This Could Be The Luckiest Day Of Your Life

This Could Be The Luckiest Day Of Your Life - One

Right, okay here’s the part where I tell you about me. My name is Libbie and I’m 20 years old. I’m a pretty normal person and I currently work in a music equipment store in New Jersey with my best friend, Marissa.

“Libbie, hello?” Marissa waved her hand in front of my face, “You okay?”

I lost my train of thought and snapped back into reality, damn reality sucks. I glanced around the room to find guitars, microphones and other pieces of music equipment. Oh that’s just great; I can’t even remember my own shop! My blond hair fell in front of eyes so I brushed it aside and looked at my best friend.

“Yeah I’m fine, just really bored. Why doesn’t anything exciting ever happen to us,” I asked.

Marissa shrugged, “Its New Jersey, nothing EVER exciting happens here.”

“I suppose.” I sighed and looked down at my holey shoes, mm looks like I need new shoes. I’ll get some more later.

“LIBBIE! You gotta stop zoning out, look I’m gonna get you some coffee so you can at least stay awake for our customers,” Marissa grabbed her coat and walked out of the shop.

Starbucks is about a 10 minute walk away so she won’t be back for a while; guess I better do something productive. I walked around the shop and began to rearrange some of the guitars. I picked up a Gibson Les Paul and began to play a tune, which happened to be “Skylines and Turnstiles.”

“Hey, that’s a good tune. You’re pretty awesome guitarist”

I gasped and turned to face the customer and….

It was none other than Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance.

I smiled and felt my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink, I can’t believe it, Gerard Way is in MY music store giving ME a compliment. Okay keep it cool, don’t do something stupid when the hottest guy in rock is standing right in front of you.

“Oh my god! Um thanks, well actually thank you.” I lost all feeling in my fingers so I dropped the guitar on my toes. “FUCK!” I fell to the floor, rubbing my toes.

Gerard came running over and picked it up from the floor. He placed it back onto the stand and kneeled next to me, “Shit! Are you alright?” I tried to hide the tears, but that damn guitar really crushed my toes so a single tear fell down my cheek.

“Uh huh, I’ll be okay.” I gave a weak smile. Gerard didn’t agree, so he picked me up bridal style and placed me on the counter. I giggled as he untied my shoe, “Uh, what are you doing?”

He looked into my pale blue eyes and smiled, “I just want to see if your foot is alright,” he slid the shoe off my foot and placed it on the floor. His pale hands brushed my skin and made me giggle, “I think your foot will be fine.”

“Thank you,” I smiled and put my shoe back on. “So, what do you nee…”

“EXCUSE ME?! Can I have some service over here,” some angry customer shouted from the amplifier section.

“Yes sure, I’ll be right there,” I gave the customer silent curses and looked at Gerard, “Sorry, I gotta take care of this customer, I’ll be right back.”

“No it’s okay, I’ve gotta take off and get some skittles for Frank, so I’ll see you around?”

“I guess so,” I smiled as he walked out of the shop. I took care of the angry customer who eventually bought a Marshall amplifier. Marissa walked in just as he was walking out of the door.

“OH MY GOD, you’ll never guess who I just saw… Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance.” Marissa giggled.

“Um yeah I know, he was in here a couple of minutes ago,” Marissa’s mouth formed a little "o" shape.


“Yeah, he came in as I was playing “Skylines and Turnstiles” and I dropped the guitar on my foot,” I turned pink again, “Then he was really sweet and checked to see if I hurt my foot but this guy came in and ruined the moment.”

“Grrr! Oh well, he’ll be back though, right?”

“I dunno, I hope he does,” I replied, a smile reaching across my cheeks.


For the next few days, Marissa wasn't in the shop as she was visiting her parents in Seattle for the weekend. Gerard returned to the shop everyday, just browsing at the equipment. He flashed me little looks and gave his heavenly smiles. My heart melted inside everytime this happened and i knew my face was never going to be white again. We had our little conversations and I swear he was flirting with me.

"So, I never got your name," Gerard asked casually.

"It's Libbie."

"Mm Libbie, what a beautiful name," his hazel eyes glistened at the mention of my name.

We talked for a few hours about anything and everything until all the customers filed out of the shop - it was closing time.

"So, I gotta lock up, do you wanna stay for a coffee or something?" I asked, hoping for the perfect answer.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to ," he smiled at me as i headed to the door and bolted it.

Gerard came behind me and put his hands on my hips, slowly caressing the skin. The pale hands travelled around my body and onto my stomach, his fingers drawing little circles on the skin.

I turned around and our faces were within centimeters of each other. I felt the heavy breathing on my forehead as he travelled down my face. Eventually his lips connected with mine with a soft tender kiss. He pulled away after a couple of seconds with a smile on his face. I took control and pressed my lips against his, my tongue rolling along his bottom lip, begging for entrance which he gave me. Our tongues wrestled for dominance until we needed to breathe.

I bit my lip and Gerard grinned at me, his strong arms swooped me off the ground into another bridal position. He carried me upstairs into my apartment, above the shop and took me into the bedroom. He placed me on the floor and began to unzip my hoodie and i did his. Shortly afterwards we were both stood naked in the middle of the room, so i guided him to the bed. I laid on the covers as he ran his hands up my pale skin, taking in every detail.

"Gerard, stop teasing me," I giggled as he kissed my chest.

He bit his lip, "Okay."

He needed no further persuasion and he inserted his member into me. I grabbed the top of the bed, starting to moan.

"Oh Gee, harder... HARDER."

Gerard did as he was commanded and thrusted in and out, the hard sex causing me to scream his name.

"I'm almost there!" He peaked and removed the package. I lay panting on the bed and pulled him close to me. We kissed passionately, our rough tongues obviously not exhausted from the session. After what seemed like a life-time he pulled me close to him and we fell asleep.


When we woke up the next day, I had to open the shop, so Gerard followed me downstairs. I unbolted the door and turned the sign to say "Open".

"Right, I'm gonna go get some coffee," Gerard said, kissing my neck,"I'll be right back."
He grabbed his coat and headed for Starbucks. A couple of minutes later the door opened, it was Marissa with her suitcases.

"HI LIBBIE!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around me ,"Wait, you have hickeys on your neck, and you have a men's shirt on, what happened whilst I was away?"

I looked at the ground and smiled, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! This story is dedicated to Eisley_Moss56 who requested me to write this one-shot, so this is for her.
This is my first one-shot posted on here.... well my first story altogether come to that, so be brutal if you have to.
Comments are VERY well appreciated and I'll love you forever
Treats for all
Evelyn Way
x x x x x