I Remember When... (Letters to my Ex-Boyfriend)

Our First Real Date

You texted me asking me if I’d like to get dinner and see a movie with you sometime. Of course, I said yes. I was ecstatic. The only thing I was not looking forward to was asking my parents if I could go with you. I had never told them about you before, even though I had already met your parents. Being the afraid girl I was, I texted my mom one day while she was at work asking her if I could go on a date with you. She asked who you were and where I met you. I told her I met you at band camp, although you had never really been at band camp. Her next question was the one that frightened me, because she wanted to know how old you were. I was only a sophomore at the time and you were a senior. Not just a senior, but a senior that had been held back in second grade for stupid reasons so you should have been a freshman in college. But instead of saying all that, I just told her you were a senior and I was a sophomore so it was only like two years older. In reality I was 15 and you were 18, almost 19.

My mom said yes in the end and I was so happy. I could not lie to her about where I was going for once! The night before our date was a meteor shower so I spent the night at my other best friends house, Sara. It was like a small party with one of her close friend Kaitlyn, and the new girl in town, Desiree. I used the party as a chance to figure out what I was going to wear on my date so I brought all of my cutest shirts, jeans, shorts, and skirts. I showed them all the choices and had them pick what was the best for me to wear. They ended up picking a white shirt with ruffles and pink flowers and a lacy back and a jean skirt with pink flip flops. Dressy and cute, but not too formal for dinner and a movie.

I left early the next day from the party so I could take a shower and have time to get ready. I straightened my long blonde hair and did my makeup, a smokey blue eye to bring out my blue eyes. I sprayed my favorite perfume, Twilight Woods, that you had complimented me on the smell before. I was ready before you said you would pick me up but apparently so were you because you came by early, like an hour before the movie. I was about to go out to your red Ford truck but my dad told me you had to come in and meet him.

You were fine with it, and so was I, it was just nerve racking. My dad had never met a boy I liked before. He shook your hand and exchanged some small talk. My dad looked pleased enough so I took you and got the Hell out of there. When we got to your truck I was surprised it wasn’t your red one. You explained how you asked your step dad to borrow it for our date because it was much nicer than your red one. This one was blue and not rusty. The inside was clean and I noticed it was stick shift. You drove it alright, but you were not the best at driving stick shift. But who was I to judge? I couldn’t drive stick either.

We went to the movies first to see Inception. You bought the tickets and since we were so early we went into the little food place in the theater to just pass time and talk. We talked about random things, my siblings, your siblings. Your job, my hobbies, your hobbies. It was awkward but good. We went into the theater when it was time for the movie and held hands through the whole thing. My hand fell asleep by the end, but it was a good feeling just to be holding your hand. I didn’t care about how uncomfortable it got and how I was afraid to move my hand. I just liked being with you and I remember wanting to be closer to you. I wanted to you to kiss me but I doubted that would happen in the theater. I was hoping for it when you dropped me off at home.

After the movie we went to Logan’s Steak House. Steak. On the first date. You were really treating me like a princess. It took a while for us to get a seat but we did eventually. It was a booth and we sat across from each other. I could see windows behind you, the sun was setting. You looked nervous and I know I probably did, too. The waitress came by to take our drink orders and she asked us if she had seen us here before. We awkwardly shook our heads, no. I’m sure she could tell it was our first date alone. I wished that we were not alone. We were not supposed to be, Jacelyn and Dall were supposed to come with us but something came up. I just wished they were there so we could have something more to talk about.

I ordered a steak salad and he ordered a big steak. I had never really been big on steak before but I figured it would not be cute to get chicken fingers and French fries. The waitress brought me the wrong dressing for my salad so I ate it dry. I could not count how many times I wished I was not so shy and nervous. I was just afraid to talk too much about myself and I didn’t know what to as you. I wanted you to like me so badly. After we ate you got a text from Adam saying they were going to The Ally which was the bowling ally by the theater we were at earlier. You asked if I wanted to go with you and I said sure.

When we got there it was packed. I don’t think Adam thought it would be that crowded so we decided not to really bowl but just hang out. So we sat and talked for a bit before you took me home. You walked me to my door and gave me a hug. Sara had told me that if you didn’t kiss me tonight, it would be really lame because we had hung out for a couple weeks before this date. I was hoping you would kiss me, because isn’t that what your supposed to do after a date? You didn’t kiss me, though. I was disappointed but somehow knew that there would be more chances for you to kiss me. I went inside and listened to my favorite song over and over again after our date. I loved that night.