Status: active:)

More Than Rain

A mistake is a lesson learned...right?

My brother and Joel had become best friends over the three months Joel had moved here.
Despite them being completely different .
My brother being a girl obsessed ,annoying, loud,rude, barely caring, idiotic pig and Joel being a quiet, caring, respectable, smart, sensitive, creative sweetheart.
I can’t complain that Joel and my brother were friends though because it did get him over at our house and give me the opportunity to see Joel in all his glory.

“So when are you expecting her?” my brother questioned.
I crept closer to the couch were Joel and my brother were playing video games.
Who was her?
Was Joel expecting her?
Oh man I bet it was his girlfriend.
What was her name again?
Eh who cares?
Not me.
“Tomorrow evening. My mom is going with me to pick her up from the airport, cause my dad can’t stand her.” Joel said, answering Jason’s question.
“Oh so your mom likes her then?” Jason asked, not taking his eyes off the video game.
“Oh no, she doesn’t like her either but she puts up with her for me.” Joel said.
“Oh. Well why do your parents dislike her so much?” my brother said, finally giving Joel eye contact.
I waited for Joel’s response.
Why did his parent’s dislike his girlfriend?
How could they dislike Joel’s girlfriend if she was as perfect as Joel?
Maybe she wasn’t , maybe I just made her out to be.
Joel sighed heavily but finally spoke.
“My parents think she is a little…easy going, if you know what I mean?” Joel said.
Oh my god, Joel’s girlfriend was a slut!
Well I was totally wrong about Joel.
He wasn’t some innocent , classy guy.
He was just like…like…like…my brother!
“Man you must be lucky” my brother smirked.
Joel chuckled, as my brother patted his back.

I scoffed out loud and walked past the two of them and into my bedroom.
“What’s with you Camden? Can’t stand that Joel actually has a sex life and you don’t?” my brother laughed.
I rolled my eyes and stopped in my tracks.
I turned around and faced my brother and Joel’s laughing faces.
“I don’t need a fucking sex life you twit, I’m trying to stay clear of being some kind of slut, and getting std’s. Most of all I’m trying to stay clear of pigs like you two!”I spat.
And with that I stomped off to my room.
I had just called Joel a pig.
And I don’ know if I should feel good about it or bad because I could possibly be wrong about him being a pig.
Well whatever.
A mistake is a lesson learned…right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Man this story is picking up quickly, so thank you guys! :D

Amy- allstar weekend
Annabelle- a rocket to the moon
Perfect two- auburn
Bad- the cab
Best I ever had- gary allen
Body language- jesse mccartney