We Rule the Wreckage

Colby was the only thing Lucy had. That isn't an exaggeration. Lucy doesn't have a penny to her name. She doesn't have any shoes on he feet. Sometimes she finds a sock or two if she's lucky. Lucy and Colby have been living on the streets for longer than anyone could count, having nothing but each other. They only showed up in Blue Springs a few months ago. They're the city's own pair of homeless folk, and they're convinced they're alone in the small town. Most homeless wander towards large cities where there's a larger chance someone will give them money, but Lucy and Colby wandered into Blue Springs seeming to have a purpose for doing so, but none knew what it was.

This is a one-shot for the contest Apples to Stories by Miss Velveteen
  1. Inside the Wreckage
    2,296 words