointed to the dresser and he looked in the first drawer. "You keep extra?" Logan asked, slipping into a pair.

"Always had to. Greg always lost his in the lake. If we were to go diving in the lake, we'd probably find a few dozen pairs of swim trunks," I said, causing both of us to chuckle. We walked out of my room and downstairs.

Upon arriving at the bottom of the staircase, we were met by my parents and Chase. "Boy are at the lake," my mother said, barely giving us a second thought.

"We're on our way there," I said, heading for the door. I was stopped by Chase.

"Can I come? Mom said I couldn't go unless you were there," he said, looking at me with nothing but hope that I would say yes.

"Go change. We'll wait for you," I said, Chase cheering as he quickly ran upstairs to change.

"Does he really have to go? I feel weird enough around the others," Logan whispered, causing me to look at him.

"Logan, listen. He's my brother. And he rarely ever went with me to the lake because I didn't want to be bothered bringing along a 8 year old. Plus, he is better than the others. You just got to take time to get to him," I whispered back, causing Logan to sigh in defeat.

A few minutes later, Chase, Logan and I were heading for the lake where the others were calling out obscenities while swinging off the rope in which was conveniently hung from a nearby tree.

We quietly made our way towards the rope, making sure the others never caught site of us. "Chase, you first," I whispered, watching as his face screamed horror. "It's scary at first, but once you break surface, you'll want to do it again." He nodded as he grabbed the rope. I helped him up into the tree to the closest limb. He looked down at me and I motioned for him to do it.

"Calling at idiots! Look out below!" Chase screamed as he pushed off from the tree and swung, doing a flip mid-air before splashing in the water.

"Logan, you next," I said, grabbing the rope.

"I-I'm afraid of heights," Logan said, shaking his head.

"Tarzan," I said, grabbing his hand.

"What?" he asked, looking confused. I smiled warmly.

"Hang on to me, I'll climb us up," I said, watching as he cautiously wrapped his arms around my neck. Slowly, yet steadily, I climbed up the rope with Logan hanging on for dear life. Reaching the top, we stood up and saw the others splashing Chase like mad. "Get behind me and hold on," I whispered, immediately feeling arms around my neck.

"No flips please," Logan pleaded, his voice shaking. I nodded as I pushed from the limb and let go, diving head first as I heard Logan scream.