Status: active:)

More Than Rain

Meet my boy

My mother’s words flooded and swirled through my head.
One minute I was over Joel and happily taken by Samuel the next I’m back at my starting point not knowing my next move.
Did Samuel have anything to worry about?
I reassured myself that Samuel was the guy for me and that Joel had nothing on him…besides even if I had eyes for Joel, Joel had no eyes for me.
So I brushed my worries away.

I fell asleep with not a worry left in mind and was woken up by my brother Jason around noon.
“Camden get up!” he shook.
I rolled away from him and tucked my head under my covers and groaned. “No,”
“Camden…”he growled.”Sam is here for you and mom is downstairs most likely embarrassing you as we speak..”
My eyes shot open. “Noooooo!” I yelled.
I kicked my covers off my body, pushed my brother out of the way and flew to the kitchen.
I reached my mom and Samuel sitting at the table chatting over coffee.
They stopped talking at my entrance so I had no clue just what or how bad my mom had embarrassed me yet.
“Good morning sleepy head,” my mom chuckled.
Samuel chuckled too.”Morning babe…uh nice pajama’s,”
I looked down at my pajama’s.
I was wearing a Jack Daniel’s tee shirt and sponge-bob pants, with fuzzy slippers and my hair matted to my face.
“Ahhhhhhh…you do not see me like this!” I yelled and raced back to my room.
I grabbed a brush and quickly ran it through my hair and then I tore my pants off and threw on some jean shorts.
I didn’t bother changing my Jack Daniel’s shirt so I just left it on.

I ran back to the kitchen and took a seat next to Samuel.
“So what are you doing here?” I asked.
“Just wanted to hang out…just you and me….and maybe meet your mom,” he chuckled.
“Oh god,” I mumbled.
My mom rolled her eyes. “I’m not that bad…besides I’ve been wanting to meet this boyfriend of your’s..he’s a cutie,”
I blushed. “Um you said you wanted to hang? Uh let’s go grab some brunch!”
I grabbed Samuel and drug him to his car so my mom could no longer embarrass me.
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Sorry it's short....and super late!!!!
Gahhhhh new mibba is just confusing and sucky and I miss the old one!